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The Information School of the University of Washington Florida State University School of Information Studies 2003-4 Epps Lecture Fulfilling Our Destiny From Library to Information School Mike Eisenberg, Dean The Information School University of Washington January 30, 2004
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Agenda 1.From There to Here –Trends in higher education –Implications and impact for library and information science –Critical mass and approach 2.Attributes of schools of information –Overall Attributes –Research –Academic programs –Outreach –Administration 3.The information school movement and some thoughts about librarianship 4.Summary and Q & A
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Change Calvin says, “I thrive on making other people change.”
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Technology
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Technology
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 The Traditional Library School One degree program - professional master’s Small numbers –students <200 –faculty <10 –staff <5 –budget <$1 million Low, or even no visibility - on campus and in the broader community Inadequate space and facilities Low research profile and funding Low level of gifts and fund-raising Core constituency (library field) is often disgruntled and minimally supportive
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 The Reality of Higher Education Today The research imperative: produce or perish. For academic programs, there is no free lunch. If not high impact, at least high visibility. Fund raising – who loves ya, baby? Big (or at least critical mass) is beautiful. While not futile it’s still feudal.
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 The Result for Library Schools Closings (although not as many as you might think, particularly in recent years). Move to one of many departments in a larger unit (e.g., liberal arts). Merger with another unit (communications, computer science, education) Expansion, continued independence, success and flourishing!
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 FTE Master’s Students in ALA Accredited Programs 1992/938348 1993/9410015 1994/958542 1995/968187 1996/977987 1997/987783 1998/997571 1999/008186 2000/019035 2001/029858 18% increase Data Provided By ALA Office of Accreditation, Jan. 2004
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 The Independent Information School Critical Mass Programs on all levels – bachelors, masters, doctorate Visibility-on campus & in the broader community; support by the library community 300-500 students 15-20 faculty, 5-10 staff $2-3 million annual budget $1+ million annually in research funding $1 million annual fund-raising; permanent endowment includes funded chairs State-of-the-art facilities and space
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 The Independent Information School Critical Understandings and Approaches Recognize the politics, pressures, and priorities of higher education today. Embody collaboration (on campus, in the community, and in the field). “Bake more pies.” Be creative and entrepreneurial. Gain a “can- and will-do” reputation. Have a clear sense of where you are and where you want to be. Strive for identity, visibility and brand.
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Agenda 1.From There to Here –Trends in higher education –Implications and impact for library and information science –Critical mass and approach 2.Attributes of schools of information –Overall Attributes –Research –Academic programs –Outreach –Administration 3.The information school movement and some thoughts about librarianship 4.Summary and Q & A
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Example – The UW iSchool Reputation – innovative and ambitious –The iSchool “gets things done” –Use diverse funding models –Leads in effective and efficient use of IT –Innovative in distance learning –A team-player Active research agenda - involves the full range of faculty and many students across all programs Committed to undergraduate and graduate education Celebrate the professional and the academic Collaborative –research –academic programs –service and outreach –management and problem-solving
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Overall Attributes User-focused; value people. Broad-based. Celebrate the professional and the academic. Innovative, entrepreneurial, risk-taking. Committed to meaningful work--to making a difference. View problems as opportunities; e.g., the information society is a mess – yippee!
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Example – The UW iSchool A broad-based, inclusive, global information school. Noted for collaboration, high quality, and high impact. The Information School of the University of Washington
M. Eisenberg 2004 Research Broad-based & inclusive Across all faculty Theoretical and applied Collaborative (within faculty, across campus, and with colleagues nationally) Involves students on all levels
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 “We look at the world through information-colored glasses.” Common Binding Perspective
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 The Information Perspective think information focus on people help people learn We all
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Research Areas biomedical informatics cataloging – conceptualization, use, and design classification cognitive work analysis computer-supported cooperative work electronic government design methods for systems and information digital libraries digital reference human-computer interaction human information behavior information ethics information literacy for life- long learning information management information and quality of life information policy information retrieval information services information technology management information and system dynamics information systems for children and young adults
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Research Areas intellectual property interaction design international aspects of information systems knowledge management knowledge organization natural language processing networks – technology, community, and society organizational impacts of information systems organizational learning organizational sustainability personal information management philosophy & theory of information and library privacy rights school and public library services for children and young adults socio-technical analyses of information systems text and data-mining user centered design & evaluation of information systems value sensitive design
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 A Sample of iSchool Research A New Learning Opportunity for Librarians: The K-12 Library Initiative (Marcoux, PI) –professional development and "tool kit" of instructional resources for transforming school library media programs. Keeping Found Things Found (Bruce, Jones, Eisenberg, PIs) –Once found, how are things organized for re-access and re-use later on? Improving Information Interactions Online (Ivory-Ndiaye, PI) –Apporaches to to automate the evaluation of information-centric Web interfaces are being investigated as part of the WebTango project. The Center for Human-Information Interaction (Fidel, Mai PIs) –Information systems and technology development based on understanding how humans interact with information. Focused on human-information interaction in the workplace, using the Cognitive Work Analysis framework. Technology in Transition: The Cooperative Appropriation of Wireless Networking (McDonald, PI) –How the Seattle Wireless Network(SWN) group overcomes challenges to develop a public access wireless network? Focused on the collaborative activity among the group, relations with other community organizations.
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Research Program: Active Funded Projects September 2002 23 September 2003 27
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Last 6 Months 15 proposals submitted 12 funded 8 in process (this month) 4 in development Almost all tenure-track faculty represented NSF, IMLS, corporate
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Research Programs: Expenditures FYs 92-97 FY 98FY 99FY 00FY 01FY 02FY 03FY 04 (est.) 51,21254,85889,377168,156664,182956,0031,941,6782,100,000
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Undergraduate Research Symposium 54% of graduating Informatics majors participated = 14/26 30% of ALL Informatics majors participated = 21/69 2 presentations 10 poster sessions
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Undergraduate Research Symposium Presentations Andy E-Sok Hong and Anthony Bigalbal, “Making Environmental Policy: Human-Centered Analysis of Knowledge Sharing between Cross Functional Groups.” –Faculty Sponsors: H. Bruce and Oyler Ann Hendrickson and Anna Stolyar, “Physiological Effects of Viewing a Plasma Display ‘Window’.” –Faculty Sponsors: Kahn and Friedman Poster sessions - 10 –Key Faculty Sponsors: Hendry and McDonald
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Academic Programs: Broad-based, across all levels BS in Informatics Master of Library & Information Science MS in Information Management PhD in Information Science Certificate and Outreach Programs
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Academic Programs: Enrollment Program98/9999/0000/0101/0202/0303/04 Informatics275670 MLIS187191178175148168 MLIS-eve758510296 Dist. MLIS3770 MSIM316963 PhD4121523 TOTAL187191284359441490
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Academic Programs: Projected Enrollment Program03/0404/0505/0606/07 Informatics70140 MLIS (day)168160150 MLIS (evening)9670350 MLIS (distance)70105140200 MSIM (exec)636870 MSIM (day)-- 3570 PhD23303540 DLIM-- 1020 TOTAL490573615690
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Academic Programs: Also Being Considered (Long-Term) Service courses –develop INFO 101: Information in Society Certificate programs –group Master’s level certificate programs into a professional degree offering –combine MSIM core and one or more specializations into a professional degree Degree programs –collaborative information management effort with the Evans School of Public Affairs
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Campus Computer Science & Engineering Biomedical and Health Informatics University Libraries Education Partnerships and Learning Technologies Cell Systems Initiative (CSI) Department of Geography Philosophy Department Computing & Communications UW Educational Outreach Evans School of Public Affairs Technical Communications School of Art IT Resource Sharing Group (small schools and colleges) Community Washington Research Foundation School Districts: Seattle, Lake Washington, Shoreline, Marysville (and numerous others) Washington State Library Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation First Place Schools OCLC Seattle Public Library, KCLS, and numerous other public and academic libraries Seattle Society for Information Management (SIM) Service and Outreach
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Status in the Community Private Sector –iSchool Connection – connecting the information industry with faculty and students through projects, meetings and presentations –Chief Information Officer (CIO) outreach project –Placement of graduates Public Sector –Library connections Involved with professional organizations in WA, OR, MT, AK Washington State Library Regular contact with Northwest Library Directors –Educational Partnerships - faculty involvement Fisher and Marcoux Sutton, Saxton, Marcoux, L. Bruce Louis Fox
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Community Examples First Place School – Lorraine Bruce Washington Library Association – President’s Award 2003 – Michael Eisenberg Washington Library Media Association – President’s Award 2003 – Betty Marcoux
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Administration Not a dirty word. The art and science of making dreams come true Requires buy-in and participation by all members of the community.
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Administration
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Administration Faculty Processes, Policies & Procedures Budget Development Facilities Administrative Support
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Processes Changes in Structure and Staff Student Services –staff restructuring –hiring new staff (Student Services Administrator, Program Assistant, Graduate Program Assistant) Research –research processes and information –Roosevelt Commons facility Information Technology –discussing collaboration with other small schools and colleges Development and Community Relations –External Relations position –restructuring
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Processes Planning & Decision-Making Planning Days and Retreats –2 Day Retreat (Fall) – All Staff and Faculty –Curriculum Planning Day (Winter Quarter) –Research Planning Day (Spring Quarter) Faculty Meetings Staff Meetings Elected Faculty Council Deans and Chairs (Kitchen Cabinet)
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Budget State Support Start-up and seed Grants and contracts Fee-based MSIM Distance MLIS Evening MLIS Certificates Gifts and donations
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 FY 01FY 02FY 03 # of Donors$ of Gifts# of Donors $ of Gifts# of Donors $ of Gifts Alumni55737,229529 38,08838030,382 Corporations10 70,77514 33,6952197,519 Faculty/Staff/ Students13 1,14718 2,560245,094 Friends/Parents45 2,97965 1,553455,975 Foundations3 142,2488 197,9566175,832 Organizations3 2505 3,004928,837 Total 631254,628639276,856485343,639 Development Without 4 Major Gifts
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Agenda 1.From There to Here –Trends in higher education –Implications and impact for library and information science –Critical mass and approach 2.Attributes of schools of information –Overall Attributes –Research –Academic programs –Outreach –Administration 3.The information school movement and some thoughts about librarianship 4.Summary and Q & A
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 The Information School “Movement” Share common vision, concerns and issues, opportunities. Supportive and collaborative – committed to working together. Information School Deans (iSchool Deans) – originally 5, now 9, next ? Other key associations –Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) –Computing Research Association (CRA) IT Deans Professional associations –American Library Association (ALA) –American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIST) –Association for Information Management (AIM) –Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) –Society for Information Management (SIM)
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Some Information School Friends Drexel University Florida State University University of Illinois Urbana Champaign University of Michigan University of North Carolina Chapel Hill University of Pittsburgh Syracuse University University of Texas University of Washington
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Librarianship Thriving in information schools Enrollment is up Status is high Inclusive – traditional areas and new opportunities
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Michigan Perspective “From the start, the leadership of the School of Information was very concerned that taking library out of the title must not result in taking library out of the school.” Unpublished Email Communication John Leslie King, Dean and Professor, School of Information, University of Michigan, January 2004.
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 UW Example Beverly Cleary Chair in Children’s and Youth Services Fund-raising for new endowed chair at the Information School Our most distinguished alum Promoting children’s and youth services in libraries and communities Representing our commitment to children’s and youth services.
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 How Some View of Libraries PASSIVE – STATIC REPOSITORY OF DATED INFORMATION A PLACE OPTIONAL OR OBSOLETE
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 How We View Libraries ACTIVE – DYNAMIC MEET TRADITIONAL NEEDS & THE NEW WITH QUALITY, TIMELY CONTENT VIRTUAL – PHYSICAL – 24/7 ESSENTIAL PEOPLE-FOCUSED
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Library BooksTechnology It’s not print vs. digital
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 It’s not air vs. water AirWater Life
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Technology
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 “Any teacher that can be replaced by technology… should be!” Paul Welliver, Penn State
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 “Any librarian that can be replaced by technology… should be!”
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 For the Library Field Just one opportunity (of many) to consider…
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 The World Wide Web
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004Library Carefully selected, managed and organized system of: Information Services Information Resources Information Facilities
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Opportunity to Consider vs.
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Agenda 1.From There to Here –Trends in higher education –Implications and impact for library and information science –Critical mass and approach 2.Attributes of schools of information –Overall Attributes –Research –Academic programs –Outreach –Administration 3.The information school movement and some thoughts about librarianship 4.Summary and Q & A
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Summary The library school model was not sustainable in the reality of higher education today…and tomorrow. The information school model is inclusive, broad- based, with the potential for high impact, leadership, and …fun! Librarianship is thriving, valued, and growing and in information schools. For people who share an information view of the world, this is our destiny.
The Information School of the University of Washington M. Eisenberg 2004 Agenda 1.From There to Here –Trends in higher education –Implications and impact for library and information science –Critical mass and approach 2.Attributes of schools of information –Overall Attributes –Research –Academic programs –Outreach –Administration 3.The information school movement and some thoughts about librarianship 4.Summary and Q & A
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