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Android Mobile Application By Tony Pagaduan

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Presentation on theme: "Android Mobile Application By Tony Pagaduan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Android Mobile Application By Tony Pagaduan

2 SQLite DB Implementation

3 Copy to Excel Spreadsheet SSA Life Expectancy Table Excel Spreadsheet

4 Creating SQLite DB  SQLite Database Browser Free Software Written in Java

5 Formatting SQLite DB  Primary Key of table must be called ‘_id’  Must create additional Android metadata table

6 Placing SQLite DB into Project  Place SQLite file into Assets Folder

7 Copying SQLite file to Android System  Every time App is opened Checks if a database exists on Android System If not: The SQLite file is copied from Assets Folder to the Android System ○ Using ByteSteam Operations ○ SQLite file coping process happens only once

8 Requesting Data from SQLite DB  Defined Class DataBaseHelper Extended from SQLiteOpenHelper  Simple SQL Query  “SELECT _id, male FROM life WHERE _id = 22”

9 Updated Life Clock Calculation  Everyone is familiar with using “78.4” years with their project, instead use getLifeExp function  getLifeExp( age, gender ) returns specific life expectancy  Add/Apply new life expectancy years to current date instead of birthdate

10 New Additions to Life Clock  Animated Pie Chart Utilizes Threads and Handlers Operations Thread sends a message to Handler every 1/10 second Handler ReDraws Pie Chart Every ReDraw : DrawArc is increased by 20 degrees until 360 is reached

11 New Additions to Life Clock  Menu Button Need to define an XML layout ○ Put xml file into “menu” folder Override Functions in Activity ○ onCreateOptionsMenu ○ onOptionsItemSelected On Selection it creates a Dialog

12 New Additions to Life Clock  Alert Dialog Dialog Builder is created Set a Message Set an OK Button Show dialog

13 New Additions to Life Clock  Haptic Feedback Phone Vibrates upon Calculation Utilizes Vibrate Operation ○ Need to set Vibrate Permissions in AndroidManifest.xml ○ Function vibrate(20 milliseconds);

14 New Additions to Life Clock  Shake to Calculate Shake phone to start calculations Utilizes Accelerometer ○ Set a Listener in SensorManager ○ Gravity is always acting on phone ○ Must calculate change in momentum If momentum is greater than 5 units: start calculation

15 Life Clock Demo

16 Life Clock The End Thank You Please Visit for more information

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