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Opto Harness FDR 19/10/01 T. Weidberg1 Opto Harness FDR Scope and aims of review, system overview Available documentation Status of Project & Schedule.

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Presentation on theme: "Opto Harness FDR 19/10/01 T. Weidberg1 Opto Harness FDR Scope and aims of review, system overview Available documentation Status of Project & Schedule."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opto Harness FDR 19/10/01 T. Weidberg1 Opto Harness FDR Scope and aims of review, system overview Available documentation Status of Project & Schedule Prototype results Barrel and Forward harnesses –Definitions –Assembly and Test procedures Outstanding Issues

2 Opto Harness FDR 19/10/01 T. Weidberg2 ATLAS SCT Opto-links

3 Opto Harness FDR 19/10/01 T. Weidberg3 Scope and Aims Review concepts for entire system –Electrical and optical services for barrel and forward SCT. Look at prototype results Review proposed procedures for –Assembly of barrel and forward harnesses –Test –Mounting on barrels and disks. –QA

4 Opto Harness FDR 19/10/01 T. Weidberg4 Documentation Aim to have full documentation on EDMS. –Common items –Barrel Harness –Forward Harness Availability : –green – available now –Purple – required for PRR or later –Red - still missing.

5 Opto Harness FDR 19/10/01 T. Weidberg5 SCT Link Common Items(1) Opto-Electronics 1.VCSEL (Taiwan) ATL-IS-TR-0004 2.PINs (Birmingham) ATL-IS-TR-0005 –ASICS 3.VDC (TW) ATL-IS-ES-0044 4.DORIC4A (TW) ATL-IS-ES-0043 5.DRX (TW) ATL-IS-ES-0045 6.BPM12 (TW) ATL-IS-ES-0046 –Off-Detector 7.PIN array (Taiwan) ATL-IS-ES-0051 8.VCSEL array (Taiwan) ATL-IS-ES-0052 9.(BOC card ???– Cambridge) –Fibres and Connectors 10.Rad-hard fibre specs (TW) ATL-IS-ES-0048 11.MT connector, spring clips and Infineon connectors (JM) ATL-IS-ES- 0053

6 Opto Harness FDR 19/10/01 T. Weidberg6 SCT Link Common Items(2) Protective cable (CM) Adhesives (JM) ATL-IS-ES-0054 PP2 1.Fibre connections (JF) 2.Cable connections (AN) Qualification Testing (SG) ATL-IS-ES-0055 Database (CM & TW) ATL-IS-AT-0007 (what data is stored and how)

7 Opto Harness FDR 19/10/01 T. Weidberg7 Barrel Harness (1) Requirements and specifications (TW) ATL-IS-ES-0049 Harness definition and interfaces (AN & JF) ATL-IS-AT-0008 (This includes drawings and tables with geometrical specs, fibre lengths and low mass tape lengths up to PPB1.). Design Information 1.barrel opto-packages (Taiwan) ATL-IS-AT-0009 2.Dog-legs, redundancy links and interface PCBs (MJ & TW) ATL-IS-ES-0047 3.Low mass tapes (Ljubljana) ATL-IS-AT-0013 4.Harness screening and grounding (AN & MM) ATL-IS-ES- 0056 5.PPB1 for fibres and low mass tapes (AN & Ljubljana) ATL-IS- ES-0057 6.PPB1 to PP2 cable and fibre lengths (AN & JF)

8 Opto Harness FDR 19/10/01 T. Weidberg8 Barrel Harness (2) Prototype results 1.Results for prototype barrel harness (module-1s and module0s) (CM) ATL-IS-TR-0006 Production and Testing 1.Test and assembly flow chart (CM and JM) ATL-IS-AP-0055 2.Results for prototype barrel harness (module-1s and module0s) (CM) ATL-IS-TR-0006 3.Detailed assembly and test instructions (Taiwan) 4.Tests at RAL on receipt of harness (TW) ATL-IS-ES-0058 5.Installation on barrels (JM) ATL-IS-AP-0058

9 Opto Harness FDR 19/10/01 T. Weidberg9 Forward Harness (1) Requirements and specifications (TW) ATL-IS-ES-0063 Harness definition and interfaces (JT and JN) ATL-IS-AT-0011 (This includes drawings and tables with fibre lengths up to PP0.) Design Information 1.Forward SCT opto-packages (Taiwan) ATL-IS-ES-0059 2.PPF0 (JT) ATL-IS-EN-0010 3.PPF0 to PP2 cable and fibre lengths. Prototype results 1.Results for prototype forward fibre harness (CM) ATL-IS-TR-0007

10 Opto Harness FDR 19/10/01 T. Weidberg10 Forward Harness (2) Production and Testing 1.Test and assembly flow chart (CM and JM) ATL-IS-AP-0056 2.Detailed assembly and test instructions (Taiwan) 3.Tests at RAL on receipt of harness (TW) ATL-IS-ES-0060 4.Installation on disks (JM) ATL-IS-AP-0057

11 Opto Harness FDR 19/10/01 T. Weidberg11 Project Status 4 module-1 barrel harnesses assembled and used successfully at the system test at CERN. New designs exist for larger round cooling pipe. Key test: thermal performance. Barrel 3  RAL in April ’02.  start harness production Jan. ’02. Six forward fibre harnesses assembled.

12 Opto Harness FDR 19/10/01 T. Weidberg12 Prototype –1 Barrel Harness for old round cooling pipe 6 opto-flex cables with opto-package & ASICs 6 sets low mass tapes

13 Opto Harness FDR 19/10/01 T. Weidberg13 Opto-flex & Round Cooling Pipe New opto-flex designs compatible with barrel drawings. Checked with mechanical dummies on UCL barrel model. Clearance of 1.27 mm to silicon. Thermal Management –Transfers heat from opto ASICs to cooling block via AlN and Cu layer in flex.. –FEA ok –Need to confirm with measurements.. 30 mm Space for opto- package+ ASICs

14 Opto Harness FDR 19/10/01 T. Weidberg14 Outstanding Issues(1) Verify thermal FEA for opto-flex –Thermal measurements on prototypes at RAL. Barrel system test with module-0 barrel opto-flex –Aim to produce 8 module 0 style barrel opto-harnesses. Forward system test –6 forward fibre harnesses are available at CERN. Verify thermode soldering technique for Al/kapton tape to PCBs –Proof of principle tests ok for Al. –Procedure widely used in industry for Cu/kapton tapes (mobile phones). Complete reliability studies Finalise QA and database

15 Opto Harness FDR 19/10/01 T. Weidberg15 Outstanding Issues (2) Verify lengths for harnesses with mechanical models –Barrel harness lengths checked with barrel model at UCL. –Similar check required for forward SCT. Understand implications of forward SCT possible change to KB Complete SEU studies –Operate opto-flex+SCT module in beam (T7 @PS). –Check for effects of SEU induced clock jitter on ABCD. Measure BC counter errors.

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