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Technology and Sustainable Economic Development Reading Group Welcome to our first meeting of the semester! Matthew Kam briefly explains what the group.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology and Sustainable Economic Development Reading Group Welcome to our first meeting of the semester! Matthew Kam briefly explains what the group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology and Sustainable Economic Development Reading Group Welcome to our first meeting of the semester! Matthew Kam briefly explains what the group did last year and what its format was. - last year: a reading group that met fortnightly to discuss readings that people took turns to choose and introduce. - we will talk at the end of the meeting about times and formats that we all would like to see this year. Introductions around the table…

2 The case of food “distances”… You buy food at the supermarket… But you don’t know: - where the food came from - what its production history/lifecycle is - what environmental impacts occurred in growing the food - whether there are health risks hidden in the food…

3 Some methods to “visualize” consumer products… The internet can be used to collect and map data direct from consumers; Electronic systems can be used to track flows of foods and products; Electronic tools can be built to enable consumers to “ask” products for themselves; Interactive tools can be used to generate risk assessments.

4 LANDINGS ABROAD (Direct Exports)

5 Questions? How are the developments relevant to developing countries? What does technology mean? What is the place of non-IT approaches? Should mundane science be considered as part of designing the technology? Who will the technology really empower? …? Others?

6 Future meeting times? Options: 1. Thursdays 4-5 pm (greatly preferred) 2. Fridays 3-4 pm 3. Fridays 4-5 pm 4. Mondays 3-4 pm 5. Mondays 4-5 pm

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