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Aims of Study n To investigate the social and cultural integration of older adults in two geographic communities in Ireland, one urban and one rural n.

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2 Aims of Study n To investigate the social and cultural integration of older adults in two geographic communities in Ireland, one urban and one rural n To investigate relationships, practices and commitments among older adults in the neighbourhoods and wider community outside the household and workplace

3 Methodological approaches n Selection of study areas n Dialectical relationship between concepts and ideas used by older people n Multimethod design n Use of questionnaire based interview as a creative and sensitive research instrument n Feedback to participants

4 Theoretical ideas used n Community n Distributed intimacy n Reciprocity n Involvement and Mutuality n Identity/belonging and moral frameworks





9 Distributed intimacy - the importance of being greeted n All but three people answered that people did greet them when they were out in the street. n Over 80% of respondents said it was very important to be greeted, 14.5% said it was fairly important while only 3% said it was not important.

10 Differences in experiences and perceptions of older adults n Class - income n Cumulative disadvantages n Grandparenting and social problems n Gender - life history n Meaning of retirement

11 Policy implications n Purposive activities in clubs, day centres and residential settings n Mutuality of experiences - community development approaches n Sense of place and belonging n Role of the voluntary sector and enabling public provisions

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