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Naomi Alandt, Paul Andrews, Jeremiah Zimmerman

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Presentation on theme: "Naomi Alandt, Paul Andrews, Jeremiah Zimmerman"— Presentation transcript:

1 Naomi Alandt, Paul Andrews, Jeremiah Zimmerman
Thermofluid Control of a Microscale Cell Culture Platform Project Report Team Members: Naomi Alandt, Paul Andrews, Jeremiah Zimmerman Industry Advisor: Sean S. Kohles PhD Academic Advisor: Derek C. Tretheway PhD

2 Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing The μPIVOT -μPIV: micron Resolution Particle Image Velocimetry Measurement of fluid flow and flow induced stresses -OT: Optical Tweezers Capture, suspend, and manipulate single cells

3 50µm X 500 µm channel to heat to 37°C
Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing 50µm X 500 µm channel to heat to 37°C Biologically compatible Cell temperature extremities (4°C < T < 54°C) Flow path unobstructed and full range of flowrates Compatibility with Various Chip Designs Schematic of the OT laser with flow though the PDMS

4 Thermal Modeling Analysis
Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing Thermal Modeling Analysis Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Constant Surface Temperature Counter Flow Heat Exchanger Peltier Junctions Resistive Wire Heating

5 Thermal Modeling Analysis
Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing Thermal Modeling Analysis Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) CFD model of microfluidic chip with constant inlet temperature CFD model of constant glass surface temperature outside a 4mm diameter region of interest.

6 Thermal Modeling Analysis
Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing Thermal Modeling Analysis Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) 0.5mm width of heat flux 0.5mm wall spacing between heat source and channel 514 W/m2 heat flux Max temperature 46.8°C (FEA) validates Mathematical at 47.7°C

7 Resistive Heating Analysis
Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing Resistive Heating Analysis Expected ΔT Graphs Material Selection

8 Thickness (μm) Width (mm) Current (mA) ΔT (oC) 10 0.5 185 0.182 5 125
Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing Thickness (μm) Width (mm) Current (mA) ΔT (oC) 10 0.5 185 0.182 5 125 0.272 2 80 0.419 1 57 0.601 0.2 26 1.347 51 0.676 1.5 75 0.446 103 0.334 Dimensional Optimization

9 Temperature Monitoring and Control
Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing Temperature Monitoring and Control Front Back

10 LabView->DAQ-> Thermocouple->Electrical Circuit
Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing Electrical Circuit Schematic LabView->DAQ-> Thermocouple->Electrical Circuit

11 Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing

12 Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing

13 Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing

14 Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing

15 Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing

16 Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing

17 Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing

18 Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing

19 Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing

20 Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing

21 Conclusions

22 Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing

23 Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing Mask

24 Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing

25 Background Analysis Final Design Manufacturing


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