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Structured Program Development Dilshad M. Shahid New York

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1 Structured Program Development Dilshad M. Shahid New York University @1998

2 Today Float Variables How to use Borland Equality and Relational Operators Algorithms Pseudocode Control Structures

3 Float variables Float Data Type: Data Type that can hold numbers with decimal values e.g. 5.14, 3.14 Float example

4 /* Float Example Program */ #include main () { float var1, var2, var3, sum; var1 = 87.25; var2 = 92.50; var3 = 96.75; sum = var1 + var2 + var3; printf(“Sum: %.2f”, sum); getchar(); }

5 How to use Borland C++ Borland comes with 3 disks. Please use the 5.0 disk. ACF labs have correct version installed A new text page automatically when you open Borland Alternatively, you can go to menu option File, then New, then Text Edit

6 More Borland Use Save As to save to your disk on the A:\ drive After you type in your program, there are 3 ways to compile: –click lightning bolt –go to menu option Debug, then Run –Hit Control-F9

7 Relational and equality operators table adapted from Figure 2.12, pg 38 standard algebraicin Cexample in Cmeaning of C condition Equality===x == yx is equal to y =!=x != yx is not equal to y Relational>>x > yx is greater than y <<x < yx is less than y >>=x >= yx is greater than or equal to y <<=x <= yx is less than or equal to y

8 Algorithms Algorithm – the procedure for solving a problem in terms of – the actions to be executed – the order in which these actions are to be executed. See pages 56 to 57 for a more detailed description.

9 Pseudocode Pseudocode – this is simply writing your code in ordinary English to help yourself develop an algorithm that will be converted into a structured C program. More examples in the text book

10 Control structures All programs can be written in terms of only 3 control structures: –sequence structure –selection structure –repetition structure

11 Sequence structure This is essentially built into C Unless directed otherwise, the computer will automatically execute C statements one after another in the order in which they are written This is called sequential execution

12 Selection structure A selection structure will perform an action based on the conditions it receives 3 kinds of selection structures in C –if –if/else –switch

13 If statement Performs indicated action only when condition is true; otherwise the action is skipped. Example in pseudocode: If bank balance is less than 100 Print “You are below the required minimum”

14 If statement Same example in C: int balance; balance = 90; if (balance < 100) printf(“You are below the required minimum balance\n”); What will the output be? Change the program so that balance = 110. What will the output be in this case? Answer: You are below the required minimum balance No output.

15 If/else statement Programmer can specify that different actions are to be performed when the condition is true than when the condition is false

16 If/else statement Example in pseudocode: If bank balance is less than 100 Print “You are below the required minimum” else Print “You may withdraw money”

17 If/else statement Same example in C: int balance; balance = 90; if (balance < 100) printf(“You are below the required minimum balance\n”); else printf(“You may withdraw money\n”); Make balance equal 120, i.e. greater than 100. What will the output be?

18 If/else statement Another example in C: int age; float height; age = 10; height = 5.0; if (height >= 4.0) /* must have 4.0, it is float*/ printf(“Your height is %f\n”, height); else printf(“Your age is %d\n”, age); What will output be if height = 4.0 ? Does changing value of age affect the program output?

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