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Type-shifting and beyond Henriëtte de Swart Barcelona, May 2005.

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1 Type-shifting and beyond Henriëtte de Swart Barcelona, May 2005

2 Advantages of GQ Unified type for all NPs:,t> Unified interpretation for all NPs: PQ(P). Unified type for all Determiners:,,t>>>. Unified interpretation for all Dets: P Q Det(P)(Q).

3 Disadvantages of GQ theory Not fine-grained enough to account for traditional classifications in terms of quantificational, predicative, referential. Type-shifting (Partee 1987) has been proposed as a possible way to merge insights from GQ theory with other views.

4 Reference to individuals Partee ‘triangle’: quantificational NPs (‘strong’) denote in type,t> only; other NPs denote in type e or as well. Type-shifting analyses: availability of a type reading for indefinites after application of Partee’s BE operation. BE provides property denotation for weak NPs and definites, not for strong NPs.

5 Applications Empirical phenomena in which type denotations are relevant: Intensional verbs (seek) ‘Light verbs’ (have) and scrambling Existential contexts (there is/are) Discourse anaphora Incorporation Predicative constructions (to be (a) linguist) Generic reference

6 Evaluation Intensional verbs, ‘light’ verbs, existential contexts: restricted distribution of NPs (only weak NPs). Lexical treatment in terms of an argument of type justified. Question: how do we extend the property approach to weak readings of NPs in general?

7 Combinatorics Assume: all weak NPs have a type denotation. Do weak readings of NPs in ‘normal’ contexts have a type denotation? If so, how do they combine with a verb that also takes GQs? Susan ate an apple/two apples/no apples/ every apple/neither apples/most apples

8 Lexical ambiguity Transitive verbs have a denotation (i) as a relation between two individuals and (ii) as a relation between an individual and a property (van Geenhoven 1998, van Geenhoven & McNally 2005). Eat 1 : y x Eat(x,y) Eat 2 : P x  y  Eat(x,y  P(y)) Derives narrow scope for weak NPs.

9 Evaluation I Advantage: we can maintain function application as only combinatory rule. Disadvantage (i): systematic ambiguity throughout the lexicon. But maybe: lexical rule deriving two interpretations (VG&McN 2005).

10 Evaluation II Disadvantage (ii): how to extend to monotone decreasing quantifiers (no existential closure!). But: lexical decomposition (McNally 1998, Van Geenhoven & McNally 2005). However: is lexical decomposition always correct and desirable? E.g. few interpreted as not many.

11 Closure operations I Alternative: maintain uniform interpretation of transitive verb as relation between two individuals. Enrich combinatorics: allows other modes of composition besides function application. Heim (1982): existential closure. De Swart (2001): existential, universal and exact existential closure.

12 Closure operations II De Swart (2001): Existential closure applies to properties that are derived from mon  quantifiers (a, some, three, at least five, many, …). Universal closure applies to properties that are derived from mon  quantifiers (no, at no more than three, most five, few,.).

13 Existential closure  C for predicative NPs derived from mon  quantifiers: For Q a predicate of type, and P min a predicative NP of type, which denotes a minimal property derived from a mon  quantifier:  C:  x Q(x)(P min )   C  x(Q(x)  P(x))

14 Universal closure  C for predicative NPs derived of mon  quantifiers: For Q a predicate of type and P max a predicative NP denoting a maximal property, derived from a mon  quantifier, the combination of Q and P max introduces universal quantification:  C: x Q(x)(P max )   C  x(Q(x)  P(x))

15 Evaluation I Advantages: no lexical ambiguity of verbs, no lexical decomposition of NPs, no asymmetric treatment of mon  and mon  NPs (rule based). Disadvantage (i): how are monotonicity properties of the underlying NP recoverable, lexical rule?

16 Evaluation II Disadvantage (ii): complication in combinatorics (function application + three closure rules). But: recent accounts of e.g. incorporation also allow combinatory rules other than function application.

17 Discussion I What is the class of expressions that has a type denotation? Largest class: all weak NPs (= all NPs that have a non-empty denotation after application of Partee’s type-shift BE, cf. Zimmermann 1993, McNally 1998, van der Does & de Hoop 1998); definites. Relevant for: intensional verbs, ‘light’ verbs, existential contexts, weak readings of NPs in ‘normal contexts.’

18 Discussion II Class of indefinites that licenses discourse anaphora, and escapes from scope islands: a N, two N, some N; not no N, at least/at most two N, etc. Discourse anaphora: A student i came in. She i had a question. Every student i came in. #She i had a question about the exam.

19 Discourse Representation theory A student came in. Indefinites introduce discourse referents. Embedding into model: existential closure. She asked a question. New information added to already introduced dr. u Student(u) Came_in(u) u,v,w Student(u) Came_in(u) Ask(w,v) u = w

20 Quantifiers in DRT Every student came. #She asked a question. dr u not available as antecedent for she. u Student(u) Came_in(u) v = ?? Ask(v) v 

21 Plurals and anaphora Two students i came to see me. They i had a question about the exam. Exactly two students i came to see me. #They i had a question about the exam. Most students i came to see me. #They i had a question about the exam. Quantificational NPs can take A  B as their antecedent (‘refset’), but not simply A.

22 Plural indefinites Two students i came to see me. They i had a question about the exam. U, v, W Student(U) Two(U) Came_in(U). Question(v) U=W Ask(W,v)

23 Scope islands I If a cousin of mine dies, I’ll inherit a fortune. ‘I have a cousin such that, if he dies, I’ll inherit a fortune.’ If every/no cousin of mine dies, I’ll inherit a fortune.  For every/no cousin of mine, if he dies, I’ll inherit a fortune.

24 Scope islands II If three cousins of mine die, I’ll inherit a fortune. ‘I have three cousins, such that, if they (all die), I’ll inherit a fortune.’  ‘I have three cousins, and for each of them, if he dies, I’ll inherit a fortune’ No escape from scope islands for true quantifiers, only for indefinites.

25 Choice function approach Choice function approach: Reinhart (1997), Winter (1997), Kratzer (1998). Indefinites like a cousin of mine, three cousins of mine, etc. denote choice functions: expressions of type,e> The choice function picks an individual from a set. The choice function gets existential closure outside of the scope island.

26 Choice functions denoting expressions Denote choice functions: singular indifinites like a cousin of mine; plural indefinites like three cousins of mine. Do not denote choice functions: other weak quantifiers such as at least/at most three/no students of mine; strong quantifiers.

27 Relations between choice functions and DRT Roughly: equivalence between choice function approach and DRT (Farkas 2002). Same set of expressions. Same interpretation: introduce set of individuals, select one that satisfies descriptive content.

28 Note on bare plurals Bare plurals introduce discourse anaphora: I bought books i on semantics. They i are very good. Bare plurals do not denote choice functions (they never take wide scope!): If cousins of mine die, I will inherit a house.

29 Bare plurals in DRT Mary bought apples i. They i were nice. Bare plural introduces plural dr m, U, V Apples(U) Bought(m,U) Nice(V) U=V

30 Narrow scope Bare plurals have narrow scope: (i) because they directly refer to kinds (Carlson 1977) (ii) because they always denote properties (Van Geenhoven 1996). (iii) because their discourse referent is accomodated, and accomodation is ‘local’ (Farkas & de Swart 2003).

31 Lexical ambiguity Transitive verbs have a denotation (i) as a relation between two individuals and (ii) as a relation between an individual and a property (van Geenhoven 1998, van Geenhoven & McNally 2005). Eat 1 : y x Eat(x,y) Eat 2 : P x  y  Eat(x,y  P(y)) Derives narrow scope for weak NPs.

32 Thematic arguments in DRT Farkas and de Swart (2003): enrich DRT. Distinction between thematic arguments and discourse referents. Common nouns, verbs: lexical expressions that involve thematic arguments. Determiners: introduce discourse referents by instantiating thematic arguments.

33 Instantiation I A student left. Input syntactic structure: [ S [ DP [ D a [ NP student(z)]][ VP leave(x)]] u [ S [ DP [ D u [ NP student(z)]][ VP leave(x)]] Introduction of dr by determiner

34 Instantiation II u [ S [ DP [ D u [ NP student(u)]][ VP leave(x)]] D-instantiation u [ S [ DP [ D u [ NP student(u)]][ VP leave(u)]] A-instantiation Final output: same as in ‘standard’ DRT.

35 Plurals in FdS I Plural morphology on noun introduces presupposition that a plural dr exists. Two cats are asleep. K K’ u x [ S [ DP [ D two [ NPpl cats(x)]][ VP are asleep(z)]] plural(u x ) K assertion; K’presupposition (vdSandt 91)

36 Plurals in FdS II Determiner two introduces dr + condition of cardinality K K’ v x u x Two(v x ) [ S [ DP [ D two [ NPpl cats(x)]][ VP are asleep(z)]] plural(u x )

37 Plurals in FdS III Plural determiner: binding of presupposition upon D-instantiation; K’ resolved against K. v x Two(v x ) Plural(v x ) Cat(v x ) Asleep(v x )

38 Bare plurals in FdS I Cats were playing in the garden. Assume: full argument position requires introduction of discourse referents. Prediction: bare singulars are blocked (thematic argument only). Bare plurals OK, for presupposition on existence of plural dr accomodated.

39 Bare plurals in FdS II Cats were playing in the garden. K K’ u x [ S [ NPpl cats(x)][ VP play(z)]] plural(u x ) K assertion; K’ presupposition

40 Bare plurals in FS III Presupposition resolution by accomodation Result: bare plurals OK in full argument position. u x Plural(u x ) [S [NPpl cats(x)][VP play(z)]]

41 Scope effects Resolution by binding: dr can be instantiated anywhere in the DRS (‘free’ scope of indefinites). Resolution by accomodation: accomodated is always ‘local’; occurs in the (sub) DRS in which we find presupposition on plural dr. Result: accomodation leads to narrow scope of bare plurals.

42 Cross-linguistic variation Bare plurals OK in full argument position in languages that allow accomodation. English: accomodation freely allowed. French: no accomodation; no bare plurals; plural indefinite article des required. Spanish: both accomodation (bare plurals) and plural indefinite article unos.

43 Consequence French plural indefinite article des: just like un, i.e. required for the introduction of a discourse referent (de Swart 2005) Resolution of plural presupposition by binding predicts free scope. Si des cousins à moi meurent, je serai riche. If indef_pl cousins of mine die, I will be rich.

44 Questions about Spanish Do bare plurals and NPs with unos both license discourse anaphora? Is there a contrast between bare plurals and unos in the possibility of the plural getting free scope (e.g. scope out of scope islands)? More in general: relation between unos NPs and bare plurals, distribution of labor?

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