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Network Control Systems using Scheduling Strategies Dr. Héctor Benítez Pérez IIMAS UNAM.

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Presentation on theme: "Network Control Systems using Scheduling Strategies Dr. Héctor Benítez Pérez IIMAS UNAM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Network Control Systems using Scheduling Strategies Dr. Héctor Benítez Pérez IIMAS UNAM

2 Objectives of NCS and Reconfigurable Control  To modify the control law based upon external factors such as Time Delays  Take into account time delays based upon the distributed system communication.  Being capable to keep an efficient response even though there is a fault and local time delays.

3 Objectives of NCS and Reconfigurable Control  To study dynamic schedulling in Real-Time considering how to manage processes, their communication and the related reconfiguration.  To study the dynamic effects of the computer network onto the control law.

4 Areas of Study  To Model Real-Time Systems  To model stochastic behaviour using TKS  To study the iteraction amongst dynamic systems and complex computer systems.

5 Classic Configuration

6 Classic approximation based upon Queues

7 Codesign Strategy

8 What is the studied iteraction

9 Time Delays Managment

10 Partial adds of transmission- times

11 Time Delays Management considering local faults

12 Time Managment considering different scenarios

13 …Considering several communication stages

14 Partial Time Adding as the definition of particular scenarios

15 Where the delays come from? From Process of Concurrency managment Where Ci is the processor consumed time It is the uncertainty associated to the consumed time

16 Where the delays come from? From Process of Concurrency managment  Schedulling distributed processes using Neural Networks such as ART2A.  Processes schedulling based upon the worst case scenario under dynamic conditions.  Process managment optimization considering the communication period modification

17 It is of particular interes to manages the computer network system through Communication Frecuencies

18 Fuzzy Approximation to the plant

19 The Related approximation to the state space representation The discret plant considering time delays: where l=1 due to maximum time delay is one.

20 The related approximation amongst time delays and faults Control design following a predictive approach

21 The recursive horizont development

22 Time Delays Diagram Sampling Period k Horizonts Na y Nb

23 As in terms of Feedback Control Loop

24 Following an Optimization Procedure to tune the related Control Law

25 The related Numeric Optimization

26 ….The related Numeric optimization

27 Where the related optimized parameters are…


29 System Simmulation considering aerodynamic modelling

30 Three Bands Case Study

31 Magnetic Levitation Case Study



34 Processes management in closed distributed systems enviroment

35 Agent Integration

36 The use of schedulling to define process behaviour

37 Preliminar Results Modifying conditions on the scheduling algorithm Related to based period and the increment of possible uncertainties

38 Preliminar Results from the control Point of View

39 Multi-Variable Case Study Helicopter

40 Preliminar Results from the control Point of View

41 Preliminar Results

42 The Designed Algorithms  Different models based upon schedulling algorithm following an optimization procedure.  Designing a control strategy following bounded time delays.

43 Conclusions  The Reconfiguration as a strategy to keep certain efficiency even in the case of a fault scenario.  To understand time delays as result of reconfiguration procedure.

44 Acknowledgments  Dr. Jorge Ortega Arjona  Miguel Palomera Pérez  Oscar Alejandro Esquivel  Paul Erick Mendez Monroy  Dr. Antonio Menendez Leonel de Cervantes  Dr. Pedro Quiñones Reyes  Magali Arellano  Angel Garcìa Zavala  William Sanchez  Dr. Eduardo Pérez


46 The use of schedulling to define process behaviour

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