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6/22/20151 Search of New Phenomena at the Tevatron Carlos Sánchez For the DØ and CDF experiments IFAE - Barcelona
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE2 The FNAL Tevatron p-pbar collisions at a C.M energy of 2 TeV Two experiments around the ring: CDF and DØ Large amounts of data collected Analysis on 200 – 400 pb -1 Run 2 goal: 4.4 – 8.5 fb -1 Energy frontier until the LHC turns on
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE3 CDF and DØ Both detectors well understood and highly efficient Extensive calorimeter, tracking and muon coverage
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE4 Looking For SUSY Introduces many new particles. Multiple signatures available. Pair produced. Decay into SM partners plus MET. No knowledge of how EWKSB occurs theorists choose models. Huge parameter space to explore. Very small cross sections. Looking for new physics with the same old tools: jets, leptons, MET, …
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE5 SUSY tri- and dilepton Searches Classic tri-lepton SUSY signature: Trilepton signature is one of cleanest SUSY signatures Chargino-Neutralino production Decay to WZ (or sleptons) + 2 LSP Low SM background But also : Small x-section Leptonic Br are enhanced if slepton masses are close to gaugino masses. 2 like-sign leptons signatures available
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE6 SelectionBkgnd expectedOBSERVED ee+l0.21±0.120 e l 0.31±0.130 l 1.75±0.572 ±±±± 0.64±0.381 e +l 0.58±0.140 +l 0.36±0.131 SUM3.85±0.754 6 analyses: -2l(l=e, , )+isolated track or MET and topological cuts (M ll, , M T ) Very clean signature
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE7 Chargino Neutralino Limits mSUGRA: M(X ± ) ≈ M(X 0 2 ) ≈ 2M(X 0 1 ) “3l-max” M(slepton) ≥ M(X 0 2 ) No slepton mixing M(X ± 1 ) > 116 GeV “Heavy squarks” M(X ± ) ≈ M(X 0 2 ) ≠ 3M(q̃) M(X ± 1 ) > 128 GeV “Large m 0 ” M(slepton) >> (X 0 2, X ± ) No sensitivity Testing above LEP limit for mSUGRA
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE8 Process mSugra ee 0.5 Bkgnd Expected0.16±0.07 OBSERVED0 SELECTION: - 2 electrons + ( =e, ) large MET >15 GeV/c 2 - 15 106 GeV/c 2 - | |< 160 - Njets(20 GeV) <2 Chargino-neutralino in ee channel (Work in progress)
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE9 Gluino and Squark Search (mSUGRA) Jets + MET #jets(P T (GeV)) ∑P t jet (GeV) MET (GeV) Bkg. Expected OBS 2 jets (60,50) 25017512.8±5.412 3 jets (60,40,25) 3251006.1±3.15 4 jets (60,40,30,25) 175759.3±0.510 4j(g̃g̃): M 0 = 500 GeV M(g̃) = 233 GeV 3j(g̃q̃): M(g̃) = M(q̃) M(q̃) > 333 GeV 2j(q̃q̃): M 0 = 25 GeV M(q̃) > 318 GeV Extended mSUGRA LEP limits
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE10 Search for Gluinos and Squarks 254 pb -1 of data Trigger: 2 jets + MET > 35 GeV ≥ 3 jets (125, 75, 25 GeV) MET > 165 GeV, HT > 350 GeV Expect 4.2 1.1 bkgnd events. Expect 2.6 – 4.8 SUSY events. Observed 3 events in data
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE11 Sbottom Search n tag BkgndObs. =116.4 ± 3.7 21 >=22.6 ± 0.7 4
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE12 Stop Search ExpectedObserved Pre-tag105 ± 12119 Tag (silicon)8.3 ± 2.311 Selection: 2 jets + MET + lepton veto
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE13 Chargino-Neutralino in CDF and D0 combined result: m( ± )>209 GeV/c 2 Bkgnd ExpectObsLimit m + D03.7±0.62195 GeV CDF0.3±0.10167 GeV GMSB: G̃ is LSP, stable 2 photons E T > 20(13) GeV MET > 40(45) GeV
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE14 R p -Violation Searches Have assumed R p conservation No proton decay No flavor-violating decays LSP is stable: good dark matter candidate What if R p is not conserved? Global symmetries are theoretically shaky Introduce new terms in MSSM Can produce single sparticles No stable LSP: no dark matter candidate, no missing energy. Production and decay 133 122
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE15 R p -Violating Sleptons Resonant production 1.1±0.4 (Expected) 2 (Observed) Decay only EXP OBSneutralinochargino 0.6±1.9 0.5±0.4 1.0±1.4 200200 84 (GeV) 95 66 165 (GeV) 181 118 μμl eel eet All improve the Run I results
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE16 Stop in R p -Violating SUSY(I) Assume BR(t 1 b ) ~ 100% Search for : selection: 1 ( =e,m)+ 1 + 2 jets
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE17 Stop in R p -Violating SUSY(II) Limit: Stop > 129 GeV (same signature as 3 rd gen. LQ) e+ ++ SUM Expect. BG2.6±0.62.2±0.54.8±0.7 Observed235
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE18 Search in High Mass Dileptons Relatively ‘clean’ channel Z 0 peak as a calibration point Many models to explore: Z’, TC, RS graviton, LED compositeness, etc… ∫ Ldt = 200 pb -1 ee Z’ SM 600 GeV ee
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE19 Z´ Limits Z I Zχ Zψ Zη SM coupling SM Couplings ee ee+ CDF : 750 735 815 394 DØ: 780 680 E 6 Z I Zχ Zψ Zη CDF: 610 670 690 715 (ee+ ) DØ: 575 640 650 680 (ee) DØ: μμ DØ: ee CDF:
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE20 W´ Search in e Channel W’: additional charged heavy vector boson Appears in theories based on extension of the gauge group Left-right symmetric models: SU(2) R W R Assume the neutrino from W’ decay is light and stable. signature: High P T lepton + high MET MC only
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE21 W´ Search (cont.) M T Distribution of Data highest M T event M T = 524 GeV/c 2 σ *B(W’ enu) limit: ~ 50 – 100 fb for M(W’) > 500 GeV/c 2 at 95% CL. Limit: M(W’ SM )> 842 GeV/c 2
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE22 Leptoquarks GUTS, Technicolor, Compositeness, RPV-SUSY assume an additional symmetry between leptons and quarks. Carry both lepton (L) and baryon (B) numbers Couple to quark and lepton of the same generation. At the Tevatron they are pair produced. Selection: high P T isolated lepton(s) and/or MET + 2 jets.
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE23 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd Generation LQ channels: eejj, e jj, ( jj) channels: jj, jj, jj D0: Run I, M LQ > 200 GeV/c 2 CDF: Run II, M LQ > 224 GeV/c 2 D0: Run I + II, M LQ > 256 GeV/c 2 CDF: Run II, M LQ > 235 GeV/c 2
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE24 Extra Dimensions (ED) exchange ee jet(s)+E T + E T G G g,q f f jet emission Alternatives to SUSY for solving the hierarchy problem (M EW << M Planck ???) Several different models: Large ED TeV-1 ED Warped ED Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, Dvali Phys Lett B429 (98) Dienes, Dudas, Gherghetta Nucl Phys B537 (99) Randall, Sundrum Phys Rev Lett 83 (99)
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE25 Extra Dimensions (ED) LED with ee & Stadard Model Signal prediction QCD LED with No deviation from SM predictions
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE26 Randall-Sundrum Graviton (ee + + ) Dileptons have largest acceptance at low mass while has largest acceptance at high mass: BR(G → ) = 2 * BR(G→ee)
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE27 Conclusions Delivered data at the Tevatron over 1 fb -1 CDF and DØ running efficiently Interesting regions of parameter space (for many models) are now in reach Testing beyond LEP limits Improving Run I results Many new exciting results from Tevatron experiments and more coming soon!
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE28 Backup slides
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE29 CDF Luminosity Over 1 fb -1 delivered
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE30 Technicolor SM Higgs Technirho
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE31 “Mass Bump” Search Strategies Perform general searches comparing data to expectation Determine spin dependent acceptance and .BR* Interpret the results according to many new models! Spin-0: RPV sneutrinos Spin-1: Z’SM, E6 Z’, Little Higgs Z’, TC (rT, wT) Spin-2: RS graviton l+l+ l-l- l+l+ l-l- X?
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE32 Spin Dependence Acceptance spin-0 spin-1 spin-2 Angular distribution and therefore acceptance of decay product depends on the spin of the decaying particle. central-central central-forward above combined central: | | < 1.1 forward: 1.1 < | | < 3.6
6/22/2015Carlos Sánchez - IFAE33 *B Limits (ee and channels combined) *Br(X ee) 95% CL limit ee, combined limit *Br(X ) 95% CL limit σ*Br limit: ~ 25 fb for all spins for the high mass region (M LL > 600 GeV)
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