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CS 326A: Motion Planning Primitive-Biased Sampling + Manipulation Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 326A: Motion Planning Primitive-Biased Sampling + Manipulation Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 326A: Motion Planning Primitive-Biased Sampling + Manipulation Planning

2 Today’s Papers  Primitive-biased sampling for legged robots: K. Hauser, T. Bretl, J.C. Latombe, K. Harada, and B. Wilcox. Motion Planning for Legged Robots on Varied Terrain. 2007.  Manipulation planning: T. Simeon, J.P. Laumond, J. Cortes, A. Sahbani. Manipulation Planning with Probabilistic Roadmap. Int. J. of Robotics Research, 23:729-746, 2004.

3 New Ideas  Use of sampling strategy in PRM to generate “natural-looking” motions  Use of primitives to select robot-terrain contacts  Manipulation planning with many re-grasps

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