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Department of Geosciences n Geology n Meteorology n Oceanography.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Geosciences n Geology n Meteorology n Oceanography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Geosciences n Geology n Meteorology n Oceanography

2 GEOLOGY: n B.S. in Geology n B.A. in Geology n Minor METEOROLOGY: n B.S. In Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (Concentration in Meteorology) n Certificate in Meteorology for Broadcasters OCEANOGRAPHY: n B.S. In Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (Concentration in Oceanography) Degree Programs

3 What is Geology? Study of the solid earth: n Earth materials (rocks, minerals, etc.) n Changes over time n Processes of change (plate tectonics, erosion, etc.)

4 What is Meteorology? Study of the atmosphere: n Weather and climate n Underlying physical physical processes processes

5 What is Oceanography? Study of Ocean Processes: n Physical n Chemical n Geologic n Biological

6 Who are the Geosciences faculty?

7 What do faculty members do? Karen Grove reconstructing beach terrace histories, Point Reyes, CA John Monteverdi chasing tornadoes, west Texas

8 John Caskey Earthquake faults, western Nevada What do faculty members do?

9 Oswaldo Garcia Tropical cloud climatology

10 What do Geology students do? n Field trips n Senior theses n Internships

11 What do Meteorology students do? n Forecast weather n Build, run, interpret computer models n Media exposure

12 What do Oceanography students do? n Field trips (cruises) n Analyze and interpret data

13 What jobs can Geology students get? Environmental consulting (sediment & groundwater--e.g., coastal wetlands) Geotechnical work (site evaluation for urban planning & construction) Geologic hazard evaluation (earthquakes, landslides, volcanoes) Petroleum and mineral exploration Largest Employer-- US Geological Survey

14 What jobs can Meteorology students get? Weather forecasting (Government, private firms, military) Environmental & Meteorological consulting (air quality, forensic meteorology, climate change) Media meteorology (computer graphics, on-air broadcasting) Weather and climate research (government, private companies) Largest Employer--National Weather Service

15 Research and Development (Government, universities and private firms) Environmental Consulting, Monitoring and Protection (Federal and State agencies and private firms) Coastal Zone Management (Federal and State agencies) Climate Change--Air-Sea Interactions (Government, universities, private firms) Largest Employers--NOAA (Coast and Geodetic Survery), Interior (USGS) What jobs can Oceanography students get?

16 509 Thornton Hall 1600 Holloway Ave. San Francisco, CA 94132 FAX: (415) 338-7705 PHONE: (415) 338-2061 Website:

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