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Presentation on theme: " Writing Useful Goals 5 elements. 5 elements of a Useful Goal Specific Describes what you want to accomplish with as much detail as possible."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Useful Goals 5 elements

2 5 elements of a Useful Goal Specific Describes what you want to accomplish with as much detail as possible. Measurable Describes your goal in terms that can clearly be evaluated Challenging A goal that takes energy and discipline to accomplish Realistic A goal you know you are actually capable of obtaining Stated Completion Date Goal that breaks longer term goals into shorter pieces and clearly specify target completion dates

3 Specific Describes what you want to accomplish with as much detail as possible.

4 Measurable Describes your goal in terms that can clearly be evaluated

5 Challenging A goal that takes energy and discipline to accomplish

6 Realistic A goal you know you are actually capable of obtaining

7 Stated Completion Date Goal that breaks longer term goals into shorter pieces and clearly specify target completion dates

8 Five Elements of a Useful Goal S M C R D

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