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Digital Speech Recorder Project (DSRP) Project by: Electrical Engineers of Destiny 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Speech Recorder Project (DSRP) Project by: Electrical Engineers of Destiny 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Speech Recorder Project (DSRP) Project by: Electrical Engineers of Destiny 2006

2 Members Brandon “Trill Man” Birgado Justin “Bruce” Lee Naoki “Ichiban” Sugito Matthew “Beer Man” Bales

3 Outline Overview of Project Overall Project –Specs –Timeline –Picaxe Implementation –PCBExpress –Problems/Solutions –Future Improvements Finished Product

4 Overview Project The project consists of a speech module device which allows for playback of messages. This module then is incorporated into different devices for those who need special education. Initial Challenge and Goals The i nitial challenge in this project Is to create a quality and cost-effective device that can be easily made for assisting school teachers and easily reproduced in learning situations by children and young adults. Our task is not only to create this device with the specs given, but also to implement it in a device that will benefit society as a whole. Our Focus The device is implemented easy to be made by children, cost-effective, and have the ability to use extra features that we do not require in this current design.

5 Initial Goals Device created that can be implemented in aiding a child. Overall cost efficacy taken into account. Complete project within time frame. Implement project in a useable device.

6 Final Circuit Specs -5 inputs -8 outputs -Currently used for 4 button push board -Circuit board design is designed to use or reproduce all the functions of the ISD1420 chip. -Added Volume Control -Added Functionality w/PCB Board

7 Circuit Overview

8 Cost Efficancy Total Circuitry Cost Range – PCB Board - $20 Chips & Circuitry -$20 Current Cost - $40 PCB can be cut down to $10 Chips & Circuitry can be cut down $12 Total net cost would be around $22. Possibilities ChatBox clone - $60-120

9 Its All About Timing Gantt Chart Time Management Problems

10 Gantt Chart

11 Time Management Conflicts Work  Quit Work  We need to be more available School Schedules  Work on the project ideally  Start strong, Finish early

12 PICAXE Overview Programming Implementation

13 What is the PICAXE? The PICAXE is a microcontroller that is low cost, easy to use and reuse. Cheap ≈ 8.10 – Can’t beat that Original intentions were for educational use, but its gone big time!!! Easily Programmed & Re- programmed Put all that together and you get a rock solid stud-muffin microprocessor!!!!

14 Our PICAXE The 18X PICAXE –5 inputs / 8 outputs –Coding

15 PC Board

16 PC Board Design Double sided Cost efficient Small size First time designing

17 Problems and Solutions Previously Solved –Circuitry Problems (+5V supply) –Picaxe input file (infinite reset) Currently Unsolved –Message Coherence with amplifier –Radio Frequencies added with amplifier –Circuit Protection

18 Future Improvements Minimized PCBExpress board Expansive coding for picaxe w/ ISD chip Finalized 4-button record/play teaching tool Other interfacing options

19 Project Demonstration

20 THE END Thanks to Dr. Dobry and Viewers Like You Special Thanks to the Archimedes Team Team Website: dex3.htm dex3.htm

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