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BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING JUNE 22, 2009. General Fund (GF): $216.8 Million, Including: Unrestricted GF: $198.6 Million Restricted GF: $18.2 Million Other.

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Presentation on theme: "BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING JUNE 22, 2009. General Fund (GF): $216.8 Million, Including: Unrestricted GF: $198.6 Million Restricted GF: $18.2 Million Other."— Presentation transcript:


2 General Fund (GF): $216.8 Million, Including: Unrestricted GF: $198.6 Million Restricted GF: $18.2 Million Other Funds*: $196.8 Million Total All Funds: $413.6 Million *Other Funds Include: Community Education, Child Development, Capital Outlay (Including Basic Aid Projects), Debt Service, Self-Insurance, & Retiree Benefit Funds

3 Revenue Additions $130M = Stimulus Money $80M = Student Fee Increase (current rate is $20/unit proposed rate is $26/unit) Revenue Applications $140M to Reduce Categorical Program Cuts $70M to Reduce General Apportionments Cuts The effect of the Additions and Applications shown above are reflected in the following slides

4 Rejects Funding Physical Education and Recreational Classes at the Non Credit Rate Credit =$4,565/FTES Non-Credit =$2,745/FTES No Growth Funding or Cola Possible Reduction to Base Funding

5 $193M Reduction to Categorical Programs 0% Cut - Financial Aid Admin and Foster Care Education 15% Cut – Cal WORKS - $33,247 16% Cuts – Have No Flexibility 19% Cuts -Telecommunication/Technology - $13,694 Basic Skills$41,360 Disabled Students (DSP&S)$358,731 EOPS$252,614 CARE$20,974 Nursing$44,797

6 32% Cuts – Allows Flexibility Economic Development (CACT)$65,600 Equal Employment Opportunity$7,476 Transfer Education and Articulation$2,560 Matriculation - Credit$479,339 Matriculation – Non Credit$30,201 Part-time Faculty Compensation$321,635 Part-time Faculty Health InsuranceNominal Amount Applied to P/T Health Insurance Expenses

7 100% Cuts Instructional Equipment - $255,941 Scheduled Maintenance - $255,964 Total Amount of Categorical Reductions $2,184,133

8 SB361 Revenue Increase of $13.6 Million Ongoing - $6.8M Increase to 2009-2010 base resulting from 2008-2009 growth One Time - $6.8M 2008-2009 Growth Not Funded in 2008/2009 DRAC Model SB361 COLA - 0.0% Growth Funding - 0.0% General Fund Unrestricted Ending Balance from 2008-2009 Carried Forward - $20.3M

9 $7.5% Reserve for Economic Uncertainties 8.0% Estimated Increase for Health & Welfare Benefits - to be updated at Final after renewal amounts are known 0% Property and Liability Insurance – to be updated at Final after renewal amounts are known Salary Increases: Faculty and CSEA – 1% in accordance with the contracts Administrators, Managers, and POA – 0%

10 * Estimated (exact amounts will not be available until the end of the fiscal year). Per OC Tax Assessor, secured property taxes were estimated to remain constant in 2009-2010 and decrease 7% in 2010-2011. ** Decline due to increased SB361 revenue resulting from enrollment growth. 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009* 2009-2010 ** $ 5,676,800 $ 9,192,300 $13,719,277 $18,419,919 $27,356,952 $40,162,878 $46,899,203 $52,896,017 $50,692,873 $47,398,334 $37,385,193

11 $2.5M OPEB (Retiree Benefit Expenses) $2.4M ATEP Operating Budget $2.0M ATEP Negotiations $1.0M ATEP Development $60K for Legislative Advocacy for Basic Aid issues $29.77M Funding for Future Capital Projects Additional projects (not shown above) for Scheduled Maintenance and Technology that total $13.65M will be presented as an agenda item for the July 2009 Board Meeting

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