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January 2008 OASIS Monthly Coordination Meeting January 9 th 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "January 2008 OASIS Monthly Coordination Meeting January 9 th 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 2008 OASIS Monthly Coordination Meeting January 9 th 2008

2 Agenda Max’s updates Updates and Fixes Migrations and Critical Processing Upcoming milestones and functional director updates

3 Max’s updates Milestones New Intake Process LoveFest 08

4 Updates and Fixes –What did we do? Tax update 7E & 7F for SA CS Bundle 12/Regs1 for SA CRM Bundles 27 – 30 –How did we do? Participation Improvements in process this time made a difference

5 Updates and Fixes procedures Determine schedule (with OASIS Leads/teams). This includes enough time for applying to DEM, refreshing another environment from PRD and using that environment to apply the upgrade, run compare reports and analyze retrofits, provide adequate time for User Acceptance Testing/issue resolution, and time to apply to PRD (we have to consider payroll weekends, maintenance, etc) Distribute release notes to all teams. Submit incidents for each task required throughout the process. This includes refreshes. Determine designated contacts for each functional area – Retrofit developers (needed for compare reports and determining whether to apply ASU customizations), analysts, Production verifiers, On Call Technical Resources, Signoff, Go/No Go decision. These contacts are required to assist with the entire process. Send communication throughout each phase of the upgrade (DEM, DEV, TST, PRD). Ensure OPS and TOPS are aware of each phase. Apply bundles to DEM environment. Run compare reports and distribute to ASU. Refresh designated upgrade environment (i.e. IDP) from PRD. Lock users except exempt users. Migration freeze begins. Developers can continue working in DEV until bundles have been applied to PRD. CMS apply bundles to designated upgrade environment. When complete, unlock developers who will apply retrofits in the upgrade environment so that no one can overwrite what has been applied. Developers apply retrofits and insert into their own retrofit projects. Systems team creates main retrofit project and merges developer’s retrofit projects. Follow ASU retrofit process. Security team applies manual security changes. Developers should unit test in designated upgrade environment. Refresh TST from PRD. Run compare reports and distribute to ASU. Lock users until testing can begin. Apply bundles to TST environment. Migrate retrofit project from upgrade environment to TST. Systems Team – migrate emergencies that have been applied to PRD in between this time. Work with developers if objects in the bundles are affected. Security team applies manual security changes. Unlock all users. Open up TST for user acceptance testing. Record issues reported and determine resolution (with the help of OASIS contacts and CMS contacts). Obtain signoff from Functional leads to move to PRD. Directors determine go/no go if we do not receive signoff from all teams. Acquire contact information (phone/email, distribution lists) for weekend applied to PRD – we need an ‘on call’ developer/analyst list to resolve any issues that are ‘fixable’ by ASU. Obtain final list of ‘PRD verifiers’. Need asurite ID’s and email addresses to send notifications when PRD is ready. Determine any ‘special circumstances’ for that weekend the upgrade is applied to PRD. (i.e. SUP refresh needed). Communicate to CMS and ASU Operations. Apply bundles to PRD. (lock out all users except verifiers/exempt users, PS_ id’s, PRC id’s) Security team applies manual security changes (if needed). Distribute notification to verifiers to signoff when upgrade is complete. OPS,TOPS included in communication. When Verifier signoff complete, unlock users to open up to everyone (only if we lock users). Send out communication that Signoff is complete. Migration freeze ends. Refresh non-PRD environments.

6 Updates and Fixes Process

7 Bundles Roadmap CS Bundles –CS 8.9 Bundle 131/18/2008 –CS 8.9 Bundle 144/18/2008 –CS 8.9 Bundle 156/27/2008 –CS 8.9 Bundle 168/29/2008 HR Bundles –HR 8.9 Bundle 139/10/2007 –HR 8.9 Bundle 1412/12/2007 –HR 8.9 Bundle 153/10/2008 –HR 8.9 Bundle 166/10/2008 –HR 8.9 Bundle 179/8/2008 –HR 8.9 Bundle 1812/10/2008 CRM Bundles –CRM 8.9 Bundle 311/9/2008 –CRM 8.9 Bundle 322/20/2008 –CRM 8.9 Bundle 334/2/2008 –CRM 8.9 Bundle 345/14/2008 –CRM 8.9 Bundle 356/25/2008

8 Bundles Roadmap Tax Updates –08-A1/18/08 –08-B3/31/08 –08-C6/16/08 –08-D8/25/08 –08-E10/27/08 –08-F12/08/08 FA Regulatory Releases –Regs1 2009/201010/31/2008 –Regs2 2008/20091/18/2008 –Regs3 2008/20094/18/2008 –Regs4 2008/20096/27/2008

9 Upcoming Milestones Final W-2 test files - 01/14/08 Production W-2 file produced - 01/14/08 Spring 08 semester starts - 01/14/08 Grades for winter semester - 01/14/08 FA Document Assignment (ISIR Load) - 01/15/08 FA Student Self-Service Information - 01/15/08 Regs2/CS Bundle 13 released - 01/18/08 January maintenance window - 01/19/08 1098T produced for 2007 - 01/30/08 Effort reporting certification for summer 07 - 01/31/08 FA Direct Loans Plus for Parents/Graduates - 02/01/08 Summer Registration Begins - 02/04/08 Tuition plan enrollment - Spring 2008 - 02/04/08 Summer 2008 Tuition calculation - 02/04/08 21st day reporting starts - 02/04/08 Spring 08 Acad Status Report #1 starts - 02/11/08

10 Migrations and Critical Processing Currently in critical processing period All migrations from now until Jan 21 st considered ‘emergency’ and require Max’s approval

11 Functional Director Updates HRIS SA CRM Administrative Systems

12 HRIS Priorities Year End / W-2 Process –Year-to-Date Balance Report –Ceridian to Print W-2s –Self Service W-2 Print Option available to Employees Customer Service Enhancements –CRM/PerceptIS –Improving time to close

13 HRIS Priorities Manager Self Service Workflow Enhancements Contract Roll-off Project Pre-Collect Project

14 SR Priorities Stabilize many pieces of the Processes (cohorts, milestones, transcripts, advisement, conversion cleanup) Enhance Faculty experience (connections to Learning Management Systems, ie. BlackBoard) Self Service Graduation Self Service Withdrawal UG Advisee/Advisor relationship capture Summer 2008 setup and enrollment Fall 2008 setup and enrollment

15 AD (GR & UG) Priorities Finish Fall 2008 Admissions processing Redesign of the Graduate application using fusion technology Start review of processes and changes for Fall 2009 UG admission process (new transfer admission group) Electronic transcripts and Docufide

16 DARS Priorities New exception pages for Academic Renewal Fine tuning interfaces with PS and DARS based on updated specs Support of eAdvisor and upcoming changes to transfer admission processing.

17 CRM Priorities Completed CRM bundle upgrade (THANKS) Address performance and get benchmarks Adding improved sync process with HRSA (people, worker) Large list of items from initial implementation (phase 2) – will work with customers to set order

18 Administrative Systems Mainframe Changes –New machine ½ size –IDMS lic ends 3-1-2008 Archiving SIS transcript sis information Budget Book –Completed for fiscal 2008 –Beginning requirements for Fiscal 2009 Outlook soft and HRIS interfaceing

19 Administrative Systems Advantage - Financial –Year end processing –Peoplesoft interface completion Research –RFO creation for Grant management –Effort reporting Rolling into Production Training, time certification

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