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UNICA Research Seminar “FP7: The Role of the Universities” Vienna, 29-30 november, 2007 University of Ljubljana A model of Administrative Support to European.

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Presentation on theme: "UNICA Research Seminar “FP7: The Role of the Universities” Vienna, 29-30 november, 2007 University of Ljubljana A model of Administrative Support to European."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNICA Research Seminar “FP7: The Role of the Universities” Vienna, 29-30 november, 2007 University of Ljubljana A model of Administrative Support to European Projects Staška Mrak Jamnik, Msc., Head of Office for European Projects

2 UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA Established in 1919 -22 faculties -3 academies -1 university college -A traditional, comprehensive and research oriented university

3 UNIVERSITY IN NUMBERS  15.235 students in Higher School programs (“Fachhochschule”)  30.707 students in UNI level programs  5.000 post graduate students  5.533 employees 4.020 teaching staff and researchers  300 Million Euro annual budget

4 STUDY PROGRAMS We offer study programs in all fields of science and arts:  39 Higher School level programs  130 UNI level programs  90 Doctoral programs

5 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION We are very active in international research and education programs. We were/are participating in:  117 projects within the 6 th Framework Programme and cooperated in many successfull applications to the 7 th Framework Programme  25 TEMPUS programs (this year 11)  Several project financed by EU programes: COST, EUREKA, LLP, IEEA, eContent, Leonardo da Vinci,…  Many projects financed by Structural Funds (RDF, ESF) and Community Initiatives (INTERREG, EQUAL)

6 Revealed Secrets  Researchers mostly need help in accounting and financial reporting  Researchers are not very familiar with working legislation and contracts and other legal documents  Researchers do not have time to collect financial documentation  The consequences are on organisations

7 Revealed Secrets EURO is not an easy money

8 Model of administrative support to EU projects UNIVERSITY (public financing) Office for EU projects FACULTY Contact person for EU projects FACULTY Contact person for EU projects FACULTY Contact person for EU projects

9 Office for European projects Established in October 2006 ACTIVITY FIELDS : -Research (5. OP, 6.OP, 7.OP, COST,…) -Education (TEMPUS, LLP, Asia Link, e Learning,…) -Development ( Structural Funds (ERDF, ESF ) Community Initiatives ( EQUAL, INTERREG and Community programmes ( for ex. LIFE, CIP,…) )

10 Office for European projects ACTIVITIES Coordination Information Evaluation Consulting Education

11 Coordination activities -Definition of procedures and rules in relation Faculty – University Office for the purpose of efficient applications to calls and financial reporting – INSTRUCTIONS (data, who signs what) -Help in preparation of project applications (European and Slovene legislation, gender issues, project management,references…) -Multidisciplinary projects -Collection of ideas on research themes -Help in finding partners -Communication with the European Commission and Slovene Ministries -Dealing with common questions (audit certificates, employment of researchers, contracts)

12 Information activities - Development and establishment of information system -Collecting data on projects -Mapping funding opportunities -Dissemination of information on projects -Interactive internet/intranet web page (exchange of good practice and documents)

13 Consulting activities -Legal field (Consortium agreements, Grant agreements with EC, working contracts, bank garanties,..) -Financial and accounting field (eligible costs, overhead, financial reporting, audits,..) -Fiscal field (VAT, other taxes) -Project management (applications, project management, project dissemination)

14 Educational activities -Seminars and -Internal Conference on cooperation of UL in FP7 in November 2006 -FP7 Internal Financial seminar in March 2007 -Internal Conference on project management at UL -Written instructions and handbooks -Instruction on how to apply and manage European projects at UL -Instructions of financial management of European projects at UL

15 Evaluation activities -Evaluation of Office activities (questionnaires) -Evaluation of success of the university in EU projects

16 What the Office does NOT cover? - Students and professors mobility -Cooperation in non-EU research and education projects

17 Model of administrative support to EU projects Let the researchers do their work


19 UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA Mag. Staška Mrak Jamnik, M.Sc. Head of Office for European Projects University of Ljubljana Kongresni trg 12 1000 Ljubljana SLOVENIA  Tel.: +386 1 2418 532  Fax: +386 1 2418 660  e-mail:

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