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© 2002 IBM Corporation Enablement of Moodle software to DB2 9.7 Raul F. Chong IBM Canada Mario BriggsIBM

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Presentation on theme: "© 2002 IBM Corporation Enablement of Moodle software to DB2 9.7 Raul F. Chong IBM Canada Mario BriggsIBM"— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2002 IBM Corporation Enablement of Moodle software to DB2 9.7 Raul F. Chong IBM Canada Mario BriggsIBM Gergana Markova SWG – Tivoli Other Mentors: TBD for each team

2 © 2006 IBM Corporation 2 Agenda  Introduction  The IBM team  What is it there for you?  The Project  Conclusion  Questions

3 © 2006 IBM Corporation 3 The IBM Team  Project Lead: Gergana Markova  Project organization  Java, eXtremeProgramming, JUnit, Design Patterns  Project Lead: Raul F. Chong  Project organization, and technical assistance  DB2, Cloud computing  Technical writing  Lead Technical Mentor: Mario Briggs  Open-source enthusiast  Enablement of several open source projects to DB2  PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby on Rails  Each team will have dedicated Lead Technical Mentor and Lead Project Mentor: TBD  Technical Mentors  The Go-To experts for any technical questions and challenges  Project Mentors  Project environment, scheduling  Facilitation & collaboration  Team dynamics  Other  Open Source Moodle resources and forums  IBM Academic Initiative Student Forum  IBM Developer Works resources

4 © 2006 IBM Corporation 4 What is it there for you?  Software Engineering Skills  Team Project Planning and execution  Collaboration, Networking  Rapid Decision Making  Open source community involvement (process, resources..)‏  Research and resources evaluation  Other benefits  Interact closely with IBMers  Showcase your skills.  You *may* be recommended for a position at IBM or an internship at the IBM Toronto Lab.  May be part of a book team to write your experiences working with open source and DB2.

5 © 2006 IBM Corporation Moodle enablement to DB2 9.7 Project Sub-projects: - Moodle 1.9 to DB2 9.7 - Moodle 2.0 to DB2 9.7

6 © 2006 IBM Corporation 6 What is Moodle?  Moodle is an Open Source Course Management System (CMS). It offers:  Scalability (from elementary schools to universities)  Flexibility: Can be used for fully online classes or to augment face-to-face learning (blended learning)  Adaptability: Provides forums, wikis, databases  Allows for collaborative communities  Assess students through assignments and quizzes  Moodle 1.9 is the current release used in most institutions, however, Moodle 2.0 will be released this Feburary 2010. There are drastic changes in the code.  Moodle 1.9 - 732,726 lines; $11M lifetime cost -  ADOdb (abstraction layer used by Moodle) - 7,930 lines; $94K lifetime cost -

7 © 2006 IBM Corporation 7 General Project information  Goal  Enable Moodle to work with DB2 9.7 using DB2 Express-C edition (free version of DB2)  Moodle currently works with MySQL (and Oracle)  Two versions of Moodle to enable, 1.9 and 2.0.  Version 1.9 is partially enabled and running on the cloud at  General Project Technology/requirements  Open source, cloud computing for deployment  Programming Language: PHP  Eclipse or NetBeans (optional)  Project Repository of your choice (e.g., CVS)‏  Recommend using  Defect Tracking ( tracker, Bugzilla, bitbucket, etc…)‏  Project Discussion Forum/Log of your choice (e.g., Wiki, Google Groups/Docs)‏  Unit testing of your choice  In the end, it’s your decision what to do!

8 © 2006 IBM Corporation 8 Project Deliverables  Deliverables  Mandatory  Your project in a public repository, fully documented, contribute back to the Moodle community  Optional  An article/book that will be published on IBM DeveloperWorks detailing your experience

9 © 2006 IBM Corporation 9 Moodle 1.9 to DB2 9.7 details  Project started in Sep 2009 by a team of 3 students from CSULB  Moodle 1.9 environment:  PHP - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor:  HTML-embedded scripting language  Syntax is borrowed from C, Java and Perl  Goal: to allow web developers to write dynamically generated pages quickly  DB2  IBM relational database management system  Offers industry leading performance, scale, and reliability on popular platforms (Linux, UNIX, Windows, z/OS, System i)  ADOdb  Database abstraction library for PHP  Used by Moodle; provides interface to DB2

10 © 2006 IBM Corporation 10 Moodle 1.9 to DB2 9.7 details  Non-contamination policy:  Since Moodle is an open source project, IBMers cannot see the code to avoid ‘contamination’  Students can tell IBMers the problems they encounter, and IBMers will help with advise/technical assistance  Refer to CSULB powerpoint presentation with more details, and issues encountered.

11 © 2006 IBM Corporation 11 Moodle 2.0 to DB2 9.7 details  Students need to research what will be required for the enablement of Moodle 2.0 to DB2 9.7.  Moodle 1.9 used the ADOdb layer to interact with DB2. ADOdb is phased out in Moodle 2.0.  After performing an analysis of the code changes required, students can set up their testing environment, and proceed making the appropriate changes.

12 © 2006 IBM Corporation Moodle 1.9 and 2.0 Enablement - Suggested Approach  Review Moodle 1.9 to DB2 enablement project experiences  Environment setup  Research changes requires – determine the project scope  Implement changes  Test  Deployment (Go Live – Use Amazon Web Services)‏

13 © 2006 IBM Corporation Skills Required  PHP Programming, nothing fancy  DB2 skills (easy to learn if you already know other RDBMS)  Basic web-application concepts  Basic XML

14 © 2006 IBM Corporation 14 Conclusion  Thank you for your time!  We’re here for you!  E.g. Can provide learning materials to learn DB2 quickly  Questions?  Project Ideas?

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