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Comprehensive Needs Assessment Phase II Gather and Analyze Data Gather and Analyze Data.

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Presentation on theme: "Comprehensive Needs Assessment Phase II Gather and Analyze Data Gather and Analyze Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comprehensive Needs Assessment Phase II Gather and Analyze Data Gather and Analyze Data

2 Objectives of Phase II Building relationships with data staff at district and state levelsBuilding relationships with data staff at district and state levels Building mechanisms for obtaining data that are appropriate and timelyBuilding mechanisms for obtaining data that are appropriate and timely Building a comprehensive understanding of the gaps between migrant students and comparison populationsBuilding a comprehensive understanding of the gaps between migrant students and comparison populations

3 Principle Steps Consider types of data needed for each indicatorConsider types of data needed for each indicator Identify sources of that dataIdentify sources of that data Determine comparison group/targetDetermine comparison group/target Plan methods of data collection and analysisPlan methods of data collection and analysis

4 Data Types with Sample Sources Outcome/Achievement Data State assessment, State language proficiency results, Primary grade literacy assessments, teacher-made tests results State assessment, State language proficiency results, Primary grade literacy assessments, teacher-made tests results Perception Data Student surveys, Parent surveys, focus groups, Self- esteem survey results Demographic Data Student surveys, Parent surveys, School or District level database, ID&R records

5 TEST SCORESSCHOOL INVOLVEMENTFAMILY BACKGROUND State Assessment Scores Standardized Tests Scores Norm-Reference Test Scores Criterion Reference Test Scores Cognitive Ability Test Score Language Proficiency Ratings (English & Primary Language Other than English) Portfolio Assessment Ratings Teacher Survey of Basic Skill Needs Early Childhood Development Test Early Childhood Development Survey Computer/Technology Literacy Skills ACADEMIC PROGRESS Age-Grade Discrepancy Grade Retention Attendance Record Number of Interruptions to Education During Regular School Year Number of TASS Objectives Mastered Last Grade Completed Grades Credits Accrued for Graduation Number of Failed Courses Dropout Status Affiliation with teacher(s) Special Education (IEP) Free Lunch Participation Discipline Record Personal Relationships (i.e., friends) Enrollment/Placement in Other Programs (Title I, ESL, Bilingual, Even Start, Preschool, etc.) Gifted & Talented Interest in Adult Basic Education Interest in GED Interest in Enrollment in Public School System Interest in Job Training PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS Self Concept Rating Self Esteem Rating Special Talents/Strengths Social Behavior Assessment Inventory Score Feeling, Attitudes, Behavior Scale Index Education Goals Career Goals Hours of Employment Library Card & Use Legal Problem Recommendation for Counseling Residency Data Homebase State/District Educational Attainment of Parents Educational Attainment of Siblings Language Spoken in the Home Language Proficiency of Parent Access to Transportation Level of Parental Involvement Mobility (Number of Moves) Family Income Shelter/Food/Clothing Abuse/Neglect Family Conditions (e.g., foster care, married teen, guardian, etc.) HEALTH INDICATORS Medical Screening Results Dental Screening Results Visual Screening Results Auditory Screening Results Immunizations Primary Health Care Access TB Test Most Recent Physical Exam

6 Goal: High School Graduation Area of Concern: Continuity of Instruction Concern Statement Indicators Sources of Data We are concerned that migrant students who have had their school year interrupted, are not accruing the credits needed to graduate on time. Percentage of migrant high school students completing 4 credits by the end of the first year, 8 credits by the end of the second year, and 12 credits by the end of the third year. Credits must be applicable toward graduation. (Core courses – English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies) School records, State and local migrant databases

7 Comparison/Target Group Comparison Group  Non-migrant students  English language or content proficient students  English language or content proficient Migrant students  Priority for Service State Target or Benchmark  Ideal, Challenge, Can Do

8 Collection and Analysis Plan Types of DataTypes of Data Sources of DataSources of Data Variables/Data FieldsVariables/Data Fields SamplingSampling InstrumentationInstrumentation Collection ProceduresCollection Procedures AnalysisAnalysis

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