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"This gives police unbridled discretion to collect location data on everyone, even if there are no reasonable grounds for suspicion," said EFF Civil.

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5 "This gives police unbridled discretion to collect location data on everyone, even if there are no reasonable grounds for suspicion," said EFF Civil Liberties Director Jennifer Granick. "Investigators could track Americans on a whim -- 24 hours a day, seven days a week."

6 Before August 6 th 2010. The police were doing warrantless gps tracking, but now they must have a search warrant to monitor you. "It is one thing for a passerby to observe or even to follow someone during a single journey as he goes to the market or returns home from work. It is another thing entirely for that stranger to pick up the scent again the next day and the day after that, week in and week out, dogging his prey until he has identified all the places, people, amusements, and chores that make up that person's hitherto private routine.“ – U.S. Court of Appeals




10  Most likely not… but It doesn’t hurt to be cautious! Peterson could have hired a private investigator that is tracking all the students using gps. If you think you’re safe you’re not…. Check under your cars and see for yourselves!


12  If they can track you why wouldn’t you be able to track them?  You can have them download gps tracking devices for their phones or attach a gps device to their vehicles.

13  In San Francisco, CA, a thief named Horatio Toure used his bicycle to steal a woman's Iphone. Inconveniently for the thief the woman was demoing a program for a gps tracking program. 10 minutes after stealing the phone the man was arrested.  Former baseball star Albert Belle tracked his ex- girlfriend with gps and would threaten her and stalk her until he was arrested for stalking.  In Lancaster, PA, a 42 year old man used a gps device to track his ex-girlfriend. He later decided it would be a good idea to hire a hitman to kill her. Luckily the hitman was an undercover cop who later arrested the him.

14  Don’t use a car, cell phone, or any kind of computer device. That means a lot of walking or biking!  Check under your car daily if you still want to drive.  Grab a GPS detector and scan your area.  Don’t get a psycho girlfriend/boyfriend.  Stop doing illegal stuff you idiot! If you’re not doing anything wrong. Why worry?

15  bin/blogs/crime/detail?entry_id=68288&tsp= 1 bin/blogs/crime/detail?entry_id=68288&tsp= 1  /03-0

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