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11 ZIGBEE. 2 Equipment  FT-6200 High-power Zigbee Starter Kit.

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2 2 Equipment  FT-6200 High-power Zigbee Starter Kit

3 3 Equipment (cont’)  FT-6250 Base Development Board

4 4 Equipment (cont’)  FT-6251 Sensor Development Board Temperature range 0 ℃ ~ 70 ℃ Humidity range 0% ~ 95%

5 5 Experiment: Setup environment  Goal Setup environment Install the development tool Understand the program Build the program Burn image file into Zigbee

6 6 Experiment: Setup environment

7 7  Jennic SDK has two development tools Command Line Interface (CLI) Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

8 8 Experiment: Setup environment  Install JN-SW-4031-SDK-Toolchain-v1.1.exe  JN-SW-4030-SDK-Libraries-v1.4.exe Download from “Support / software”

9 9 Experiment: Setup environment  Install JN-SW-4027-SDKwithCLI.msi Download from “Support / software”

10 10 Experiment: Setup environment  將範例程式解壓縮至 C:\Jennic\cygwin\jennic\ SDK\Application  Execute Code::Blocks

11 11 Experiment: Setup environment

12 12 Experiment: Setup environment  Execute Jennic Flash Programmer

13 13 Experiment: Setup environment  Installation document CDROM\Document\Installation\JN-UG-3035-SDK- Installation-1v2.pdf

14 14 Experiment: LED Flash  Goal Understand the program Modify the program Step1: LED A flash twice, go to step2 Step2: LED B flash twice, go to step1

15 15 Experiment: LED Flash  Program Start AppColdStartAppWarmStart InitSystem While(true) Yes Timer? Flag Yes No LED1 on LED2 off LED1 off LED2 on TrueFalse

16 16 Experiment: LED Flash  Demo

17 17 Experiment: LED Flash  Function library CDROM\Documents\Board\JN-RM-2001- Integrated-Peripherals-API-2v3.pdf

18 18 Experiment: Button Control LED  Goal 在 FT625x 無線傳輸設備上學習使用按鈕的方式 以控制 LED 燈號。 Understand the program Modify the program Step1: Press button A, start LED flash Step2: Press button B, stop LED flash Draft flow chart of the modified program

19 19 Experiment: Button Control LED  Execute Code::Blocks

20 20 Experiment: Button Control LED

21 21 Experiment: Button Control LED  Demo

22 22 Experiment: UART Control LED  Goal 在 FT625x 無線傳輸設備上學習可以透過 UART 通訊從設備上取得一些資訊回饋 (feedback) 。 Understand the program Modify the program PC sends message through serial port to turn on\off the LED

23 23 Experiment: UART Control LED  Execute Code::Blocks

24 24 Experiment: UART Control LED  Demo Terminal Serial Port FT 6250 UART Typing in HyperTerminal: ex: aaaaabbbcc which UARTASCII code

25 25 Experiment: UART Control LED  使用超級終端機,必須做相關設定如下 : 38400 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no handshaking.  燒錄程式到 FT-6200 無線傳輸設備後,務必先重置電源,再 接上與超級終端機的連線。

26 26 Experiment: Wireless Control LED  Goal 在 FT625x 無線傳輸設備上學習如何使用 RF 無線 傳輸,形成小型無線網路。 Understand program Modify the program PC sends message through wireless to turn on\off the LED Write the difficult point down while you are experimenting

27 27 Experiment: Wireless Control LED  Execute Code::Blocks

28 28 Experiment: Wireless Control LED  Architecture

29 29 Experiment: Sensor  Goal 學習如何使用 Zigbee 裝置收集週遭環境的溫度和 溼度,並透過所在無線網路傳遞這些資訊 Understand program Modify the program 讓 end device 定期回報所感測到的溫溼度數據到 coordinator 設定溫溼度 MAX 的警告條件 – 溫度警告 - LED_0 閃爍 – 濕度警告 - LED_1 閃爍 請攜帶吹風機

30 30 Experiment: Sensor  Execute Code::Blocks

31 31 Experiment: Sensor  Demo

32 32 Experiment: Flow Testing  Goal 測試 Zigbee Coordinator 和 End Device 的最高傳輸 速度 速度是否可達到 20k-250k bps ,如不行請評估原 因  Devices Zigbee Smartbits 600

33 33 Experiment: Flow Testing SmartBits 600

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