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What is the most important factor in the global crisis? a) Limited energy b) Greenhouse gases c) Habitat destruction, loss of biodiversity d) Food and.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the most important factor in the global crisis? a) Limited energy b) Greenhouse gases c) Habitat destruction, loss of biodiversity d) Food and."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the most important factor in the global crisis? a) Limited energy b) Greenhouse gases c) Habitat destruction, loss of biodiversity d) Food and water shortages e) None of the above Human Happiness! :)



4 Average Income and Happiness in US, 1957-2002 Average Income Very Happy People 0 40 20 60 80 100 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005 0 10000 5000 15000 20000 25000 Percent of people who are very happy Average Income (1995 dollars)

5 Tooker, Woman at the Wall Factors in Depression overwork Illness Job insecurity, unemployment Relationship insecurity / break-up Death of a loved one Relocation Frustration/failure (learned helplessness) Environmental ugliness and deterioration Fear of any of the above

6 Nor is the problem confined to the angstful affluent (or as some doctors call them, the "worried well"). …In one study, 10 per cent of schoolchildren in Alexandria, Egypt, had depression; in another, 44 per cent of the adults in a rural village in Pakistan were affected. Depression does not pale into insignificance in the face of difficult social circumstances: it gets worse. People at particular risk include those living amidst war or poverty, abused children and adults, abandoned elderly people, migrants (including refugees), and indigenous people. Depression : 2nd leading cause of death by 2020 (World Health Organization)

7 Fun buying cool stuff looking good sex eating video games movies/TV vacations sports rollercoasters parties owning a nice car owning a nice house Joy Basic comfort/rest Good Health Good social relations Loving Feeling loved helping giving Security Feeling safe Feeling protected Feeling in control Feeling proud Freedom $ “The Economy” ≠ Human well-being

8 Debra Pankow Family Economics Specialist North Dakota State University Taxes: “defense” spending

9 Annual Expenditures Opportunities for Meeting Basic Needs on Luxury Items Cosmetics $18 billionReproductive health care $12 billion for all women Pet food in $17 billionElimination of hunger$19 billion Europe, US and malnutrition Perfumes$15 billionUniversal Literacy$5 billion Sea Cruises$14 billionClean drinking $10 billion water for all Ice cream$11 billionImmunizing every$1.3 billion In Europe child From: Inspiring Progress: Religions’ contributions to Sustainable development. By Gary Gardner




13 Ecovillage at Ithaca

14 Las Gaviotas, Colombia Arid savannah with acid soil 18K hectares of Carribbean pines with mycorrhizal fungi



17 Arundhati Roy Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.


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