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KBC Bank & Insurance Group General Meeting of Shareholders 25 April 2002
2 KBC Bank & Insurance Group Results Consolidated profit (in EUR m) - Contribution, banking - Contribution, insurance - Contribution, holding company Consolidated profit (%) - Contribution, banking - Contribution, insurance (*) 2000: excluding gain realized on sale of investment in CCF. 1 166 877 321 - 31 75.0% 27.5% - 2.5% 1 022 698 360 - 35 68% 35% - 3% - 12.3% - 20.4% + 12.2% +10.3% - - - 2000 (1) 2001 %
3 KBC Bank & Insurance Group Ratios Profitability/Efficiency Return on equity Cost/income ratio, bank Combined ratio, insurance Solvency Tier-1 ratio, bank Solvency ratio, insurance (*) 2000: excluding gain realized on sale of investment in CCF. 23.3 66.5 106.3 9.5% 307% 17.3 70.5 103.8 8.8% 318% 2000 (1) 2001
4 KBC Bank & Insurance Group Main developments Positive developments Increase in market share Home loans: 25.6%(+ 0.5%) Deposit books: 20.0%(+ 0.6%) Savings certificates: 17.8%(- 0.1%) Unit-linked life assurance: 20.2%(+ 0.5%) Increase in profit contribution from Central Europe Excellent result in non-life insurance business 2.5 bn EUR growth in assets under management Negative developments Unfavourable economic situation High provisions for loans Adverse financial markets Fees from securities business: - 12% (organic) Negative result, equity and derivatives subsidiaries Premium income, unit-linked life assurance : - 15.7%
5 In millions of EUR 2001 Gross income General admin. expenses Operating result Value adjustments and provisions Extraordinary result Profit before tax Taxes Minority interests Profit after tax 2000 % 4656 - 3094 1562 - 334 49 1277 - 243 - 158 877 (1) 4977 - 3510 1467 - 376 80 1171 - 313 - 160 698 6.9 13.4 - 6.1 12.8 - - 8.4 28.8 1.5 - 20.4 KBC Bank 2001 Results (1) excl. gains on CCF Organic % - 1.4 3.3 - 10.9 - 4.5 - - 9.5 19.1 1.5 - 18.9
6 Interest margin : 2.02% (s.q.) Commissions: Securities: 52% Payments: 17% Insurance: 4% Other: 27% Fin. Transact. : profit : (m EUR) Shares : 57 (2000 : 272) Bonds : 218 (2000 : 26) Net interest income + 9.2% Commision income (+2.2%) Other income (+7.1%) Fin.Transact. (+5.9%) 53% 8% 21% 18% KBC Bank Breakdown of gross income
7 In millions of EUR 2001 Gross income General admin. expenses Operating result Value adjustments and provisions Extraordinary result Profit before tax Taxes Minority interests Profit after tax 2000 % 4656 - 3094 1562 - 334 49 1277 - 243 - 158 877 (1) 4977 - 3510 1467 - 376 80 1171 - 313 - 160 698 6.9 13.4 - 6.1 12.8 - - 8.4 28.8 1.5 - 20.4 KBC Bank 2001 Results (1) excl. gains on CCF Organic % - 1.4 3.3 - 10.9 - 4.5 - - 9.5 19.1 1.5 - 18.9
8 KBC Bank Provisioning for credit risks Specific provisions - Domestic - International General provision Loan loss ratio - Domestic - International Non-interest-bearing 270.4 103.2 167.1 71.2 0.24 0.48 2.1% 199920002001 In millions of EUR 285.1 252.6 32.5 -43.8 0.53 0.09 2.1% 330.7 166.6 164.1 -9.3 0.35 0.38 2.8%
9 In millions of EUR 2001 Gross income General admin. expenses Operating result Value adjustments and provisions Extraordinary result Profit before tax Taxes Minority interests Profit after tax 2000 % 4656 - 3094 1562 - 334 49 1277 - 243 - 158 877 (1) 4977 - 3510 1467 - 376 80 1171 - 313 - 160 698 6.9 13.4 - 6.1 12.8 - - 8.4 28.8 1.5 - 20.4 KBC Bank 2001 Results (1) excl. gains on CCF Organic % - 1.4 3.3 - 10.9 - 4.5 - - 9.5 19.1 1.5 - 18.9
10 In millions of EUR 2001 Premium income, non-life Premium income, life Net technical charges(*) Investment income(*) Gross margin General admin. expenses Recurring result Non-recurring result Extraordinary result Profit before tax Taxes Minority interests Profit after tax 2000 % 820 1 688 - 2 330 631 809 - 409 401 8 - 2 407 - 51 4 360 769 1 881 - 2 517 615 748 - 376 372 25 - 5 392 - 74 2 321 6.6 - 9.9 - 7.4 2.6 8.2 8.7 7.7 - 69.2 - 67.2 3.8 - 30.4 - 12.2 (*) excl. effect of value adjustments, unit-linked life assurance KBC Insurance 2001 Results
11 KBC Insurance Breakdown of premium income Premium-income Non-life assurance Traditional life assurance Unit-linked life assurance Trad. Life (+7.1%) Non-life (+ 7%) Unit-linked class 23 (-15.7%) 48% 34% 18% via : Agents (%) Banks (%) 68.8 38.0 1.0 8.8 46.6 97.0
12 In millions of EUR 2001 Premium income, non-life Premium income, life Net technical charges(*) Investment income(*) Gross margin General admin. expenses Recurring result Non-recurring result Extraordinary result Profit before tax Taxes Minority interests Profit after tax 2000 % 820 1 688 - 2 330 631 809 - 409 401 8 - 2 407 - 51 4 360 769 1 881 - 2 517 615 748 - 376 372 25 - 5 392 - 74 2 321 6.6 - 9.9 - 7.4 2.6 8.2 8.7 7.7 - 69.2 - 67.2 3.8 - 30.4 - 12.2 (*) excl. effect of value adjustments, unit-linked life assurance KBC Insurance 2001 Results
13 KBC Insurance Non-recurring result Non-recurring income - Gains on shares - Changes in premium reserve - Provision for Y2K Non-recurring provision - Provision for financial risk - Extra provisions Non-recurring result 2000 (1) 2001 144.8 91.9 23.3 29.6 -89.9 -29.6 25.3 37.2 37.2 - - 29.4 7.8
14 In millions of EUR 2001 Premium income, non-life Premium income, life Net technical charges(*) Investment income(*) Gross margin General admin. expenses Recurring result Non-recurring result Extraordinary result Profit before tax Taxes Minority interests Profit after tax 2000 % 820 1 688 - 2 330 631 809 - 409 401 8 - 2 407 - 51 4 360 769 1 881 - 2 517 615 748 - 376 372 25 - 5 392 - 74 2 321 6.6 - 9.9 - 7.4 2.6 8.2 8.7 7.7 - 69.2 - 67.2 3.8 - 30.4 - 12.2 (*) excl. effect of value adjustments, unit-linked life assurance KBC Insurance 2001 Results
15 KBC Bank & Insurance Group Profit Contribution by Activity 31 Dec. 00 : 1181 m EUR 31 Dec. 00 : 1022 m EUR Retail bancassurance Central Europe Corporate services Asset management Market activities Group items % profit contribution 36% 13% 21%19% 5%7% 12%9% 15% 16% -13.7% +43.3% -79.6% +38.4% -12.6% - 4.3% In millions of EUR 422 364 147 211 228 47 100 138 109 95 168 175
16 Allocated equity (in EUR m) KBC Bank & Insurance Group Profitability – areas of activity Retail bancassurance Corporate services Market activities Central Europe Asset management Group item 2700 2502 1133 1897 - -377 % of total equity ROE 35% 32% 14% 24% - -5% 13.9% 8.3% 4.1% 7.5% - At 31 Dec. 2001 % profit contri- bution 36% 21% 5% 12% 9% 18%
17 Retail bancassurance Integration of Banking & Insurance Merger of ICT departments Joint marketing, communication and logistics at KBC Bank and Insurance Holding Company Total ± 2000 employees
18 Retail bancassurance Cross-selling in Belgium Total customers, bank 1 337 000 Total customers, insurance 744 000 Cross-selling 555 200 customers with at least 1 bank AND 1 insurance product + 4.2 % from 31 Dec. 2000 36.4 % of all customers target 40 % 555 200 Shared customers
19 Retail bancassurance Merger process on schedule Conversion and integration of insurer completed Merger process at KBC Bank completed by 2004 Closure of bank branches ± 1500 ± 850 1 IT system IT-related work nearly finished 2 250 000 customers already on new system, 300 000 more to go Downsizing Gradual reduction in workforce by 1 650 (11%) by end of 2004
20 Retail Bancassurance Integration of retail bank branches planned -300 achieved -321
21 Retail bancassurance Merger process on schedule Conversion and integration of insurer completed Merger process at KBC Bank completed by 2004 Closure of bank branches ± 1500 ± 850 1 IT system IT-related work nearly finished 2 250 000 customers already on new system, 300 000 more to go Downsizing Gradual reduction in workforce by 1 650 (11%) by end of 2004
22 KBC Bank & Insurance Group Investments in Central Europe Poland Kredyt Bank Agropolisa Warta Czech & Slovak Rep. CSOB CSOB Pojist'ovna IPB Pojist’ovna Patria Hungary K&H Bank K&H Life Argosz 66.6% 49.9% 40.0% 83.8% 100.0% 65.0% 100.0% 59.0% 50.0% 98.8% Ownership 450.7 7.2 127.2 1 363.3 15.5 63.0 53.5 273.2 2.5 30.5 Investment in EUR m Total investment: 2.8 bn EUR 5.5% 1% 13% non-life 18.5% 0.6% non-life 11% life/ 5% non-life na 13.4% 2.1% 3.5% Market share Slovenia * NLB34.0%435.045.0% * Decision in principle : being finalized
23 19991998 Net earnings P/E (year-end) Gross dividend Payout ratio Net asset value Price/NAV (year-end) 2.69 25.0 1.09 40.6% 32.3 2.1 3.26 16.4 1.23 37.7% 33.8 1.6 2000 3.90 11.8 1.42 36.4% 35.2 1.3 KBC Bank & Insurance Group Key figures per share 2001 3.39 11.1 1.48 43.6% 33.8 1.1
24 KBC share price in EUR
25 Relative performance of KBC share price
26 Profit for the period available for appropriation Profit brought forward from the previous financial year Profit to be appropriated Proposed profit appropriation: * Allocation to own funds - To the legal reserve (1) - To other reserves * Profit to be paid out - Dividends (301 464 574 shares) - Directors - Profit to be carried forward KBC Bank & Insurance Group Proposed profit appropriation (1) to raise it to 10 % of capital 555 557 037.57 447 657.47 556 004 703.04 501 057.76 105 000 000.00 446 167 569.52 1 303 595.33 3 032 480.43
27 KBC Bank & Insurance Group If the proposed appropriation of profit is approved, dividends (No. 35) will be payable as follows from 29 April 2002 : Gross amount % withholding tax Net amount on ordinary shares1.48 EUR25 %1.110 EUR on shares with VVPR strip1.48 EUR15 %1.258 EUR
KBC Bank & Insurance Group General Meeting of Shareholders 25 April 2002
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