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GENDER DIFFERENCES Cassandra F. Newkirk, M.D..

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Presentation on theme: "GENDER DIFFERENCES Cassandra F. Newkirk, M.D.."— Presentation transcript:

1 GENDER DIFFERENCES Cassandra F. Newkirk, M.D.

2 Gender Differences Women Relationships are important
Talk about their problems Caretakers of children Will ask for help Depressed Men Do not share innermost thoughts Do not talk about their problems Acknowledge children Reluctant to ask for help Aggressive

3 Histories Women Abused as children Used drugs & alcohol early
Early initiation into sex Unwanted pregnancies STD’s Men Abused as children Used drugs & alcohol early Early initiation into sex Unplanned children STD’s

4 Consequences Women Men Low self-esteem Low self-esteem Depression
Angry/aggressive Unwanted children STD’s Other health problems Dental Ob Gyn Men Low self-esteem Angry/aggressive Do not take care of children STD’s Health problems

5 Self-destructive behavior Men Victimizer Aggressive behavior
Women Victim role Self-destructive behavior Anger turned inward Men Victimizer Aggressive behavior Outward expression of anger

6 Abuse Histories of Male and Female Inmates
6-14% reported physical or sexual abuse pre-age 18 >50% of abused men were abused by parents or guardians 1 in 20 head been sexually abused pre-18 years old 1 in 10 had been physically abused pre-18 years old 76% of abused men used illegal drugs regularly (68%) Female Inmates 23-37% reported physical or sexual abuse pre-age 18 >50% of abused women were abused by a spouse or boyfriend <33% abused by parents and guardians 1 in 4 sexually abused pre-age 18 1 in 4 physically abused pre age 18 89% of abused women used illegal drugs regularly

7 Staff’s Issues Women Abused Victimized Substance Abuse Depressed Men
Victimizers or need to be in control Substance Abuse Depressed - expressed aggressively (need to control)

8 Women Challenges in personal life Like the male attention Power & Control Low self-esteem Men Challenges in personal life Like the “thrill” Power & Control Vulnerable to female pressure

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