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Welcome First large scale tutorial in France supported by 8 institutes About 120 participants Try to cover all aspects of Geant4 For novice and advanced.

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2 Welcome First large scale tutorial in France supported by 8 institutes About 120 participants Try to cover all aspects of Geant4 For novice and advanced users Version 8.3 (11 May 2007)

3 Local organizers Sabine Bérard (CEA/SPhN) Simon Chollet (IN2P3/LLR) Cilème Dogan (CEA/SPhN) Paul Guèye (JLab/Hampton U.) Pierre François Honoré (CEA/SPhN) Sébastien Incerti (IN2P3/CENBG) Sophie Kerhoas-Cavata (CEA/SPhN) Catherine Seznec (IN2P3/CENBG) Marc Verderi (IN2P3/LLR) Sabine Cilème Simon Catherine

4 Lecturers Michel Maire (IN2P3/LAPP) Marc Verderi (IN2P3/LLR) Makoto Asai (SLAC) Paul Guèye (JLab/Hampton U.) Sébastien Incerti (IN2P3/CENBG) Giovanni Santin (ESA) Ivana Hrivnacova (IN2P3/LAL) Vladimir Ivantchenko (CERN) Aatos Hikkinen (HIP) Gunter Folger (CERN) John Apostolakis (CERN) Lydia Maigne (IN2P3/LPC Clermont)

5 Specific application developers this Friday Sébastien Jan (CEA/DSV) GATE Laurent Guigues (CREATIS) ThIS Pierre Pourrouquet & Thierry Beutier (TRAD) FASTRAD Giovanni Santin (ESA) GRAS Laurent Desorgher (Bern U.) PLANETOCOSMISCS

6 Monday 09h00 – 09h10 Welcome and tutorial introduction (organizers) 09h10 – 09h45 Introduction to Monte Carlo simulations (M. Maire) 09h45 – 10h00 C++ for Geant4 users (M. Verderi) 10h00 – 10h45 Kernel 1 (M. Asai) General introduction Global structure of Geant4 Run, event, track, step, trajectory, etc. User classes 10h45 – 11h15 Break 11h15 – 11h30 User Interface 1 (M. Asai) Syntax Interactive mode / batch mode G4UIterminal class 11h30 – 12h00 Visualization 1 (P. Gueye) Introduction to Visualization Quick Looks at Seven Visualization Drivers Visualization UI commands 12h00 – 12h30 User Documents and Examples 1 (S. Incerti) Installation Guide Application developers manual Novice examples in Geant4 distribution LXR source code browser HyperNews 14h00 – 14h30 Material Definition (G. Santin) Defining Materials NIST Material database 14h30 – 15h15 Geometry 1 (M. Asai) Introduction G4VUserDetectorConstruction class Solid Logical volume 15h15 – 15h45 Physics 1 (M. Verderi) Introduction G4VUserPhysicsList class Modular physics list Packaged physics lists 15h45 – 16h15 Coffee Break 16h15 – 17h30 HANDS ON 1 (S. Incerti) Execute novice examples to confirm the Geant4 installation Basic Geant4 user interface

7 Tuesday 9h00 – 9h15 Highlight of user applications (S. Incerti) 9h15 – 10h00 Geometry 2 (M. Asai) Placement volume Parameterized volume Replica volume Nested parametrisation 10h00 – 10h30 Visualization 2 (P. Gueye) Visualization of trajectory Visualization attributes 10h30 – 11h Break 11h00 – 11h45 Physics 2 (M. Verderi) Overview Processes Production thresholds 11h45 – 12h30 Primary Particle (G. Santin) G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction class G4ParticleGun General particle source 14h00 – 14h30 Physics 3 (M. Asai) Cuts per region Decay Optical 14h30 – 14h45 Analysis 1 (P. Gueye) Introduction to analysis tools 14h45 – 15h30 Scoring 1 (M. Asai) Introduction to sensitivity G4VPrimitiveScorer and related classes G4VSDFilter G4Run and G4UserRunAction 15h30 – 16h Coffee Break 16h00 – 17h30 HANDS ON 2 (I. Hrivnacova) Material and geometry implementation Visualization

8 Wednesday 09h00 – 09h30 Geometry 3 (I. Hrivnacova) Geometry checking tools Touchable Region 09h30 – 10h15 EM Physics 1 (M. Maire, V. Ivantchenko) EM standard overview Multiple scattering 10h15 – 10h45 EM Physics 2 (S. Incerti) Low-E EM overview 10h45 – 11h15 Break 11h15 – 12h00 Hadronic Physics 1 (A. Heikkinen, G. Folger) Overview Elastic process Precompound/de-exitation models Cascade models Parameterized models 12h00 – 12h30 Hadronic Physics 2 (G. Folger) Neutron physics Ion physics 14h00 - 14h30 User Interface 2 (M. Asai) Define user commands 14h30 - 14h50 User Documents and Examples 2 (J. Apostolakis) Toolkit developers manual Physics reference manual Extended and advanced examples in Geant4 distribution 14h50 - 15h30 Scoring 2 (M. Asai) Sensitive detector Hits 15h30 - 16h00 Break 16h00 – 17h30 HANDS ON 3 (M. Maire, V. Ivantchenko, G. Folger, A. Heikkinen) Physics

9 Thursday 09h00 - 09h30 Geometry 4 (I. Hrivnacova) Nested parameterization Reflected volume, Assembly volume Geometry optimization 09h30 - 10h00 Geometry 5 (I. Hrivnacova, J. Apostolakis) Navigator's view of the geometry Best practice in creating a geometry 10h00 - 10h45 External fields (J. Apostolakis) Magnetic field Describing EM fields to the kernel Tailoring an application for accuracy/performance 10h45 - 11h15 Break 11h15 - 12h00 Hadronic Physics 3 (A. Heikkinen, G. Folger) String models CHIPS / electro-nuclear models Capture / fission / isotope-production models Radioactive decay 12h00 – 12h30 Physics lists (P. Gueye, G. Folger) 14h00 - 14h45 Analysis (P. Gueye) Data analysis Ntuples 14h45 - 15h15 Event Biasing (M. Verderi) Overview Geometrical biasing Physics biasing Bremsstrahlung splitting 15h15 – 15h45 Kernel 2 (M. Asai) (ppt, pdf)pptpdf User limits User information classes Stack management 15h45 - 16h15 Break 16h15 - 17h30 HANDS ON 4 (M. Verderi) Define scorers & histograms Alternate physics lists Output results

10 Friday 09h00 - 09h30 Kernel 3 (M. Asai) (ppt, pdf)pptpdf Parallel geometry Moving objects Shower parameterization 9h30 - 10h15 Cluster implementation and grid (L. Maigne) 10h15 – 10h30 JLab Physics and Geant4 (P. Gueye) 10h30 - 11h00 Coffee Break 11h00 - 11h20 GATE (S. Jan, CEA/DSV Orsay) 11h20 - 11h40 ThIS (L. Guigues, CREATIS Lyon ) 11h40 - 12h00 FASTRAD (T. Beutier or P. Pourrouquet ) 12h00 - 12h20 GRAS (G. Santin) 14h00 - 14h20 PLANETOCOSMICS (L. Desorgher) 14h20 - 15h45 User Forum + idea box 15h45 - 16h00 Coffee Break 16h00 – 16h30 Development plans and discussion about a “Geant4 France” collaboration

11 Practical information 9:00 – 17:30 daily schedule Coffee breaks and lunch included WiFi access during the tutorial Emergency contact 06 16 90 24 51 (Sophie) 06 74 02 82 12 (Sébastien) 06 77 14 15 01 (Marc)

12 Social program Welcome drink at the Ministère de la Recherche Monday starting 17:30 Seine river « Bateau mouche » tour – quai Saint Michel Thursday starting 19:00

13 Group Photo Someday, somewhere

14 Thanks ! CEA Ecole Polytechnique ESA Hampon University IN2P3 INSERM Institut Curie Jefferson Lab

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