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NRL 7343 Nov’97 Seasonal Variability of the surface bio-optical and Thermal Structure of the Japan/East Sea Using AVHRR and SeaWIFS Robert ArnoneRichard.

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Presentation on theme: "NRL 7343 Nov’97 Seasonal Variability of the surface bio-optical and Thermal Structure of the Japan/East Sea Using AVHRR and SeaWIFS Robert ArnoneRichard."— Presentation transcript:

1 NRL 7343 Nov’97 Seasonal Variability of the surface bio-optical and Thermal Structure of the Japan/East Sea Using AVHRR and SeaWIFS Robert ArnoneRichard Gould Chistine Chan Craig Lee* Burt Jones** Sherwin Ladner Craig Lee* Burt Jones** Sherwin Ladner Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center *Applied Physics Laboratory, Seattle WA **USC, Dept of Biological Sciences, Los Angles, CA

2 NRL 7343 Nov’97 Objective: Establish the seasonal and regional character of the SST and Bio-Optical (Chlorophyll) distribution AVHRR / SeaWIFS Coupling of the temperature and bio-optical structure (physical) Basin scales on the Subpolar front/ Korean Coastal Current Validation of the SeaWIFS bio-optical chlorophyll products

3 NRL 7343 Nov’97 May. 21, 1999 Coastal Upwelling Upwelling Upwelling 100-120 km 25-35 km 40-50 km SST Eddy Scales Filament Bathymetry Japan Basin Yamato Rise Ulleung Basin

4 NRL 7343 Nov’97 Monthly SST 09/98 12/9802/99 04/99 7/99 -Summer warming -(clouds) Movie

5 NRL 7343 Nov’97 02/98 03/98 04/98 05/98 09/98 11/98 SeaWIFS Monthly Chlorophyll 1998 Movie

6 NRL 7343 Nov’97 Regional Time- Series Weekly Composites North Basin South Basin SubPolar Front Sea Surface Temperature Chlorophyll April 1999

7 NRL 7343 Nov’97 01/98 04/98 07/98 10/98 01/99 04/99 07/99 10/99 02/00 01/98 06/98 01/99 06/99 01/00 SeaWifs (Chlorophyll) SST (AVHRR) Monthly Composites

8 NRL 7343 Nov’970102030405060708090100110 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 South Polar North North SST (AVHRR) Weekly Time Series (01/98-03/00) 01/98 06/98 01/99 * 06/99 01/00 SeaWifs (Chlorophyll) Polar North North South Weekly Composites Spring SpringFallFall

9 NRL 7343 Nov’97 199819971999 1998 1997 1999 Latitude Binned Seasonal progression of SST and Chlorophyll of SST and Chlorophyll Sea Surface Temperature (AVHRR -GAC) Chlorophyll (SeaWIFS - GAC) Spring Bloom

10 NRL 7343 Nov’97 Scatter plots of the SST / Chlorophyll April 1999 SST Chl

11 NRL 7343 Nov’97 Timing and Location of the Spring Bloom SST images with highlighted pixels from scatter plot (high chlorophyll) 4/21/99 5/21/99 6/09/99 Chlorophyll (  g/l) 0 16 32 48 64 SST Chlor > 2.0 SST 4.178.3312.516.7 Chlorophyll (  g/l) 2.7 6.1 9.5 13.0 Chlor > 2.0 SST Chlorophyll (  g/l) 9.0513.618.1 0 0.37 0.74 1.12 1.49 Chlor > 0.75 southnorth south northsouth

12 NRL 7343 Nov’97 KOREAN EDDY Anticyclonicmovie April 8,1998 April 18, 1998 May 14, 1998 East Korean Bay Eddy Wonson Bay Fli Movie

13 NRL 7343 Nov’97 Variability at the Subpolar Front: SST and Chlorophyll SST Chlorophyll 4/21/99 7.0 – 9.0  C SST range 1-15° C Chlor range 0-7  g/l white pixels indicate SST front overlaid on SST and chlorophyll images 5/21/99 11.5 – 13.5  C SST range 5-20° C Chlor range 0-5  g/l 6/09/99 14.0 – 16.0  C SST range 8-20° C Chlor range 0-1  g/l Subpolar Front defined by 2° C gradient SST increased by 7° C over 1.5 months

14 NRL 7343 Nov’97 Satellite vs. Shipboard Measurements: Surface and Subsurface Coupling TRANSECT A (E/W Cross-Basin) TRANSECT B (N/S Subpolar Front) SST red – satellite blue - shipboard Subpolar Front Subsurface expression of surface features (Seasoar) SeaSoar (colors: salinity, contours: temperature) A B

15 NRL 7343 Nov’97 Transect A – Absorption Coefficient SeaSoar (colors: fluorescence, contours: potential density) Absorption Coefficient (m-1)

16 NRL 7343 Nov’97 Summary Complex SST / Chlorophyll linking at the Subpolar FrontComplex SST / Chlorophyll linking at the Subpolar Front The spring bloom started in late March – early April in the southern basin and progressed northward through late May, ending in all areas by early June.The spring bloom started in late March – early April in the southern basin and progressed northward through late May, ending in all areas by early June. There was a shift in maximum chlorophyll concentrations from south of the Subpolar Front in April to north of the front in June.There was a shift in maximum chlorophyll concentrations from south of the Subpolar Front in April to north of the front in June. Fall Bloom progresses from North to south Nov - DecFall Bloom progresses from North to south Nov - Dec Timing and Location of the Spring / Fall Bloom Strong correlation was observed between satellite and shipboard measurements, in terms of spatial pattern (SST, absorption, scattering) and absolute magnitude (SST, absorption). Evidence for anti-cyclonic Korean Bay EddyEvidence for anti-cyclonic Korean Bay Eddy

17 NRL 7343 Nov’97 Korean Coast -- May 21, 1999 CHLSST Chlorophyll SST CHL > 2.0  g/l

18 NRL 7343 Nov’97 Subpolar Front -- April, May, June, 1999 April 21, 1999 CHL > 2.0  g/l SST May 21, 1999 June 9, 1999 CHL > 2.0  g/l Chlorophyll SST Chlorophyll SST Chlorophyll SST

19 NRL 7343 Nov’97 COMPARISONS No iteration 10 iterations Japan East Sea Decreased Chlorophyll Values 0.06 0.15 0.25

20 NRL 7343 Nov’97

21 Status of Remote Sensing AVHRR - - HRPT (1 km) daily imagery -NOAA – LAC1998/1999 limited - Shipboard system - KORDI – HRPT – (ftp) - July - 1999 - Japan Ischio Asamasi total 1998 – 227 total 1999 – 384 total of 611 - GAC (Monthly) -Phy O DACC (JPL) SeaWIFS - HRPT (1 km) - Goddard (SeaWIFS project) - Ship board system - GAC (monthly) – SeaWIFS project AVHRR - - HRPT (1 km) daily imagery -NOAA – LAC1998/1999 limited - Shipboard system - KORDI – HRPT – (ftp) - July - 1999 - Japan Ischio Asamasi total 1998 – 227 total 1999 – 384 total of 611 - GAC (Monthly) -Phy O DACC (JPL) SeaWIFS - HRPT (1 km) - Goddard (SeaWIFS project) - Ship board system - GAC (monthly) – SeaWIFS project

22 NRL 7343 Nov’97 Differences in SST and Chlorophyll March 24, 1998 Julian: 083 Sea Surface Temperature Chlorophyll

23 NRL 7343 Nov’97 SeaWIFS -CHL AVHRR - SST March 31, 1998

24 NRL 7343 Nov’97


26 East Sea Cruise, HNRO05 19 May - 3 June, 1999 ASD Station Locations 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 21,22 9 10,16 20 18,19 11,17 14 13 12 15 25 24 23 26 27 282930 31 32 333435 36 37 38 39 40 5 11 33

27 NRL 7343 Nov’97 AVHRR Monthly Composite Monthly Composite 4- 99 Korea Japan Russia 130140 China Time-Series Analyses AVHRR – SST SeaWIFS – Chlorophyll Nov 1997 - Oct 1999 SeaWIFS Monthly Composite Monthly Composite 4- 99

28 NRL 7343 Nov’97 SeaWIFS Daily 1998- 1999 Movie AVHRR Movie SeaWIFS Monthly 1998- 1999 1998- 1999 Movie AVHRR Monthly Monthly 1998- 1999 1998- 1999 Movie SeaWIFS Weekly 1999 Movie SeaWIFS Weekly 1998 Movie AVHRR Weekly 1998 Movie AVHRR Weekly 1999 Movie AVHRR- SeaWIFS AVHRR- SeaWIFS Monthly 1998 - 1999 1998 - 1999 Movie

29 NRL 7343 Nov’97 Stations Stations NRL Reflectance CTD Atmospheric Sounding SubPolar Front Cruise track SST 21 May, 1999 Bio-Optics Bio-Optics Cruise results: May - June 1999 Stations 40 ASD – remote sensing reflectance ac9 – flowthrough (10 sec) Sun Photometer (80) - Shipboard receiving – 200 AVHRR - 25 SeaWIFS

30 NRL 7343 Nov’97 Time Series Analyses WEEKLY (HRPT) SeaWIFS AVHRR

31 NRL 7343 Nov’97 01/98 06/98 01/99 06/99 01/00 0102030405060708090100110 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 East Sea Time Series South Polar North AVHRR SST (Degress Celsius) Weekly Time Series (01/98-03/00)

32 NRL 7343 Nov’97


34 May 21, 1999 SST and Chlorophyll

35 NRL 7343 Nov’97 April 25, 1999 Week 17 Week 17

36 NRL 7343 Nov’97 June 10, 1999- Week 23

37 NRL 7343 Nov’97 Monthly Composite of Chlorophyll (April 1999) Examples of some the imagery- Monthly Mean 4/26 4/28 4/20 4/30

38 NRL 7343 Nov’97 Subpolar Front -- May 21, 1999 CHL SST CHL > 2.0  g/l SST AVHRR and SeaWiFS Collected ~ 6 hrs apart Chlorophyll SST CHL > 2.0  g/l

39 NRL 7343 Nov’97 AVHRR SST May 21, 1999 AVHRR SST May 21, 1999 Cruise track 12 14 16 AVHRR SST ShipFlow Through

40 NRL 7343 Nov’97SeaWIFSAbsorption 440 (Arnone) 0.10 0.2.3 SeaWIFS (atotal 440) Flowthrough (atotal 443) 0.10 0.2 0.3

41 NRL 7343 Nov’97 SeaWIFS (bb550) Flowthrough b550

42 NRL 7343 Nov’97 East Sea -- Thermal/Bio-Optical Relationships Define region of interest Extract ROI pixels from SST (AVHRR) and chlorophyll (SeaWiFS) imagery - daily scenes and monthly composites Examine thermal/bio-optical relationships (scatter plots, image overlays) Examine temporal and spatial changes (time-series analysis, histograms) North Basin Subpolar Front South Basin Korean Coast

43 NRL 7343 Nov’97 Jan FebMarApr May June JulAug SeptOctNovDec1998

44 NRL 7343 Nov’97 Jan FebMarApr May June JulAug SeptOctNovDec1999

45 NRL 7343 Nov’97 Variability at the Subpolar Front: SST and Chlorophyll SST Chlorophyll 4/21/99 7.0 – 9.0  C SST range 1-15° C Chlor range 0-7  g/l white pixels indicate SST front overlaid on SST and chlorophyll images 5/21/99 11.5 – 13.5  C SST range 5-20° C Chlor range 0-5  g/l 6/09/99 14.0 – 16.0  C SST range 8-20° C Chlor range 0-1  g/l Subpolar Front defined by 2° C gradient SST increased by 7° C over 1.5 months

46 NRL 7343 Nov’97 199819991997 SST Spring Bloom Bloom Fall Spring Basin Time Series Gac Imagery

47 NRL 7343 Nov’97


49 May 21, 1999 SST and Chlorophyll

50 NRL 7343 Nov’97 SeaWiFSFlow-Through Transect A – Scattering Coefficient

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