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R. Komm & Friends NSO, Tucson R. Komm & Friends NSO, Tucson Solar Subsurface Flows from Ring-Diagram Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "R. Komm & Friends NSO, Tucson R. Komm & Friends NSO, Tucson Solar Subsurface Flows from Ring-Diagram Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 R. Komm & Friends NSO, Tucson R. Komm & Friends NSO, Tucson Solar Subsurface Flows from Ring-Diagram Analysis

2 Recent Progress in Ring Analysis Physical Parameters Connections to Magnetic Activity Utilize HMI Subsurface Flow Maps Future Efforts Recent Progress in Ring Analysis Physical Parameters Connections to Magnetic Activity Utilize HMI Subsurface Flow Maps Future Efforts Overview

3 High Spatial Resolution better fits closer to limb Continuous Coverage better statistics / catch every active region collaboration / campaigns (AIA, SHINE) High Spatial Resolution better fits closer to limb Continuous Coverage better statistics / catch every active region collaboration / campaigns (AIA, SHINE) What will HMI provide?

4 SHINE Events Event Active Region Continuou s Intermitten t Limb May 12, 1997 8038MDI May 1, 1998 8210 April 21, 2002 9906GONG+MDItoo close August 24, 2002 0069GONG+ Oct−Nov, 2003 0486GONG+MDI

5 Standard Dense-Pack Analysis Small Rings (Haber, Hindman) Big Rings (González Hernández) Others such as non-tracking (Basu, Bogart) Standard Dense-Pack Analysis Small Rings (Haber, Hindman) Big Rings (González Hernández) Others such as non-tracking (Basu, Bogart) Recent progress in Ring Analysis

6 Dense-Pack Ring Diagram Analysis 16 o patch, circular apodized to15 o 1664 min (1 ring day) 0 − 16 Mm depth

7 Synoptic Maps of (v x, v y ) and v z

8 Synoptic Maps of Vorticity AR 0069: 300 o Longitude, −7.5 o Latitude ω = ∇ × v

9 Vorticity vs. Flare Intensity ω s = a + ( b + c B max ) ( log[F.I] + log[d] ) Mason et al.

10 Flares and Flows: Temporal Variation GOES data tpsolarflares.html#xray AR 0696 Vertical Velocity Enstrophy Kinetic Helicity Density Vertical Velocity Enstrophy Kinetic Helicity Density AR 10696: 2004, Nov 2 − 9

11 Horizontal Flows (measured) Vertical Flows (divergence) Vorticity (curl v) Kinetic Helicity Density (v ⋅ curl v) Horizontal Flows (measured) Vertical Flows (divergence) Vorticity (curl v) Kinetic Helicity Density (v ⋅ curl v) Physical Parameters Indicators of magnetic activity: twist of flux tubes ? Kinetic Helicity Density

12 Zonal flow and north-south asymmetry Corrected for annual variations Zaatri 0.6 Mm (solid) 1.7 Mm (dotted) 5.8 Mm (dashed) 11.6 Mm dot- dashed) 0.6 Mm (solid) 1.7 Mm (dotted) 5.8 Mm (dashed) 11.6 Mm dot- dashed) north (crosses) south (squares) north (crosses) south (squares)

13 High-Resolution Flow and H α Improved Resolution with Small Rings (4 o tiles) Haber, Hindman Haber, Hindman MDI f modes: depth ~2Mm BBSO H α 29 Mar 2002

14 Flows near Filaments Flows are complicated and changing. 30 Mar 2002 to 2 April 2002 30 Mar 2002 to 2 April 2002 Flow cells lasting several days Flow cells lasting several days Haber, Hindman Haber, Hindman

15 Flows averaged over 4 days and along the length of the filament Shear Flow along the neutral line Haber, Hindman Haber, Hindman

16 Rotation Rate from Big Rings Good match with global rate below 0.97 R 15 o patches Big Rings 30 o patches Big Rings 30 o patches González Hernández González Hernández

17 Meridional Flow from Big Rings 0.985 r/R 0.970 r/R 0.960 r/R 0.985 r/R 0.970 r/R 0.960 r/R 0.995 r/R 0.975 r/R 0.965 r/R 0.995 r/R 0.975 r/R 0.965 r/R González Hernández González Hernández

18 Dense Pack daily and synoptic maps done quickly Small Rings 1 o resolution with HMI (MDI: 2 o and 4 o ) selected magnetic features; supergranules Big Rings deep large-scale flows unbiased by surface Dense Pack daily and synoptic maps done quickly Small Rings 1 o resolution with HMI (MDI: 2 o and 4 o ) selected magnetic features; supergranules Big Rings deep large-scale flows unbiased by surface Multiple-Tile-Size Analysis for HMI

19 Density with Radius Small Rings Small Rings Big Rings Standar d Depth Ranges covered by 3 patch sizes boundary layer shear layer

20 Weather Maps (routine product) Active Region Development Basic Research Prediction? Localization of Events Large-scale flows in upper cz (>0.9 R) Weather Maps (routine product) Active Region Development Basic Research Prediction? Localization of Events Large-scale flows in upper cz (>0.9 R) Utilize HMI Subsurface Flow Maps

21 Standardize Big and Small Rings Fitting / Inversions need work Experiment with spatial & temporal scales Connect Flow Parameters with Activity How reliable are daily variations? Standardize Big and Small Rings Fitting / Inversions need work Experiment with spatial & temporal scales Connect Flow Parameters with Activity How reliable are daily variations? Future Efforts ★ Problems are technique issues. ★ Code development?

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