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Istanbul, 24 April 2003 European Commission - Directorate General for Research DGRTD- Dir B.3 Dr. If.Pottaki SMEs & Research SMEs and Research under the.

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1 Istanbul, 24 April 2003 European Commission - Directorate General for Research DGRTD- Dir B.3 Dr. If.Pottaki SMEs & Research SMEs and Research under the Sixth Framework Programme Dr Ifigeneia Pottaki Unit “Research and SMEs” DG RTD, European Commission

2 Istanbul, 24 April 2003 European Commission - Directorate General for Research DGRTD- Dir B.3 Dr. If.Pottaki SMEs & Research FP6 supports SMEs in research activities through 2 main routes: The specific measures for SMEs (horizontal activities) The participation of SMEs in the priority thematic areas - Horizontal activities Co-operative research Collective research - ETI - 15% of the budget of the priority thematic areas

3 Istanbul, 24 April 2003 European Commission - Directorate General for Research DGRTD- Dir B.3 Dr. If.Pottaki SMEs & Research 2.2 billion € for SMEs under FP6 horizontal activities: 430M€ ETI: 35M€ Priority thematic areas: at least 1.692M €

4 Istanbul, 24 April 2003 European Commission - Directorate General for Research DGRTD- Dir B.3 Dr. If.Pottaki SMEs & Research Horizontal activities for SMEs: Co-operative Research SMEs assign S&T research they need to RTD performers SMEs own the results also innovative and high-tech SMEs in co-operation with research centres and universities

5 Istanbul, 24 April 2003 European Commission - Directorate General for Research DGRTD- Dir B.3 Dr. If.Pottaki SMEs & Research Horizontal activities for SMEs: Co-operative Research BUDGET: 320 M € AREAS: any subject of S&T ACTIVITIES: research and innovation-related consortium management individual project: chargeable costs 0.5 - 2 m € duration 1 -2 years

6 Istanbul, 24 April 2003 European Commission - Directorate General for Research DGRTD- Dir B.3 Dr. If.Pottaki SMEs & Research Horizontal activities for SMEs: Collective Research RTD performers undertake S&T research on behalf of Industrial Associations or Groupings benefits to large communities of SMEs the Industrial Associations/Groupings own the results

7 Istanbul, 24 April 2003 European Commission - Directorate General for Research DGRTD- Dir B.3 Dr. If.Pottaki SMEs & Research Horizontal activities for SMEs: Collective Research BUDGET: 110 m € AREAS: any subject of S&T including on legislation, problems of whole industrial sectors not addressed by Co- operative Research ACTIVITIES: Research and innovation-related, consortium management, dissemination and training individual project: costs chargeable 2 - 5 m €, duration 2 - 3 years, higher cost and longer duration if justified

8 Istanbul, 24 April 2003 European Commission - Directorate General for Research DGRTD- Dir B.3 Dr. If.Pottaki SMEs & Research Horizontal activities for SMEs Co-operative and Collective Research: * RTD performers must account for at least 40% of research and innovation costs. They should receive 100% of total eligible costs (within ceiling) *in consortium overall: 5 independent legal entities from 3 MS or AS, at least 2 MS or ACC * consortium agreement required

9 Istanbul, 24 April 2003 European Commission - Directorate General for Research DGRTD- Dir B.3 Dr. If.Pottaki SMEs & Research Horizontal activities for SMEs Co-operative research: Co-ordinator an SME or an RTD performer Collective research: Co-ordinator an Industrial Association/Grouping or an RTD performer

10 Istanbul, 24 April 2003 European Commission - Directorate General for Research DGRTD- Dir B.3 Dr. If.Pottaki SMEs & Research part of “Research and Innovation” of the “Structuring the ERA” builds on experience of ETI in FP5 projects carried out by intermediaries working with/for the innovation players and organisations with appropriate expertise through SSA or Co-ordination Actions each ETI proposal should address a specific research theme or industrial sector Stepping up Economic and Technological Intelligence (ETI)

11 Istanbul, 24 April 2003 European Commission - Directorate General for Research DGRTD- Dir B.3 Dr. If.Pottaki SMEs & Research Horizontal activities for SMEs - participants Co-operative research 3 independent SMEs (from 2 MS /AS, at least 1 MS /ACC) & 2 RTD performers, (independent from other participants from 2 MS or AS, at least 1 MS / ACC) & other enterprises and end-users can participate - must be independent from SMEs - RTD performers

12 Istanbul, 24 April 2003 European Commission - Directorate General for Research DGRTD- Dir B.3 Dr. If.Pottaki SMEs & Research Horizontal activities for SMEs -participants Collective research 2 independent Industrial Associations/Groupings from 2 MS /AS, at least 1 MS /ACC or 1 European Industrial Association/ Grouping that fulfils the conditions & 2 RTD performers, from 2 MS/AS, at least 1 MS/ACC & 1 SME core group of 2 SMEs (2 MS/AS, 1 MS/ACC)

13 Istanbul, 24 April 2003 European Commission - Directorate General for Research DGRTD- Dir B.3 Dr. If.Pottaki SMEs & Research Horizontal activities for SMEs calls and evaluation 2003 Co-operative research 2003: closure dates: 29/04, 27/11, 17.00 indicative budget: 95 m €, 60 m € single stage procedure of evaluation first contracts estimated 8 months after closure date

14 Istanbul, 24 April 2003 European Commission - Directorate General for Research DGRTD- Dir B.3 Dr. If.Pottaki SMEs & Research Horizontal activities for SMEs calls and evaluation 2003 Collective research 2003: closure dates: 06/03, 17.00 CLOSED (first stage) indicative budget: 40 m € two stage procedure of evaluation first contracts estimated 12 months after closure date

15 Istanbul, 24 April 2003 European Commission - Directorate General for Research DGRTD- Dir B.3 Dr. If.Pottaki SMEs & Research Horizontal activities for SMEs evaluation criteria Relevance S&T excellence Potential impact Quality of consortium Quality of management Mobilisation of resources overall threshold score 4 /5 3 /5 21 /30

16 Istanbul, 24 April 2003 European Commission - Directorate General for Research DGRTD- Dir B.3 Dr. If.Pottaki SMEs & Research ETI BUDGET: 35 m € individual project: costs: 0.2 -2 m € duration: 1 -3 years, exceptionally longer PARTICIPANTS: 3 independent legal entities from 3 MS/AS, at least 1 MS/ACC calls for proposals and calls for tenders ETI 2003: Projects should concentrate on the participation of SMEs/SME Groupings in FP6 particularly through IP, NoE Call 2003: closure date 29/04, 20 m € first contracts 8 months after closure date

17 Istanbul, 24 April 2003 European Commission - Directorate General for Research DGRTD- Dir B.3 Dr. If.Pottaki SMEs & Research Enterprises, especially SMEs, key players towards the ERA Participation of SMEs in the 7 priority areas: at least 15% of the budget special measures to promote SMEs participation close monitoring of SMEs’ participation in each thematic priority Participation of SMEs in the priority thematic areas

18 Istanbul, 24 April 2003 European Commission - Directorate General for Research DGRTD- Dir B.3 Dr. If.Pottaki SMEs & Research Participation of SMEs in the priority thematic areas Participation of SMEs and SME groupings in consortia for different activities pre-allocated budget for take-up measures SMEs may be involved from proposal stage or after contract signature (call by the consortium) participation inIP NoE STREPs

19 Istanbul, 24 April 2003 European Commission - Directorate General for Research DGRTD- Dir B.3 Dr. If.Pottaki SMEs & Research Measures to promote SMEs’participation in the priority thematic areas information and awareness evaluation criteria in IP, NoE, STREPs targeting of calls possibility to extend contracts to include new SMEs task force on SME participation in FP6 ETI

20 Istanbul, 24 April 2003 European Commission - Directorate General for Research DGRTD- Dir B.3 Dr. If.Pottaki SMEs & Research For more information:

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