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SDO/AIA science plan: prioritization and implementation: Five Objectives in 10 steps [session no. C9] HMI/AIA science teams meeting; Monterey; Feb. 20061 C9: Coronal Heating and Irradiance Chairs: Warren/Martens
[session no. C9] HMI/AIA science teams meeting; Monterey; Feb. 20062 The Agenda Warren15 minutes - “The Template” Winter15 minutes - Quiescent Loop Heating Profiles with AIA Schmelz 15 minutes - Loop Plasma Temperatures and AIA Aschwanden 15 minutes - Thermal Diagnostics Loops with AIA Brosius15 Minutes - Coronal Magnetic Field Measurements
[session no. C9] HMI/AIA science teams meeting; Monterey; Feb. 20063 II: Science questions and tasks Primary scientific question What is the physical mechanism that determines the magnitude and variability of the solar irradiance at UV, EUV, and SXR wavelengths? SDO/AIA science tasks: Characterize the thermal properties of coronal structures Develop physical models of loop atmospheres Construct physical models of the solar UV, EUV, and SXR irradiance with predictive capability
[session no. C9] HMI/AIA science teams meeting; Monterey; Feb. 20064 Simulating Active Region Emission: An Example * Volumetric Heating Rate * Observations Indicate * Visualizations are important Schrijver et al. 2004 EUV, TR?
[session no. C9] HMI/AIA science teams meeting; Monterey; Feb. 20065 Simulating Active Region Emission: An Overview Atomic Physics Heating Rate ε(s,t) Magnetic Field Field Lines Hydro Model n(s), T(s) Predicted Intensities Observations radiative losses plasma emissivity Extrapolation of the surface magnetic fields is not unique. The relationship between the heating rate and the properties of the magnetic field should be motivated by theory. Calculating the plasma response to heating is time consuming. Solutions are approximate. Dynamical processes, such as non-equilibrium ionization, are difficult to include in the calculated intensities. Instrumental effects (e.g., scattered light, calibration) can complicate comparisons with observations.
[session no. C9] HMI/AIA science teams meeting; Monterey; Feb. 20066 III: Science context Near-Term Developments Significant results on coronal heating are expected from Solar-B, which will launch in 2006. Solar B will provide EUV Spectra Soft X-ray imaging High resolution magnetograms Vector magnetic field measurements Chromospheric imaging Continued development of CHIANTI and other atomic physics databases. Continued analysis of SOHO, Yohkoh, and TRACE data; comparisons with TIMED SEE irradiance data
[session no. C9] HMI/AIA science teams meeting; Monterey; Feb. 20067 III: Science context Unique contributions from SDO Full Sun: SDO will allow us to take the insights gained from the high spatial resolution Solar-B observations and apply them to the global corona. Solar-B/FPP SDO/HMI Solar-B/XRT/EIS SDO/AIA Spectral Irradiance: SDO/EVE irradiance observations will provide for absolute benchmarks over a much broader range of wavelengths. AIA provides thermal resolution that is unsurpassed for previous imagers. Extended Mission: The extended length of the SDO mission will allow for measurements over a significant fraction of a solar cycle.
[session no. C9] HMI/AIA science teams meeting; Monterey; Feb. 20068 IV: Science investigation Hurdles, bottlenecks, uncertainties: Magnetic field extrapolations: uniqueness, efficiency of calculation Loop geometry: do loops really have constant cross sections? Heating rates: what do theories really predict Hydro simulations: need faster codes Atomic databases: completeness, non-equilibrium effects Comparisons with observations: calibration, instrumental effects DEM inversion techniques: uniqueness, efficiency of calculation
[session no. C9] HMI/AIA science teams meeting; Monterey; Feb. 20069 V: Implementation: general What do we need to make progress on the science questions in general? Small workshop(s) focused on these tasks Codes and Resources atomic physics databases magnetic field extrapolation techniques hydro codes
[session no. C9] HMI/AIA science teams meeting; Monterey; Feb. 200610 VI: Implementation: AIA+HMI What do we need from and for SDO to make progress on our major science? The standard AIA and HMI observations will be sufficient to address these tasks.
[session no. C9] HMI/AIA science teams meeting; Monterey; Feb. 200611 VII: AIA (+HMI+EVE) data products Data products SDO data: HMI magnetogram, vector magnetic field (critical) HMI “instantaneous” Carrington maps (desirable) AIA image data in all passbands (critical) EVE irradiance observations (critical) Supporting data from other observatories: Solar B EIS spectra (desirable) Solar B XRT images (desirable)
[session no. C9] HMI/AIA science teams meeting; Monterey; Feb. 200612 VIII: AIA (+HMI+EVE) data production Assessment of required resources/codes/etc: Reliable, well documented, and frequently recalibrated AIA_prep software. Fast, reliable, fully automated, well documented, and cross- calibrated DEM inversion codes, preferably several to choose from. Fast, reliable, well documented hydrocodes, preferably open to use by the community. Supporting but independent s/w to produce simulated AIA data and DEM’s. Need at least some codes for every step (prep, DEM, hydro, simdata) that run easily on current standard PC’s and laptops (e.g. current iMac G5 with 1 GB RAM, 250 GB HD, 2 GHz processor). Need clearing house type website for codes, results, calibrations, benchmark requirements, preprints. Plus email newsletter (e.g. RHESSI).
[session no. C9] HMI/AIA science teams meeting; Monterey; Feb. 200613 Near-Term Items “Coronal Loops Workshop” – Shortly after the launch of Solar-B; Somewhere in Europe; (Warren, Martens, + others) “DEM/Atomic Physics Workshop” – Relatively soon; in Cambridge, MA; (Webber, Boerner, … Warren) “Open Source 1D Hydro Code” – ?
[session no. C9] HMI/AIA science teams meeting; Monterey; Feb. 200614 IX: Business plan: Resources [What data and codes must we have to make SDO a success (at pipeline, supporting, and research levels)? Who will provide the required codes?] -- First question answered in VIII. Schedule and responsibilites perhaps something to start discussing at the team meeting? …
[session no. C9] HMI/AIA science teams meeting; Monterey; Feb. 200615 X: Business plan: Implementation Define key milestones, test procedures, and target dates, … … Communication: define or list meetings, topical sessions, etc., where progress can be presented, discussed, evaluated, … …
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