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CS 326 A: Motion Planning Exploring and Inspecting Environments.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 326 A: Motion Planning Exploring and Inspecting Environments."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 326 A: Motion Planning Exploring and Inspecting Environments

2 Planning with Visibility Constraints  The robot is equipped with vision sensors and its main task is to collect information about the environment   concept of an autonomous observer   Visibility constraints (collision avoidance, kinodynamics, equilibrium, etc)

3 Planning with Visibility Constraints Examples of tasks:  Map generation (2-D and 3-D) The goal is not a position/configuration of the robot, but a knowledge state

4 Planning with Visibility Constraints Examples of tasks:  Finding an object/target  Inspecting an environment

5 Planning with Visibility Constraints Examples of tasks:  Target tracking / Moving a virtual camera observer target observer target There is no end goal to the task, plus the visibility constraint is real-time

6 Visibility Region robot

7 Today’s Papers  Map Building: H. Gonzalez-Banos and J.C. Latombe. Navigation Strategies for Exploring Indoor Environments. Int. J. Robotics Research, 2003.  Next-Best View (NBV) planning  Planning of inspection paths: T. Danner and L.E. Kavraki. Randomized Planning for Short Inspection Paths. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics & Autom., San Francisco, April 2000.  Art gallery + PRM + TSP

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