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Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 1 Spring Quarter 2003 Engineering H193 Course Introduction Team Assignments Team Working Agreement.

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Presentation on theme: "Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 1 Spring Quarter 2003 Engineering H193 Course Introduction Team Assignments Team Working Agreement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 1 Spring Quarter 2003 Engineering H193 Course Introduction Team Assignments Team Working Agreement Design Process Brainstorming Week 1 Day 1

2 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 2 Spring Quarter 2003 Engineering H193 Instructional Team FEH Faculty –Gary Maul – 7:30 –Joanne DeGroat – 8:30 –Deb Grzybowski – 9:30 –Fritz Meyers – H193A 10:30 –John Demel – 11:30 –Rick Freuler – 12:30 & 2:30 –Paul Clingan – 1:30

3 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 3 Spring Quarter 2003 Engineering H193 Instructional Team FEH GTAs –James Copus – 7:30 –Aaron Lambert – 8:30 –Raj Tenaja – 9:30 –Leo Glimcher – 10:30 –James Copus – 11:30 –Raj Tenaja – 12:30 –Ted Pavlic – 1:30 –James Beams – 2:30

4 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 4 Spring Quarter 2003 Engineering H193 Instructional Team Paul Clingan Office – 223 Hitchcock Hall Phone – 292-6383 Home Phone – 431-1167 E-mail –

5 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 5 Spring Quarter 2003 Engineering H193 Instructional Team John Demel Office – 244E Hitchcock Hall Phone – 292-2427 Home Phone – 901-2996 (<10 pm) E-mail –

6 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 6 Spring Quarter 2003 Engineering H193 Instructional Team Joanne DeGroat Office – 656 Dreese Lab Phone – 292-2439 E-mail –

7 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 7 Spring Quarter 2003 Engineering H193 Instructional Team Rick Freuler Office – 244H Hitchcock Hall Phone – 688-0499 Home Phone – 436-2202 (<9 pm) E-mail –

8 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 8 Spring Quarter 2003 Engineering H193 Instructional Team Deb Grzybowski Office – 390 Bevis Hall Phone – 292-1750 E-mail –

9 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 9 Spring Quarter 2003 Engineering H193 Instructional Team Gary Maul Office – 220 Baker Systems Phone – 292-7846 E-mail –

10 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 10 Spring Quarter 2003 H193 Course Objectives This course will enable you to: –Design and build a robot –Plan and manage an engineering design project –Present analyses of design & results –Write a project report –Make an oral presentation on the work

11 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 11 Spring Quarter 2003 Text Books Tools and Tactics of Design – Dominick, et al. – need to read all of it A Guide to Writing as an Engineer – Beer and McMurrey Robotic Explorations by Fred Martin – read selected sections References See Syllabus – C How to Program Deitel and Deitel, Technical Graphics – Boyer, et al., The Way Things Work, Handy Board Instructions, Web pages

12 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 12 Spring Quarter 2003 “Hands-on” Lab Activities Controller Lab 1 (input ports, switches, CdS cell, motors) Motor Dynamics Lab (current usage, no load speed, stall torque) Controller Lab 2 (servos, IR beacons, and IR receivers) AND, OF COURSE, BUILDING THE ROBOT

13 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 13 Spring Quarter 2003 Evaluation And Assessment Course grades based on (see syllabus): –Engineering fundamentals 450 –Engineering laboratory 390 –Robot competition 160 –Total points 1000 POSSIBLE BONUSES (see contest rules) –Competition bonuses –Budget bonuses –Journal bonus

14 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 14 Spring Quarter 2003 Materials And Supplies “H193 Materials Coupon” –$75, see Front Desk Personnel, Rm 244 –(4 coupons / team to get robot starter kit) –If by check, make out to “The Ohio State University” –If by cash, exact amount would be helpful Several floppy disks or 100 MB zip disk Team notebook (3-ring)

15 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 15 Spring Quarter 2003 Team Robot Starter Kit Handy Board with charger & cables HB Technical Reference Manual Interactive C Reference Manual (V3.2) Sensors kit -- 2 switches, IR receiver, CdS cell, ribbon cable, encoder, connectors, shrink tubing, length of solder Robotic Explorations by Fred W. Martin Tool kit with basic tools and soldering pemcil

16 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 16 Spring Quarter 2003 What You Will Learn Engineering design & problem solving Written communication skills via –Team working agreement, design schedule, progress report, final report, team notebook Oral communications skills via –Team meetings, faculty reviews, oral presentation

17 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 17 Spring Quarter 2003 Team Member Responsibilities Before meetings –Identify agenda items and issues to discuss at meetings, and prepare brief agenda in advance. –Complete any work assignments from the last meeting before the next meeting. –Arrive on time. Stay until the end. –Come prepared to contribute and participate. From: Tools and Tactics for Design Teams

18 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 18 Spring Quarter 2003 Team Member Responsibilities During meetings –Support and encourage one another. –Share ideas, information and participate fully. –Clarify misunderstandings and avoid unnecessary conflicts. –Listen actively to one another and ask questions when you are not clear or are confused. –Adhere to the agenda/objectives. From: Tools and Tactics for Design Teams

19 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 19 Spring Quarter 2003 Team Member Responsibilities End of meetings –Summarize meeting outcomes and next steps. –Accept follow-up assignments and work. –Reflect upon how well the team is working together and suggest ways of improving. From: Tools and Tactics for Design Teams

20 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 20 Spring Quarter 2003 Working Agreement Elements Communication Participation Decision making and problem solving Managing disagreements Responsibilities and expectations Conduct during meetings Conduct between meetings From: Tools and Tactics for Design Teams

21 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 21 Spring Quarter 2003 Working Agreement The working agreement is a critical document. It should be 1 – 2 pages in length and all should sign it. It is for you and your teammates - not the staff!! If there are team problems, you will be asked how your working agreement says that they should be handled. Your responsibility is to your team NOT the staff ! (We just keep score !)

22 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 22 Spring Quarter 2003 The Design Process Statement of the problem Requirements and constraints Preliminary concepts (brainstorming) Building a mockup Analysis Select final design and refine it Build prototype Test prototype Modify prototype Final test Documentation

23 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 23 Spring Quarter 2003 Brainstorming One of several good creative stimulation methods Use to generate a lot of ideas Problem should be well-defined FIRST ! Consider designating a moderator and recorder Group diversity is often beneficial From: Tools and Tactics for Design Teams

24 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 24 Spring Quarter 2003 Guidelines For Brainstorming Criticism is ruled out Creative and imaginative thinking is encouraged Quantity is the metric Combining and extending are good From: Tools and Tactics for Design Teams

25 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 25 Spring Quarter 2003 Brainstorm a Solution Entire class will be involved Don’t criticize As many ideas as possible In Autumn Quarter we looked at solutions for worker transportation with plant relocations – an infrastructure problem

26 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 26 Spring Quarter 2003 Product or Infrastructure Problem Students have to carry many things to class – –Books, Notebooks, Calculator, Backpack –+ ? (Class helps fill in the blanks) Is there a way to lighten the load and make the learning process more efficient?

27 Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors - Team Project P. 27 Spring Quarter 2003 Today and This Week Today - Work on team agreement and brainstorming – Read Ch 3 – Defining the Problem: Project and People Skills - Tools and Tactics of Design (TTD) – Scan Ch 1, 2, and 4 Wednesday – Lecture on Project Notebooks, strategy discussion, sketches for brainstorming ideas Due Wednesday - Team agreement and coupons Friday - Controller Lab 1

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