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IBROW Progress Report - OU Enrico Motta Knowledge Media Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "IBROW Progress Report - OU Enrico Motta Knowledge Media Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 IBROW Progress Report - OU Enrico Motta Knowledge Media Institute

2 Classification Library in OCML (at the end of IBROW 1) Task spec (TaskSpec1) Flat classification PSM (GenPSM1) Applied to apple and Rocky-III domains

3 Current work Revision of TaskSpec1 Revision of GenPSM1 Definition of new problem solving models (e.g., heuristic classification) Work still in very draft form!

4 Task Spec Observables Solution_Space ClassificationSolutions






10 Task Spec (revised) Observables Solution_Space ClassificationSolutions Criterion

11 Classification Match-Candidate-Solution Compare-Match-Scores Basic-Match-Candidate-PSM Simple-Classification-PSM Match-Feature Basic-Match-Feature-PSM Basic-Compare-Match-Scores-PSM

12 Classification Heuristic-Classification-PSM Abstraction Match-&-Compare Refine-Solution Abstraction-PSM Refine-Solution-PSM Match-Candidate-Solution Compare-Match-Scores Basic-Match-Candidate-PSM Match-Feature Basic-Match-Feature-PSM Basic-Compare-Match-Scores-PSM Match&Compare-PSM

13 Problem Solving Knowledge Abstraction Knowledge needed to construct the partial order given by the abstraction_of relation Refinement Knowledge normally follows the subclass-of hierarchy Matching mechanism uses a 4-dimensional vector –Inconsistent features –Explained features –Unxplained features (in obs. but not in solution) –Missing features(in solution but not in obs.)

14 Back to OCML....

15 (def-class classification-task (goal-specification-task) ?task ((has-input-role :value has-solution_space :value has-observables :value has-criterion) (has-output-role :value best-matching-solutions) (has-solution_space :type solution_space) (has-criterion :type match_criterion) (has-observables :type observables) (best-matching-solutions :type solution_space) (has-precondition :value (kappa (?task) (and (exists ?obs (member-of ?obs (role-value ?task has-observables))) (exists ?sol (member-of ?sol (role-value ?task has-solution_space))) (match_criterion (role-value ?task has-criterion))))) (has-goal-expression ;;the goal is to find the best matching classes :value (kappa (?task ?solutions) (forall ?sol (=> (member ?sol ?solutions) (best-match ?sol (role-value ?task has-solution_space) (role-value ?task has-observables) (role-value ?task has-criterion) )))))))

16 (def-class TASK () ?task "An OCML task is characterised by its input roles, output role, and goal. The goal expression is a kappa expression which takes as argument the task itself and a value (which is meant to be a possible result from carrying out the task. The goal is satisfied if the kappa expression holds for its two arguments. A role is a slot of a task. Tasks divide into two main subclasses: goal-specification-task and executable-task. The former provides only a goal specification, while the latter provides also an 'organic' method for achieving the task” ((has-input-role :type role) (has-output-role :type role) (has-precondition :type unary-kappa-expression) (has-goal-expression :type legal-task-goal-expression)) :constraint (=> (has-role ?task ?role) (and (slot-of ?role ?task) (functional-relation ?role))) :axiom-def (exhaustive-subclass-partition task (set-of goal-specification-task executable-task)))

17 (def-class UNARY-KAPPA-EXPRESSION (kappa-expression) ?rel "Relations defined by means of the kappa operator" :iff-def (and (kappa-expression ?rel) (= (length ?schema) 1))) (def-class TERM (ocml-expression) ?x "The class of OCML functional terms" :iff-def (or (string ?x) (variable ?x) (constant ?x) (quote-expression ?x) (findall-expression ?x) (the-expression ?x) (setofall-expression ?x) (if-term ?x) (cond-term ?x) (in-env-term ?x) (eval-expression ?x) (call-expression ?x) (apply-expression ?x) (defined-function-expression ?x)))

18 Conclusions Need for an object-level language for UPML –key task for IBROW!!! –These issues have already been discussed in depth by Dieter Planning to use OCML –at least in the short term Will investigate changes to OCML base ontology required to reflect the UPML architecture –e.g., definitions of classes Task, PSM, etc. Also planning to experiment with Protégé

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