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 8:30 am LPVEx Science Overview and Aircraft Operations  8:50 am Radar Scanning Strategy  9:10 am Site Instrument Manifest and Installation Schedule.

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Presentation on theme: " 8:30 am LPVEx Science Overview and Aircraft Operations  8:50 am Radar Scanning Strategy  9:10 am Site Instrument Manifest and Installation Schedule."— Presentation transcript:

1  8:30 am LPVEx Science Overview and Aircraft Operations  8:50 am Radar Scanning Strategy  9:10 am Site Instrument Manifest and Installation Schedule  9:40 am Personnel and Schedules  10:00 amPost-IOP Consolidation to Emasalo  10:15 amOpportunities to Augment Core Observations  10:30 amBreak  10:45 amData Product Inventory, Responsibilities, and Policies  11:15 amSupporting Datasets  11:30 am Data Archival and Experiment Webite  12:00 pmPost-experiment Activities  12:30 pmAdjourn

2 1. Characterize the relative abilities of space-based W, Ku-, and Ka-band radars and microwave imagers and sounders to detect light.  What are the detection limits of each instrument?  Can rainfall probabilities be assigned to Z and T B signatures? 2. Evaluate retrievals of rainfall intensity in shallow freezing level environments.  How does the ratio of cloud-rain impact PIA and PMW T B s?  How does the vertical structure of precipitation impact emission/attenuation-based algorithms?  What are the impacts of other algorithm assumptions including DSD and melting layer properties on rainrate estimates?  How do well are FOV-dependent factors such as beamfilling and multiple-scattering represented? 3. Determine the properties of the local environment that influence the characteristics of precipitation in this region.

3 Harmaja Maximum Extent of Flight Operations Region of Likely Flight Operations Green = FMI Wx Stn  = Enhanced Obs.  = Vaisala WxTs (inc. rain) Gray circles = 20 km radar range rings   Kerava RV Aranda Ops. Emasalo   Turku Järvenpää   Kalbadaglund = Spiral = Stacked flight tracks Kumpula Ferry Kumpula SW Gulf Stack Spiral S1 Kumpula SE Kerava NE Kerava NW Kerava SW

4  Wyoming King Air  W-band cloud radar  Water content: DMT, Gerber, Nevzorov  Microphysics: 2D-P, CIP, CDP (FSSP/2D-C)  Aerosol: PCASP-100X  Environment: RH, T, altitude, wind speed  Departing Wyoming ~Sept. 1 (5 days in transit)  3-5 days installation + 4 hours of test flights (Sept. 8-14)  Research flights:  Begin Sept. 15, 2010  Based in Turku – 30 minute transit to Helsinki  50 total research flight hours budgeted (~13-14 flights)  End no later than Oct. 20, 2010

5  Radar quicklooks will be ready within 24 hours of all research flights.  First cut versions of many probe datasets (eg. DSDs, water contents) will also be turned around in 24 hours and stored along with radar data in a netCDF file for each flight segment. Z DSD/PSD RH and LWP T and z


7  Leg FIR0-FIR15  Plan to fly this path at different altitudes:  FIR0 at 500’ MSL  FIR1 at 1000’ MSL  FIR2 at 2000’ MSL  Similar up to FIR15 at FL150  The FIR Leg will be repeated five times. Either: FIR0, FIR3, FIR5, FIR7, FIR15  *OR* FIR1, FIR4, FIR9, FIR15, FIR4.

8 Pt. 4 Kumpula Radar Kerava Radar FIR Leg: FIR0-FIR15 Pt. 3 Pt. 1 FIR Leg: FIR0-FIR15 Pt. 2

9  Along axis of ground research radars  4 legs at different altitudes that depending on weather conditions. The lowest altitude will be 1000 ft. above highest terrain/obstacle as dictated by controlling authority.  ~60 Kilometer Tracks:  Jarvenpaa, Mansala, and Porvoo (with KER RHIs)  ~30 – 40 Kilometer Tracks:  Kumpula and Emasalo (with KUM RHIs)

10 Pt. 1 Track: Kumpula 0-15 Pt. 6 Pt. 5 Track: Emasalo 0-15 Track: Porvoo 2-15 Track: Mansala 2-15 Track: Jarvenpaa 2-15 Kumpula Radar Kerava Radar Track: Kumpula 0-15 Pt: 4 Pt: 3 Pt. 6 Pt. 8 Pt. 9 Pt. 10 Pt. 11 Pt. 12 Pt. 14 Pt. 15 Pt. 13

11  Spiral descent:  500 fpm descent rate  1 minute legs  standard rate turns  from FL 150 to 1000’ AGL (500’ over water)  Option: can do small race-tracks or continuous descents

12 Spiral: S1 Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Spiral: S4 Spiral: S3 Spiral: S5 Spiral: S2 Kumpula Radar Kerava Radar Pt. 4 Pt. 3 Pt. 7 Pt. 8b Pt. 16

13  5:00 pm Weather briefing/initial decision regarding operations the following day  7:30 am Updated weather/Baltic radar analysis for definition of potential flight tracks  8:00 amReport to ATC with planned tracks and approx. take-off time  TO-1 hourFinal check of radar; go/no-go decision  TO-0.5 hourPre-flight briefing with aircraft team (Turku airport)  L+0.5 hourPost-flight briefing with aircraft team (Turku airport)  L+1 hourFlight/ground-operations tag-up (small group)  L+6 hoursDaily operations summary posted on website (weather summary, instrument notes, flight specifics, data quicklooks, etc.)  Three bases of operation: Kumpula campus, Turku airport hangar, and office at Hotel Centro (Turku)

14  In-flight communications – 2-way radio (source TBD)  Initially restricted to pre-defined flight tracks but may have more flexibility as experiment progresses  Aircraft Tracking: REVEAL box will transmit lat/lon and altitude that can be ingested and plotted with radar software in real-time  Ingest being tested now  To keep briefings running smoothly, group discussions should be held in each location independently and relayed to other group via a small number of group leads via Skype/web-meeting

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