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ED-MEDIA 2008 ED-MEDIA 2008 Integration of ICT Into The Teaching-Learning Process: Toward a Unified Model Tülin HAŞLAMAN Filiz KUŞKAYA MUMCU Yasemin KOÇAK.

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Presentation on theme: "ED-MEDIA 2008 ED-MEDIA 2008 Integration of ICT Into The Teaching-Learning Process: Toward a Unified Model Tülin HAŞLAMAN Filiz KUŞKAYA MUMCU Yasemin KOÇAK."— Presentation transcript:

1 ED-MEDIA 2008 ED-MEDIA 2008 Integration of ICT Into The Teaching-Learning Process: Toward a Unified Model Tülin HAŞLAMAN Filiz KUŞKAYA MUMCU Yasemin KOÇAK USLUEL Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology TURKIYE ED-MEDIA, 2008

2 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Introduction How should ICT be used in the teaching and learning process so that it contributes to the learning of the students? The answers given to this question may vary according to the point of view on the integration process.

3 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Theoritical Framework According to technological point of view, which supports the integration of technological infrastructures and systems into the educational environment. According to pedagogical point of view, which supports the integration of ICT materials and programs in terms of social constructivist learning principles.

4 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Theoritical Framework The convergence of pedagogical and technological points of view support effective connections between suitable technology for content and pedagogical principles to design learning environments.

5 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Purpose The purpose of the study is to develop a unified model which assesses the process of ICT integration which help strengthen students’ learning.

6 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Purpose In this base; there was a need to present an integrated point of view in the application of these processes.

7 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Integrating ICT The effective use of ICT in lessons, depends on the awareness of teachers of the potential of ICT in teaching and learning processes;

8 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Integrating ICT of appropriate selection of materials for their students; of effective contemplation of their lessons of carrying out class management rules while overcoming the difficulties encountered during lessons in which technology supported learning environment.

9 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Developing Model These requirements were assessed within the framework of “5W1H” This model is not a linear model, it is a cyclical model.

10 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Unified Model

11 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Unified Model All the structures formed under the guidance of the questions in the model were taken into account, both individually and as a whole.

12 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Unified Model “why”, “who” and “how” are the primary ones to be answered in the integration process, –“how” questions should be answered within the context of “which”, “where” and “when”.

13 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Why? Why should ICT resources and applications be used?

14 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Why? The answers to “why” question, should be looked for in within the framework of ICT resources and applications: –Strengthening the learning process of students, –Carrying out acquisitions of field of subject matters, –Developing high level learning skills, –Supporting individual differences of students.

15 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Why? Teachers should be trying to strengthen students’ learning by combining appropriate pedagogical approaches and ICT applications and resources in direction of acquisitions of topic.

16 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Who? For whom shall ICT resources and applications be used?

17 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Who? The answers given to “who” questions should be looked for in: –ICT literacy of learners, –Interests and necessities of learners, –Individual differences of learners, –Individual characteristics of learners, –Learning strategies of learners.

18 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Who? The subject of the integration of ICT into teaching and learning process is students, for this reason; –characteristics of learners, –cognitive, affective, social and physiological characteristics of learners, –ICT literacy, should be taken into consideration

19 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel How? How shall ICT resources and applications be used with appropriate teaching methods and learning strategies?

20 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel How? The answer to “how” question should be looked for in; –Which ICT resources and applications shall be used? –Where shall selected ICT resources and applications be used? –When shall selected ICT resources and applications be used?

21 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Which? Which ICT resources and applications should be used?

22 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Which? The answer to “which” question should be looked for in selecting ICT resources which are appropriate to: –Learning strategies, –Teaching methods, –Evaluation processes and –The individual characteristics of students.

23 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Where? Where shall ICT resources and application be supplied from and where shall they be used?

24 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Where? The answers to “where” questions should be looked for in: –Where to supply ICT resources and applications from, –Where to use supplied ICT resources and applications, –Where to provide support for the use of ICT resources and applications –Where students can access ICT resources and applications as well as the necessary support.

25 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Where? The environment where ICT is used should be; – pedagogically, – technically, – physically, – appropriate managerially

26 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel When? When should ICT resources and applications be used?

27 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel When? The answers to “when” question should be looked for in: –Time and duration of use of ICT resources and applications, –when to use of ICT resources and applications in accordance with the characteristics of learners, –Time of use of ICT resources and applications in the evaluation process

28 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Conclusion It is expected that; With the help of this study, the integration process will gain clarity and thus students will strengthen their learning.

29 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel After this study… An integration scale is planned to be developed as the continuation of this study. All the structures formed under the guidance of the questions in the model are taken into account both individually and as a whole.

30 ED-MEDIA 2008 Hacettepe University/TURKEYHaslaman, Mumcu, Usluel Suggestions It is also important for the continuity of the process; –the observation and –evaluation processes to deal with the contexts formed in this manner.

31 ED-MEDIA 2008 ED-MEDIA 2008 Thanks… ED-MEDIA, 2008

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