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TCS2411 Software Engineering1 Monitoring & Controlling Projects “Do you know what’s happening in the project?”

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2 TCS2411 Software Engineering1 Monitoring & Controlling Projects “Do you know what’s happening in the project?”

3 TCS2411 Software Engineering2 Lecture Objectives zTo describe the monitoring and controlling activities in a software project zTo understand the problems that needs to be controlled in a software project zTo discuss the important issues affecting the level of control in a project

4 TCS2411 Software Engineering3 Some Relevant Questions zAre your projects working according to the plans submitted? zHow do you know? zIf there are problems where the actual work is not according to plan, can you find these problem areas and correct them? zWhat was wrong in the initial plan? zCan you ensure that next project the problems would not be repeated?

5 TCS2411 Software Engineering4 Definitions zMonitoring is collecting, recording & reporting information concerning any aspect of project management zControlling uses the data supplied by monitoring to bring actual performance closer to planned performance zEvaluation is the judgment about quality & effectiveness of project management

6 TCS2411 Software Engineering5 Feedback Loop ResultsActionPlan AdjustmentsFeedback Variance Reports

7 TCS2411 Software Engineering6 What Must Be Monitored and Controlled? zPerformance zQuality zCost zTime It is a common practice to focus monitoring activities on data that are easily gathered rather than importance

8 TCS2411 Software Engineering7 Stages zPerformance criteria, standard & data collection procedure should be established zIdentify information that need to be collected zCollect data zPrepare report zUpdate plans, charts & tables

9 TCS2411 Software Engineering8 Features zMonitoring can maintain high morale zVariations should be highlighted zHonesty & unbiased reporting is important

10 TCS2411 Software Engineering9 Problems zPoor interface & correspondence zReasons for variations zThreat vs benefit zUnits zLevel of details zOthers

11 TCS2411 Software Engineering10 Control vs Risk Control Risk Total Cost $

12 TCS2411 Software Engineering11 Control vs Risk Considerations zHigh Control - Low Risk yRisk reduced when more controls yMore controls will incur higher costs zLow Control - High Risk yLow control will allow more problems to occur zAchieving Balance yProject manager need to put adequate control and have a manageable level of risk

13 TCS2411 Software Engineering12 References z“Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach” 5th Ed. by Roger S. Pressman, Mc-Graw-Hill, 2001 z“Software Engineering” by Ian Sommerville, Addison-Wesley, 2001

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