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Built-In Orderly Organized Knowledge Devices [Books]

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Presentation on theme: "Built-In Orderly Organized Knowledge Devices [Books]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Built-In Orderly Organized Knowledge Devices [Books]

2 Prehistory of Publishing zClay tablets zPapyrus zParchment (Codex) zManuscripts zChinese block printing zThe Gutenberg Revolution yMovable clay type (China c. 1000 AD) yGuttenberg: movable metal type and printing press yModel for Industrial Revolution

3 How did the printing press cause a SOCIAL and CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION?

4 19th century innovations turn books into mass media zintroduction of linotype machines zoffset lithography zintroduction of affordable paperback books printed on cheaper paper And this led to...

5 Changes in the culture zrapid spread of knowledge and literacy zemergence of middle class and new professions zemergence of compulsory education of all citizens/subjects zemergence of women’s market for books

6 The Segmented Book Market zTrade Books (adult and juvenile) zProfessional Books zTextbooks zMass-Market Paperbacks zReligious Books zReference Books zUniversity Press Books z[Comic Books]

7 Issues in Bookselling zcensorship zmedia trend toward large corporate chain ownership zchains and superstores threaten small, specialized independent book shops zblockbuster mentality zphenomenal rise of online bookstores zuse of books as marketing devices

8 Is reading obsolete? Let’s try to answer that question with the empirical information of our own experience.

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