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Defining the Math Crisis in Hawai‘i: Math Summit I (Abbreviated Presentation) ORIGINALLY PRESENTED: October 10, 2008 Windward Community College In collaboration with: UH System Office of the Vice President for Academic Planning and Policy, UH System Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges Hawai‘i P-20 Partnerships for Education Hawai‘i Department of Education CCAO Meeting October 22, 2008 Bachman Hall
Defining the Mathematics Crisis in Hawai‘i – Math Summit I OVPAPP/Hawai‘I P-20 : 10.10.08 COLLEGE DEGREE CAREER K-12 UHCC Remedial/Developmental On-the-Job Living Wage
Defining the Mathematics Crisis in Hawai‘i – Math Summit I Many UH CC-bound HS grads need remedial or developmental courses in math – maybe Fall 2006 placement test data and enrollment data OVPAPP/Hawai‘I P-20 : 10.10.08 Note: Percentages may vary greatly due to lack of common placement/course numbering. Colleges currently define which group to count students in. Fall 2006 and 2007 data are as received from the colleges. Source: UHCC Remedial Developmental Education Task Force Fall 06 Fall 07 MATH WRITING
Defining the Mathematics Crisis in Hawai‘i – Math Summit I DOE raising mathematics preparation of all graduates OVPAPP/Hawai‘I P-20 : 10.10.08 2007200820092010-132014 + Gen. Math Pre-Algebra Gen. Math Pre-Algebra >Pre-Algebra Pre-Algebra Algebra I > Algebra I Algebra I >Algebra I High schools students earning BOE Recognition Diploma will graduate with 4 credits and more rigorous math preparation: Graduating class of 2013Graduating class of 2014 and beyond Pre-Algebra Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Trig/Pre-Calc OR Capstone OR Prob/Stats High school students may graduate in the following school years with courses as low as the following:
Defining the Mathematics Crisis in Hawai‘i – Math Summit I OVPAPP/Hawai‘I P-20 : 10.10.08 CAREER K-12 UH-CC Remediation On-the-Job Living Wage How do we seamlessly transition “college ready” students into transfer-level courses? Gen Ed –Non-STEM Major (Symbolic Reasoning?) 111/112 – Elem Ed Math 140 – STEM ?
Defining the Mathematics Crisis in Hawai‘i – Math Summit I How close are we to a “seamless” pipeline? OVPAPP/Hawai‘I P-20 : 10.10.08 Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2 Trig/PreCalc AP Calculus Math 140 Math 27 Math 83 Math 205 Math 22 Pre-Algebra ? Math 100 Which courses lead to… Math 23 Math 24 Math 73 Math 81 Math 83 Math 50 series Math 135 ? Math 26 ? Math 25 Phil 110 Math 111 Math 140 Math 103
Defining the Mathematics Crisis in Hawai‘i – Math Summit I Not enough students performing well in UH pipeline to higher level math courses OVPAPP/Hawai‘I P-20 : 10.10.08 Nots: Courses selected are those with enrollment >500 for xx semesters (Fall 2005 to Spring 2008). Data combines enrollment across UH campuses and terms. “Success” is defined as a student earning a grade of A, B, or C in the course.
Defining the Mathematics Crisis in Hawai‘i – Math Summit I OVPAPP/Hawai‘I P-20 : 10.10.08 Remedial / Developmental (61%) Did not take placement (29%) College level (10%) 5,538 3,375 2,046 Enrolled (61%) Successfully completed (56%) Note: The Achieving the Dream cohort includes entering (includes transfers), full and part time, degree seeking students. Placement Results Course Enrollments Course Completions Only 1/5 of entering UHCC students successfully completed a remedial developmental math course in Fall 2006
Defining the Mathematics Crisis in Hawai‘i – Math Summit I Preparing HS grads to increase math achievement requires qualified and effective teachers OVPAPP/Hawai‘I P-20 : 10.10.08 COLLEGE DEGREE CAREER K-12 UH-CC Remediation On-the-Job Living Wage
Defining the Mathematics Crisis in Hawai‘i – Math Summit I HI projecting significant annual teacher vacancies and UH production falls short OVPAPP/Hawai‘I P-20 : 10.10.08 Source: Economic Modeling Specialist Inc (EMSI), Spring 2008; MAPS Degrees & Certificates Earned, FY 2007–08. Number of teachers statewide
Defining the Mathematics Crisis in Hawai‘i – Math Summit I In mathematics, UH producing too few potential candidates to fill DOE vacancies OVPAPP/Hawai‘I P-20 : 10.10.08 Source: UH Institutional Research Office 27 20 39 27 28 Bachelor’s Degree Production in Math UH Mānoa and UH Hilo Only 47.8% of secondary school math courses are taught by “highly qualified” teachers
Defining the Mathematics Crisis in Hawai‘i – Math Summit I Let’s improve math achievement! OVPAPP/Hawai‘I P-20 : 10.10.08 Improve math pipeline leading to “career and college ready” math Improve alignment of courses so that students transition smoothly between institutions and courses Prepare more qualified and effective mathematics teachers/instructors
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