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MINER A NuMI MINER A DAQ Review 12 September 2005 D. Casper UC Irvine WBS7: Electronics and Data Acquisition  Overview (this talk): D. Casper  Front-end.

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Presentation on theme: "MINER A NuMI MINER A DAQ Review 12 September 2005 D. Casper UC Irvine WBS7: Electronics and Data Acquisition  Overview (this talk): D. Casper  Front-end."— Presentation transcript:

1 MINER A NuMI MINER A DAQ Review 12 September 2005 D. Casper UC Irvine WBS7: Electronics and Data Acquisition  Overview (this talk): D. Casper  Front-end Electronics: V. Paolone  Data Acquisition: D. Casper  FY06 Plans: P. Rubinov

2 MINER A NuMI MINER A DAQ Review 12 September 2005 D. Casper UC Irvine September 12, 2005Electronics and DAQ2 Outline  WBS 7 Components  Design Specifications  Design Issues and Concerns  Progress to Date and Near Term Plans  Cost and Schedule Overview  Cost and Schedule Issues and Concerns  Conclusions

3 MINER A NuMI MINER A DAQ Review 12 September 2005 D. Casper UC Irvine September 12, 2005Electronics and DAQ3 WBS 7: Electronics and DAQ  Front-end Electronics (7.1) t One FE board per MAPMT t High-voltage for MAPMTs t Digitization and Timing  CROCs and DAQ (7.2, 7.3) t One CROC per 48 MAPMTs t Three VME crates + computer t Front-end/computer interface t Distribute trigger and synchronization  Power and Rack Protection (7.4) t 48 V supplies, fanouts and interlock

4 MINER A NuMI MINER A DAQ Review 12 September 2005 D. Casper UC Irvine September 12, 2005Electronics and DAQ4 Specifications  MAPMT High-Voltage t PMT interface card or “base” (inside PMT box) t Controller on front-end board (outside PMT)  Charge and Time Measurement t Measure 1 – 200 photo-electrons t Measure relative hit time (on single front-end board) to a few nanoseconds  Synchronization t Measure global time (between front-end boards) to a few nanoseconds  Trigger t Tap into NuMI timing signals through MINOS  Readout t Handle rates up to 1 kHz (for PMT testing and calibration)  Control t MAPMT HV control and monitoring t Configuration t Power and Rack Protection (7 kW estimated requirement)

5 MINER A NuMI MINER A DAQ Review 12 September 2005 D. Casper UC Irvine September 12, 2005Electronics and DAQ5 Design Issues and Concerns  Need to test PMT “base” and HV subsystem  TriP or TriP-T? t TriP is known to work, but now obsolete t Need to test TriP-T  Triggering and Synchronization t Need to flesh-out interface with NuMI and MINOS t Understand what auxiliary electronics are required t Investigate possibility of self-triggering  Readout t Requirements for PMT testing unspecified t Requirements for Veto Wall unspecified  Infrastructure t Siting inside experimental hall needs to be understood t Concrete design of power distribution system does not exist

6 MINER A NuMI MINER A DAQ Review 12 September 2005 D. Casper UC Irvine September 12, 2005Electronics and DAQ6 Progress to Date/Near-Term Plans  Progress t Basic front-end board design concept tested successfully t LVDS chaining tested successfully (front-end boards only)  Near Term Plans t Continue tests of first front-end prototype t Test HV “base” design t Test and evaluate TriP-T t Begin design of second front-end prototype t Begin design of CROC prototype

7 MINER A NuMI MINER A DAQ Review 12 September 2005 D. Casper UC Irvine September 12, 2005Electronics and DAQ7 Cost and Schedule Overview (I)

8 MINER A NuMI MINER A DAQ Review 12 September 2005 D. Casper UC Irvine September 12, 2005Electronics and DAQ8 Cost and Schedule Overview (II)

9 MINER A NuMI MINER A DAQ Review 12 September 2005 D. Casper UC Irvine September 12, 2005Electronics and DAQ9 Cost and Schedule Overview (III)  Current schedule is out of date t e.g. CROC design did not begin on 6/1/05 and will not be completed on 9/20/05  Projected Schedule t Front-End Boards: »PMT bases going out this week »Test PMT bases »TriP vs. TriP-T decision, then order »Begin 64-channel (second) prototype design (January ‘06) »Finish production and testing of 64-channel prototype (July ’06) t CROCs: »Should begin design as soon as possible »Finish production and testing of prototype by July ’06  Note BOTH 64-channel front-end AND CROC prototypes are required for PMT testing (MSP file is missing an important constraint!)

10 MINER A NuMI MINER A DAQ Review 12 September 2005 D. Casper UC Irvine September 12, 2005Electronics and DAQ10 Cost and Schedule Issues and Concerns  PMT Testing (WBS 6) Drives Our Schedule t Need to understand required components and coordinate schedules t M&S costs for prototypes (7.1.6 and 7.2.3) probably underestimated (depends on number required)  TriP Decision t Required before proceeding with design of second front-end prototype  Front-End Board Costs t Need to refine after switching to PMT base inside PMT box  Auxiliary Electronics t MINOS timing module for NuMI synchronization not explicitly included in WBS  Veto Wall DAQ Requirements (if any) Unspecified  Electronics Design t Paul is unavailable until roughly 1/06 t Design of CROC prototype should start as soon as possible

11 MINER A NuMI MINER A DAQ Review 12 September 2005 D. Casper UC Irvine September 12, 2005Electronics and DAQ11 Conclusions  Base Cost: $1,298,614 (total, no contingency) t M&S: $771,390 t Labor: $527,224 t Need to update after confirming the number of prototypes needed  Highest Contingency Items: t Front-End Production (Initial + Final): 20%  $339,360 = $67,872 »Firm-up cost estimate in view of changes to HV subsystem t TriP Production & Checkout: 20%  $70,000 + 100%  $15,000 = $29,000 »Reason for large contingency not so clear t CROC Production: 50%  $48,000 = $24,000 »Need a concrete design t Infrastructure (7.4) Contingency Currently Underestimated »$4,480 on $219,132 project ($124,600 M&S) seems too low  Schedule Risks: t Most important technical risks already addressed by front-end prototype t Only serious constraint is PMT testing »Understand the WBS 6 schedule »Begin work on CROC design in parallel to front-end

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