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GA – November 2007 - Moscow A. METTINGER’S PRESIDENCY REPORT 2004-2007 4 years of activities.

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Presentation on theme: "GA – November 2007 - Moscow A. METTINGER’S PRESIDENCY REPORT 2004-2007 4 years of activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 GA – November 2007 - Moscow A. METTINGER’S PRESIDENCY REPORT 2004-2007 4 years of activities

2 GA – November 2007 - Moscow FOCUS ON Organization Chart clustering the UNICA activities Bologna Laboratory Diversification of activities More projects financed by EC Streamlining Communication (e-newsletter, etc…) Moving of the office to the University Foundation:  Visibility  New services

3 GA – November 2007 - Moscow INTERNATIONALIZATION & MOBILITY 12 IRO/CP MEETINGS 6 UNICA MOBILITY GRANTS 2 BIANNUAL UNICA CHAIR, & RECOMMENDATIONS (Univ. Lausanne) 2 STUDENT CONFERENCES: Amsterdam (2004) & Paris VI (2006)  3 days/ 10 topics/ 10 students per country

4 GA – November 2007 - Moscow EDUCATION 1.BOLOGNA LABORATORY  Setting up of the Bologna Lab at the Univ. of Vienna  Manual on Joint Degrees  7 meetings with Bologna coordinators  Launching of the European Campus idea 2.JOINT PROGRAMMES  4 calls: 12 proposals, 9 received UNICA Grant,  2 UNICA Joint Program received (EC) Curric. Develop. grant

5 GA – November 2007 - Moscow RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 2 NEW WG :  EU RESEARCH OFFICERS’ NETWORK + 2 seminars on FP7 (Bx 2006 & Vienna 2007)  PhD & DOCTORAL SCHOOLS : meeting in 2008 (Paris VI)

6 GA – November 2007 - Moscow POLICY & STRATEGY 1.SREAMLINING, EVALUATION & FEEDBACK  clustering the UNICA activities (5)  overall participation chart (2000-2005 )  participation chart of each member university (2006-2007)  evaluation & feedback  celebration of the 15th anniversary 2.RECTORS’ SEMINAR  Doctoral Studies in Europe: Consequences of Bergen, (Brussels 2005)  University Strategy within European Research Area (Brussels 2007)  + 3 in the frame of the UNICA GA: Roma 3, Riga, Moscow

7 GA – November 2007 - Moscow EQUALITY & DIVERSITY and DIS/ABILITY  List Equality contact persons & Dis/ability officers  4 meetings & 1 seminar  Minimal Standards and a roadmap for implementation SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION  2 seminars (Vienna 2004 & Helsinki 2006)  Recommendations following EU DG Research publication “Study on the economic and technological evolution of the scientific publications market in Europe”  Joining efforts with EUA Open Access Group President’s signature of the Berlin Conference declaration on Open Access

8 GA – November 2007 - Moscow MISSION & LINK WITH SOCIETY URBAN-CAPITAL ISSUES WORKING GROUP  list of experts  coordinators meetings (Brussels)  preparation of a scientific publication and a seminar 2008 UNION OF CAPITALS OF E.U. (UCEU)  UNICA invited to GA Ljubljana (2006) & Tallinn (2007)

9 GA – November 2007 - Moscow EC PROJECTS 8 EC proposals submitted :  4 accepted (BEPIQUA, SUMIT, PRIUM & Call for Tender Information Project on H.E. Reform II (Lisbon Strategy and Bologna Process))  1 is waiting for approval UNICA is partner in 5 EC projects : 2 Erasmus Mundus, 1 Curriculum Development, 1 SOCRATES & So.Re.Com

10 GA – November 2007 - Moscow MEMBERS 41 member universities in 31 countries 4 new members since 2004 :  The University Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris 3), SS. Cyril & Methodius University of Skopje, University of Vilnius, University of Tallinn 1 withdrawal :  University of Iceland All new members are requested to sign the Equal Opportunities Mission Statement of the network

11 GA – November 2007 - Moscow Streamlining Information & Enhancing Communication Launch of the e-newsletter (n°1 to 7) Brochure presenting the network’s activities & bookmark with members Clustering of activities “Notice-board” for members on website Contact persons Leaflet Posters (coat of arms & 15th anniversary timeline)

12 GA – November 2007 - Moscow IN CONCLUSION 8 WG & +- 20 seminars & workshops :  BL, admission & credential evaluation, EU Research officers, PhD & Doctoral schools contacts, equality & diversity, dis/ability, scholarly communication, urban studies, Rectors +- 50 speeches & presentations by the UNICA President 4 GA + 20 SC meetings + 12 IRO/CP meetings

13 GA – November 2007 - Moscow UNICA members + President + SC + IRO/CP + Secretariat + coordinators of the WG = TEAM WORK Thank you all for making UNICA the network of excellence !

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