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Design and Evaluation Methods Chap 3. ► Technology-oriented vs. User- or Customer-oriented ► Understanding customer needs and desires.

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Presentation on theme: "Design and Evaluation Methods Chap 3. ► Technology-oriented vs. User- or Customer-oriented ► Understanding customer needs and desires."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design and Evaluation Methods Chap 3

2 ► Technology-oriented vs. User- or Customer-oriented ► Understanding customer needs and desires

3 Design and Evaluation Methods ► Overview of Design and Evaluation   ► Front-end Analysis   ► Iterative Design and Testing   ► Final Test and Evaluation   ► Conclusion  

4 Overview of Design and Evaluation ► Cost/Benefit Analysis of Human Factors Contributions   ► Human Factors in the Product Design Lifecycle   ► User-centered Design   ► Sources for Design Work  

5 Cost/Benefit Analysis of Human Factors Contributions (1/2) ► Costs: Personnel, Materials Tab 3.1 Tab 3.2 Tab 3.1 Tab 3.2 Tab 3.1 Tab 3.2 ► Benefits: Mayhew (1992)  Increased sales  Decreased cost of providing training  Decreased customer support costs  Decreased development costs  Decreased maintenance costs  Increased user productivity  Decreased user errors  Improved quality of service  Decreased training time  Decreased user turnover

6 Cost/Benefit Analysis of Human Factors Contributions (2/2) ► Benefits: health or safety related ► Total Benefits  Estimating relevant variables without human factors intervention (A)  Estimating the same variables with HF (B)  (B) - (A)

7 Human Factors in the Product Design Lifecycle ► Must be involved as early as possible  Multidisciplinary design team members ► Product life cycle (six major stages)  Front end analysis  Iterative design and test  System production  Implementation and evaluation  System operation and maintenance  System disposal

8 User-Centered Design (1/2) ► User-centered design: center the design process around the user ► How  Adequately determining user needs  Involving the user at all stages of the design process ► Subfield: Usability engineering  software design

9 User-Centered Design (2/2) ► Four general approaches  Early focus on the user and tasks  Empirical measurement: focus on quantitative performance data  Iterative design using prototypes (rapid changes)  Participatory design: users as part of the design team

10 Sources for Design Work ► Data Compendiums (摘要、概略)  Condensed and categorized databases ► Human Factors Design Standards  Precise recommendations relate to specific areas or topics ► Human Factors Principles and Guidelines  Cover a wide range of topics  Guides rather than hard-and-fast rules  Require careful consideration and application

11 Front-End Analysis ► User Analysis   ► Environment Analysis   ► Function and Task Analysis   ► How to Perform a Task Analysis   ► Collect Task Data   ► Summarize Task Data   ► Analyze Task Data   ► Identify User Preferences and Requirements  

12 User Analysis (1/2) ► User population  Most important: regular users or operators  Potential users (wider range of users) ► Complete description  Age, gender, education level  Reading ability, physical size, physical ability  Familiarity with the product, task-relevant skills  etc.

13 User Analysis (2/2) ► Personas (vs. list of characteristics)  Persona: hypothetical person  Not real people, but represent key characteristics of the user population  Specific (even have a name)  For most applications: 3 or 4 personas

14 Environment Analysis ► Depend on specific environment  User characteristics  Activity, basic tasks

15 Function and Task Analysis (1/3) ► Goal, Function, Task  Goal: end condition or reason for performing the tasks  Function: general transformations (of information and system state) to achieve the goal  Task: specific activities to carry out a function

16 Function and Task Analysis (2/3) ► Function analysis  Analysis of the basic functions performed by the “system”  System: human-machine, human-software, human-equipment- environment, etc. ► Task analysis  Systematically describing human interaction with a system to understand how to match the demands of the system to human capabilities

17 Function and Task Analysis (3/3) ► Task analysis (cont.)  Preliminary task analysis: Activity analysis  Beginning (of the design process): preliminary task analysis  Progress: more extensive task analysis

18 How to Perform a Task Analysis (1/2) ► Four steps of a task analysis  Define the analysis purpose and identify the type of data required  Collect task data  Summarize task data  Analyze task data

19 How to Perform a Task Analysis (2/2) ► Define Purpose and Required Data  Define purpose: focus the analysis on the end use of the data  Information gathered depends on: purpose, type of the task (physical task, cognitive task)  Type of information: 1. hierarchical relationships 2. information flow 3. task sequence 4. location and environmental conditions

20 Collect Task Data (1/7) ► Observation ► Think-Aloud Verbal Protocol ► Task Performance with Questioning ► Unstructured and Structured Interviews ► Surveys and Questionnaires

21 Collect Task Data (2/7) ► Observation  Perform under typical scenarios  Identify different methods for accomplishing a goal  Not sufficient: primarily cognitive tasks

22 Collect Task Data (3/7) ► Think-Aloud Verbal Protocol  Underlying goals, strategies, decisions, other cognitive components  Verbal protocol: verbalizations regarding task performance  Verbal protocol analysis  Type of verbal protocol − Concurrent (difficult, procedural information) − Retrospective (useful, explanations) − Prospective: imagine performing the task

23 Collect Task Data (4/7) ► Task Performance with Questioning  Advantage: may cue users to verbalize goal, …  Disadvantage: disruptive  Retrospective analysis of video-tapes: effective − think-aloud verbalization − Fail to provide information: requested − Can pause and ask questions

24 Collect Task Data (5/7) ► Unstructured and Structured Interviews  Begin with short unstructured interviews − How go about the activities − Preferences, strategies − Fail to achieve their goals, make errors, …  Question probes: When, How, Why is & not  Focus group − 6-10 users led by a facilitator − Facilitator: familiar with task & system, neutral

25 Collect Task Data (6/7) ► Surveys and Questionnaires  After obtaining preliminary descriptions of activities or basic tasks  Affirm the accuracy of the information  Determine frequency (perform the task)  Identify preferences or biasis

26 Collect Task Data (7/7) ► Beyond the Limitations  Should focus on the basic user goals and needs Not on how they are carried out using the existing products  Evaluate: the underlying characteristics of the environment the underlying characteristics of the environment the control requirements of the system the control requirements of the system

27 Summarize Task Data ► Lists, Outlines, and Matrices Tab 3.3 Tab 3.3 Tab 3.3 ► Hierarchies  Hierarchical task analysis (HTA) Fig 3.1 Fig 3.1 Fig 3.1  GOMS: goals, operators, methods, and selection rules ► Flow Charts, Timelines, and Maps  Operational sequence diagram (OSD) Fig 3.2 Fig 3.2 Fig 3.2

28 Analyze Task Data (1/2) ► Network Analysis Fig 3.3 Fig 3.3 Fig 3.3  Matrix representation of information flows between functions  Identify clusters of related functions ► Workload Analysis ► Simulation and Modeling ► Safety Analysis

29 Analyze Task Data (2/2) ► Scenario Specification  Scenario: a situation and a specific set of tasks that represent an important use of the system or product  Create a scenario: only those directly serve users’ goals are retained  Daily use scenarios: common sets of task that occur daily  Necessary use scenarios: infrequent but critical sets of tasks that must be performed

30 Identify User Preferences and Requirements ► Can be quite extensive

31 Iterative Design and Testing ► Providing Input for System Specifications   ► Organization Design ► Prototypes   ► Heuristic Evaluation   ► Usability Testing  

32 Providing Input for System Specifications (1/7) ► System Specifications  The overall objectives the system supports − What must be done to achieve the user’s goals, not how to do it − Reflect user’s goal, not technology  Performance requirements and features − Determine the means: help the users achieve their goals − What the system be able to do & under what conditions  Design constraints

33 Providing Input for System Specifications (2/7) ► System Specifications  The overall objectives the system supports  Performance requirements and features  Design constraints − Various solutions  Design constraints − Constraints: limit possible design alternatives ► Human factors  Take a systems design approach: analyzing the entire human-machine system

34 Providing Input for System Specifications (3/7) ► Quality Function Deployment: relative importance of potential system features  “House of quality” decision matrix Fig 3.4 Fig 3.4 Fig 3.4  Weighting: importance of the objectives − 9: very important; 3: somewhat important; 1: marginally important  Rating: how well each feature serves each objective

35 Providing Input for System Specifications (4/7) ► Cost/Benefit Analysis Fig 3.4 Fig 3.4 Fig 3.4  Rows: features  Columns: design alternatives  Weight: the result of the QFD  Rating: how well each design alternative address the feature  Benefit: weighted sum  Cost/Benefit ratio  Lowest Cost/Benefit ratio: valuable

36 Providing Input for System Specifications (5/7) ► Tradeoff Analysis  Small-scale study: which design alternative results in the best performance (trade studies)  Modeling or performance estimates (by designer)  Multiple factors: advantage , disadvantage   Decision matrix − Rows: features (factors) − Columns: different means of implementation − Fail to consider global issues: how the features interact as a group (A product is more than the sum of its features) − Complemented with: scenario specification (e.g.)

37 Providing Input for System Specifications (6/7) ► Human Factors Criteria Identification  Usability requirements  Specify characteristics: relevant to human performance and safety ► Functional Allocation  System (automatic), Person (manual), or combination  Assign a function to the more “capable” system component Fig 3.5 Fig 3.5 Fig 3.5  Left with a coherent set of tasks that can be understood

38 Providing Input for System Specifications (7/7) ► Support Materials Development  Should begin with the front-end analysis  Manuals, assembly instructions, owner’s manual, training programs, etc.  Materials: compatible with the characteristics and limitations of the human users − Critical information: maximize the likelihood that users read it, understand it, and comply it

39 Prototypes (1/2) ► Mock-up vs. prototype  Mock-up: very crude approximations of the final product (e.g. foam, cardboard)  Prototype: more of the look and feel of the final product, but not yet full functioning

40 Prototypes (2/2) ► Advantages of using prototypes  Confirming insights gathered during the front-end analysis  Support of the design team in making ideas concrete  Support of the design team by providing a communication medium  Support for heuristic evaluation  Support for usability testing (something to react to and use)

41 Heuristic Evaluation ► Analytically considering:  Characteristics of the product/system: meet human factors criteria? ► Which aspects to be evaluated: meet?  Human factors criteria (requirement specifications)  Other human factors standards and guidelines ► Evaluated by whom: usability experts  Multiple evaluators: at least 3, preferably 5  Inspect in isolation (each evaluator)  communicate and aggregate their findings

42 Usability Testing ► Usability:  The degree to which the system is easy to use  User friendly ► Variables relevant to usability:  Learnability: easy to learn, rapidly start  Efficiency: high level of productivity (once learned)  Memorability: easy to remember  Errors: low error rate, easily recover from errors  Satisfaction: pleasant to use, subjectively satisfied in using it, like it

43 Final Test and Evaluation ► Involving users ► Data collected:  Acceptability  Usability  Performance of the user or human-machine system

44 Conclusion ► Techniques for creating user-centered systems  To understand user needs  To design systems to meet those needs ► Critical step  Provide human factors criteria for design

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