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Lesson #17 Sampling Distributions. The mean of a sampling distribution is called the expected value of the statistic. The standard deviation of a sampling.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson #17 Sampling Distributions. The mean of a sampling distribution is called the expected value of the statistic. The standard deviation of a sampling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson #17 Sampling Distributions

2 The mean of a sampling distribution is called the expected value of the statistic. The standard deviation of a sampling distribution is called the standard error of the statistic

3 Sampling Distribution of If X ~ N( ,  2 ), then

4 Central Limit Theorem For n sufficiently large, the sampling distribution of is at least approximately Normal for any underlying distribution!

5 X ~ N( , 40 2 )   +40  -40 P(  -10 < X <  +10) = P(-.25 < Z <.25)  -10  +10 = P(Z <.25) – P(Z < -.25) =.5987 -.4013 =.1974 Dist. of X

6 X ~ N( , 40 2 )   +40  -40  -10  +10 Dist. of X P(  -10 < <  +10) = P(Z < 2.5) – P(Z < -2.5) =.9876 Dist. of

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