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Radio Astronomy at Cornell Faculty: Don Campbell asteroids, comets, planets, radar techniques Jim Cordes compact objects, interstellar medium, SETI Riccardo.

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Presentation on theme: "Radio Astronomy at Cornell Faculty: Don Campbell asteroids, comets, planets, radar techniques Jim Cordes compact objects, interstellar medium, SETI Riccardo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Radio Astronomy at Cornell Faculty: Don Campbell asteroids, comets, planets, radar techniques Jim Cordes compact objects, interstellar medium, SETI Riccardo Giovanelli galaxies & large-scale structure of the universe Paul Goldsmith molecular clouds, star formation, instrumentation Martha Haynes galaxies & large-scale structure of the universe Yervant Terzian interstellar medium, planetary nebulae, binary galaxies

2 Radio Astronomy at Cornell Students & Postdocs: 10 graduate students doing research with a major radio/radar astronomy component International collaborations using all available astronomical resources 2 postdocs (extragalactic science, pulsars, masers, the Square Kilometer Array Undergraduates regularly work in radio research groups (observing trips to Puerto Rico, Palomar, etc., conferences, co-authoring papers, overall participation in the scientific enterprise)


4 Other Facilities Essentially all major radio facilities in the world VLA, VLBA, GBT, FCRAO (mm), Parkes, Goldstone (DSN) Optical observatories (Palomar) Space observatories GRO, HST, SWAS, Chandra, SIRTF, GLAST Computational: > 100 CPUs in SSB (solaris/linux/wintel) Cornell Theory Center (~120 nodes)

5 The Green Bank Telescope (WVa.)


7 VLBA Astrometry PSR B0919+06 S. Chatterjee et al. (2000)  = 88.5  0.13 mas/yr  = 0.83  0.13 mas D = 1.2kpc V = 505 km/s

8 Radar detection of ice deposits on Mercury Don Campbell + Arecibo collaborators + students

9 216 Kleopatra (main-belt asteroid ~217 x 94 km) 1999 JM8 = Earth Crossing Asteroid

10 B  10 12 Gauss g NS  10 11 g  F EM  10 9 g NS m p   10 13 volts Surface quantities Pulsar

11 Bound & Escaping NS Populations B2224+65 > 1000 km/s J0437-4715 ~ 90 km/sB1957+20 ~ 100 km/s HH

12 Extragalactic Group Counterrotating Disks in Galaxies: Dwarf galaxies: abundances, morphology, star formation

13 Other Extragalactic projects Studies of the local reference frame with respect to large-scale structure Combined HI, IR and optical studies of galaxies (rotation curves, morphology) OH megamasers as a powerful method for quantifying star formation vs. redshift (Jeremy Darling PhD thesis)

14 Molecular Line Studies Contents of molecular clouds in star- forming regions (CO and HI relationship) Chemistry of molecule production in clouds SWAS (Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite): evidence for comet destruction in envelope of red-giant star.

15 Planetary Nebulae & White Dwarfs Nature of bipolarity Motion of shells Energetics

16 Parkes MB Feeds

17 ALFA = Arecibo L-band Feed Array (1.4 GHz) Cornell faculty, students heavily involved –Instrumentation, software, science planning, surveys Major surveys to commence in early 2005 International science consortia –Pulsars –Galactic science –Extragalactic science SETI

18 ALFA Surveys Deep pulsar surveys ~1000 new pulsars NS-NS, NS-BH binaries Submillisecond pulsars Galactic plane hydrogen surveys Phase structure of the ISM Supershells and chimneys High-velocity clouds (tidal debris vs. primordial) Extensive surveys for galaxies Zone of avoidance Low mass galaxies SETI Deepest survey of the Galactic plane ever done

19 The Square Kilometer Array International project Substantial Cornell involvement 20x sensitivity of Arecibo Will look like the VLA + VLBA (e.g. 5000 12-m antennas) > 2010! Prototypes expected in this decade Growing involvement of NAIC with the SKA and related projects Opportunities for undergraduate participation

20 Current Concepts China KARST Canadian aerostat US Large N Australian Luneburg Lenses Dutch fixed planar array (cf. Allen Telescope Array, Extended VLA) (cf. LOFAR = Low Freqency Array) Also cylindrical reflectors

21 Radio Astronomy at Cornell Students & postdocs: 10 graduate students doing research with a major radio/radar astronomy component Multiwavelength (radio to gamma-rays) Collaborations with other departmental groups (IR, theory, planetary) Multi-institution collaborations 2 postdocs at present working on extragalactic science, pulsars, masers and the Square Kilometer Array

22 Recent VLBI

23 Extragalactic Group Counterrotating Disks in Galaxies Dwarf galaxies: abundances, morphology, star formation

24 Studies of the Tully-Fisher Relation and Peculiar Velocities in the Local Universe

25 Surveys with Parkes, Arecibo & GBT. Simulated & actual Yield ~ 1000 pulsars.

26 The sky at different wavelengths Advantages of radio astronomy What do we see? New surveys with the upgraded Arecibo Telescope The Square Kilometer Array REMOTE SENSING THE UNIVERSE WITH RADIO WAVES Jim Cordes, Cornell University 9 June 2001

27 THE MILKY WAY optical

28 THE MILKY WAY optical Andromeda (M31)

29 THE MILKY WAY optical infrared

30 THE MILKY WAY Radio (408 MHz X-rays


32 Advantages of Radio Sensing The Galaxy and the universe are mostly transparent to radio waves (except when the U. was younger than 300,000 yr) The radio sky looks very different than other wavelengths Some objects in the universe appear only as radio objects.



35 B  10 12 Gauss g NS  10 11 g  F EM  10 9 g NS m p   10 13 volts Surface quantities Pulsar

36 The Very Large Array (New Mexico) Arrays of antennas are used to make radio images of the sky

37  Radio Galaxy



40 Very Long Baseline Array PSR B0919+06 S. Chatterjee et al. (2001)  = 88.5  0.13 mas/yr  = 0.83  0.13 mas D = 1.2kpc V = 505 km/s

41 Parkes MB Feeds

42 Surveys with Parkes, Arecibo & GBT. Simulated & actual Yield ~ 2000 pulsars.

43 Square Kilometer Array Current Concepts Current Concepts China KARST Canadian aerostat US Large N Australian Luneburg Lenses Dutch fixed planar array (cf. Allen Telescope Array, Extended VLA) (cf. LOFAR = Low Freqency Array)

44 SKA pulsar survey 600 s per beam ~10 4 psr’s



47 Forks in the Road supernova nada prompt black hole neutron star other? neutron stars black hole canonical pulsar (10 12 G) NS magnetar, SGR (10 15 G) other fallback

48 PSR 0355+54Cass A No periodicity or single pulses detected (McLaughlin et al. 2000) Chandra image of Cass A

49 Background: 1932:neutron discovered 1933:neutron stars (Baade & Zwicky) l939:first models (Oppenheimer & Volkoff) Detectability?Thermal (10 6 K, 10 km)  bleak 1967:Radio pulsars (serendipitous) Gamma-ray bursts (ditto) 1968:Pulsar discovery announced Crab pulsar discovered 1969:Crab pulsar spindown measured & clinched the NS hypothesis (T. Gold) Neutron Stars

50 Manifestations of NS Rotation driven: “radio” pulsars (radio   rays) magnetic torque (Edot  I  dot  I B 2  4 )   e + e - + plasma instability  coherent radio Accretion driven: X-rays L x =  Mdot c 2 LMXB, HMXB Magnetic driven? Crustquakes? Magnetars (AXPs, SGRs) Spindown … but L x > Edot Gravitational catastrophes? Gamma-ray bursts, G.wave sources, hypernovae?

51 B  10 12 Gauss g NS  10 11 g  F EM  10 9 g NS m p   10 13 volts Surface quantities

52 B 2  P Pdot


54  = P / 2Pdot



57 Bound & Escaping NS Populations B2224+65 > 1000 km/s J0437-4715 ~ 90 km/sB1957+20 ~ 100 km/s HH

58 H  Images of Pulsar Bow Shocks Guitar Nebula (1600 km/s) MSP J0437-47 (100 km/s)

59 Independent Pulsar Distances Parallaxes: Timing, Interferometry Associations: Supernova remnants, Globular clusters HI Absorption : Kinematic gal. model

60 Proper Motions of Pulsars Interferometry (VLA, MERLIN, VLBA) mas/yr - arcsec/yr Timing microsec - ms Interstellar Scintillation intensity (t, ) (minutes, MHz)

61 VLBA Astrometry PSR B0919+06 S. Chatterjee et al. (2000)  = 88.5  0.13 mas/yr  = 0.83  0.13 mas D = 1.2kpc V = 505 km/s

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