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CS526 Wireless Sensor Networks Instructor: KD Kang.

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Presentation on theme: "CS526 Wireless Sensor Networks Instructor: KD Kang."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS526 Wireless Sensor Networks Instructor: KD Kang

2 Smart Dust Sensor/actuator + processor + wireless interface Miniature, low cost hardware manufactured in large numbers

3 Mica2 Mote 128KB Instruction EEPROM 4KB Data RAM Atmega 128L microprocessor 7.3827MHz Chipcorn CC1000 38K or 19Kbps 315, 433, or 900MHz 512KB External Flash Memory (16bytes x 32768 rows) UART 51 pin expansion connector UART, ADC

4 MTS420 Sensor Board Light Temperature Humidity Barometric pressure 2-axis accelerometer GPS

5 iMote2 Intel PXA271 Xscale processor –13 – 416MHz Wireless MMX DSP Coprocessor 32MB Flash 32MB SDRAM 802.15.4 radio (2.4GHz, CC2420) Application Specific I/O –I2S, AC97, Camera Chip Interface, JTAG

6 What are sensor networks? Small, wireless, battery-powered sensors MICA2 mote Smart Dust

7 Why small, wireless, battery- powered sensors? Traditional big, wired sensors –Expensive, inefficient, hard to deploy, power- consuming –Undesirable: For example, deployment of big traditional sensors can disturb the environment in habitat monitoring –Dangerous: Imagine manual deployment of big traditional sensors for disaster recovery or battlefield monitoring

8 WSN Applications Inexpensive micro-sensors & on-board processing embedded in environments for fine-grained in-situ monitoring Ad-hoc deployment – No communication infra should be built ahead of time Structural health monitoring Fire monitoring Habitat monitoring

9 Applications Precision Agriculture Habitat Monitoring Great Duck Island Medical Application CodeBlue at Harvard Structural Monitoring Golden Gate Bridge

10 MoteLab Harvard WSN testbed open to the public 190 TMote Sky sensor motes –TI MSP430 processor running at 8MHz –10KB of RAM –1Mbit of Flash memory –Chipcon CC2420 radio operating at 2.4GHz with an indoor range of approximately 100 meters –Each node includes sensors for light, temperature, and humidity.

11 CitySense - An Open, Urban- Scale Sensor Network Testbed

12 Course Topics Operating Systems Programming & Debugging Medium access control Routing Localization Query processing and data aggregation Security

13 Grading Paper critique: 10% Paper presentation: 20% Midterm: 20% (No final exam ) Project: 40% Class Participation: 10%

14 One Page Paper Critique Not a complete essay but more of a bulleted list Part A: Briefly identify the key contributions of the paper –What research problem does it try to solve? –Why is it an important problem? –What's the proposed approach? Part B: Try to find if there is any problem in the paper –Any problems in the assumptions? –Any technical shortcomings or drawbacks? –Do the experimental results support the original claim? Part C: Any idea for improvement? (Optional) –Most challenging part –You can get the full credit by finishing Parts A and B –But, you are encouraged to try do this part as well

15 Paper Presentation 35 - 40 minute presentation per student –Present key ideas, algorithms/heuristics & performance results –Discuss related work to show how the paper presented by you is different from other work –A list of papers for student presentations will be provided Find more related papers yourself if necessary 5 minutes for questions & discussions

16 Project 2-3 students can work as a team –Find your team! Implement an existing protocol in OMNeT++ or Motelab –OMNeT++ is easier to use that ns-2 –If you plan to use Motelab, confirm your protocol works properly by implementing and verifying it first in TOSSIM (TinyOS Simulator) Extend the protocol or develop your own approach Compare their performance

17 Project Examples: –Implement an existing MAC, packet scheduling, routing, or data aggregation/in-network data processing protocol and tweak it to improve the performance or reliability –Implement a routing protocol and inject attacks such as packet dropping attacks; Observe what happens & investigate a possible countermeasure –Tell me which topic you choose before you go too far! Use your imagination!

18 Next Class Read “Overview of Sensor Networks” in the Reading List ( of Sensor Networks –No critique due

19 Questions?

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