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12 → Wed Umbraco User Group Kristofer Liljeblad Windows Azure Kristofer Liljeblad, Microsoft Developer Evangelist

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Presentation on theme: "12 → Wed Umbraco User Group Kristofer Liljeblad Windows Azure Kristofer Liljeblad, Microsoft Developer Evangelist"— Presentation transcript:

1 12 → Wed Umbraco User Group Kristofer Liljeblad Windows Azure Kristofer Liljeblad, Microsoft Developer Evangelist Twitter: @krist00fer


3 ”Molnet är en självbetjänad, till synes outtömlig, källa av IT-kraft, där betalningsmodellen är sådan att du bara betalar för det du använder” Känd Windows Azure Developer Evangelist

4 Olika typ av molntjänster Software-as-a-Service “SaaS” Platform-as-a-Service “PaaS” Infrastructure-as-a-Service “IaaS”


6 tid kapacitet verklig last tillgänglig kapacitet för mycket kraft för lite kraft prognostiserad last

7 Användning JanuariAprilJuliOktober

8 Användning JanuariAprilJuliOktober

9 Användning NovemberJanuariMarsMaj



12 Se hela filmen

13 The Windows Azure Platform Windows Azure is an internet-scale cloud services platform hosted in Microsoft data centers around the world, proving a simple, reliable and powerful platform for the creation of web applications and services.

14 Microsoft Azure Data Centers

15 Windows Azure Automates the Management of Your IT Resources Virtualized Computation provides massive application scalability. Customers can build a combination of web and worker roles. Those roles can be replicated as needed to scale the applications and computational processing power. Storage Services allow customers to scale to store large amounts of data – in any format – for any length of time, only paying for what they use or store. Service Management is performed by the Fabric Controller, which controls all the resources within the data center. The Fabric Controller deploys your service and monitors the overall health of the fabric. Security and Control State-of- the-art physical security processes combined with strictly controlled OS access model. Data is replicated in multiple fault domains in location selected by the customer. State-of-the-art data centers located around the world. Host your applications and data securely, accessible from everywhere you allow.

16 Compute Service in Windows Azure Goal: Massive Scalability Scale out – not up – by replicating worker instances as needed. Allow applications to scale user and compute processing independently. Two role types: Web Role & Worker Role Windows Azure applications are built with web roles, worker roles, or a combination of both deployed to a number of instances. Each instance runs on its own VM (virtual machine), replicated as needed

17 Defining Windows Azure Roles WEB ROLE Interacts with end-user or web services Communicate with worker roles directly or via queues WORKER ROLE Initiates their own requests for data or tasks from the queue Similar to a "batch job” or Windows service Build services and solutions with any combination of Web and Worker Roles Communicate via HTTP/HTTPS, TCP/IP, and ports other than 80 and 443 Develop with Microsoft and non-Microsoft tools: ASP.NET, WCF, other.NET tools, Java, Python, Ruby, etc.

18 Azure Compute VM Sizes Small Medium Large X-Large X-Small

19 Azure Compute VM Sizes, details Virtual Machine SizeCPU CoresMemory Disk Space for Local Storage Resources in Web and Worker Roles Disk Space for Local Storage Resources in a VM Role Allocated Bandwidth (Mbps) ExtraSmallShared768 MB 19,480 MB (6,144 MB is reserved for system files) 20 GB5 Small11.75 GB 229,400 MB (6,144 MB is reserved for system files) 165 GB100 Medium23.5 GB 500,760 MB (6,144 MB is reserved for system files) 340 GB200 Large47 GB 1,023,000 MB (6,144 MB is reserved for system files) 850 GB400 ExtraLarge814 GB 2,087,960 MB (6,144 MB is reserved for system files) 1890 GB800

20 Storage Service in Azure Goal: Scalable, durable utility-based storage Windows Azure storage is an application managed by the Fabric Controller Windows Azure applications can use native storage, MySQL within a VM, or SQL Azure Application state is kept in storage services, so worker roles can replicate as needed Blobs can be stored in global Windows Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN)

21 Blob, Tables, Queues and Drives BLOBS: Provide a simple interface for storing named files along with metadata for the file. TABLES: Provide structured storage. A table is a set of entities which contain a set of properties. QUEUES: Provide reliable storage and delivery of messages for an application. DRIVES: A durable NTFS file system volume, sharable across instances.

22 DEMO Compute, Storage, etc.

23 Running Umbraco on Azure How to install? How to sync instances? Hot to setup a new instance on scale out? How to persist data? How to handle sessions?

24 Windows Azure Accelerator for Umbraco Helps you setup/install Umbraco on Azure Helps you sync data between instances Dynamically synchronizes new instances Persists data in Blob Storage and SQL Azure Setups session handling in SQL Azure

25 Architecture

26 DEMO Umbraco Running in Azure

27 Next Steps Sign up at the Windows Azure platform developers’ portal: Windows Azure access Developer tools White papers Sample applications Plan pilot applications Learn more at Microsoft’s Estimate the cost (and your savings) at: 2 3 1 4

28 Introduktion till Windows Azure Fredag den 21 oktober Heldags introduktion Akalla Anmäl dig här:

29 THE END Twitter: @krist00fer

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