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EEC-681/781 Distributed Computing Systems Lecture 1 Wenbing Zhao Cleveland State University
2 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao What is Distributed Computer System? A collection of independent computers that appear to the users as a single coherent system –Autonomous computers connected by a network –Software specifically designed to provide an integrated computing facility => Our focus!
3 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao How It is Different from Computer Network? Distributed system is almost synonymous to middleware. It provides distribution transparency
4 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao Course Objectives Good understanding of distributed computing principles –E.g., how distribution transparency is achieved? Hands on experience –Labs: programming in different distributed computing paradigms –Projects: design and implement a distributed application => Put what you learned into use!
5 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao Prerequisite Operating system principles –Processes, scheduling, file systems, etc. Computer networks –TCP, UDP, IP, Ethernet, etc. Java programming language –At least you should know how to write a Hello World program –You don’t have to be a Java expert
6 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao Topics Overview of distributed systems –Definition Distributed systems design principles –Distribution transparency –Openness –Mechanisms and policies –Scalability
7 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao Topics System models –Fundamental models –Architecture models Communication protocols & methods –Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) –Remote Method Invocations (RMI) –Message-oriented communication –Web services
8 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao Topics Processes –Multithreading and concurrency control –Stateless and stateful design –Process migration Naming –Naming and name resolution –X.500 and LDAP
9 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao Topics Synchronization –Clock synchronization –Logical clocks –Global snapshot –Election and mutual exclusion –Transactions and distributed commit Data replication and consistency
10 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao Labs Lab 0 – Getting familiar with Linux Lab 1 – Java RMI (Remote method invocation) Lab 2 – ActiveMQ (Java Message Service) Lab 3 – Apache Axis (Web services) Lab 4 – Java JNDI (Naming and Directory) Lab 5 – MySQL/JDBC (Transactions) “Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand.” - Chinese proverb
11 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao Labs Lab sessions are mandatory unless an exception is granted in advance I will not accept the lab report if you do now show up during the lab session
12 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao Course Project Team of up to two (2) persons You define the project you want to work on –Problem definition –Approach: how do you achieve distributed transparency, openness, scalability, etc. –Related work
13 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao Course Project Deliverables –Project proposals –Progress report to help you keep good pace –Final project report Design documentation Source code of your system/application Performance measurement and analysis –Demonstration and presentation
14 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao Class Participation 10% of the course credit I may perform a roll call in the beginning of each class/lab to determine the attendance To obtain the full credit for class participation, you must satisfy ALL of the following conditions: –You do not miss more than 2 lectures –You do not miss any quiz and lab sessions –You asked at least 10 questions during the semester You will lose all 10% credit if you miss more than 6 lectures/labs
15 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao Class Participation Send me an email with the following information for each question you have asked within 24 hours after each lecture: –The question you asked –My response –Your comment on my response and suggestion for improvement, if any
16 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao Class Participation You are encouraged to send me comments/suggestions on how you would like me to improve my teaching to make it more conducive For each piece of comment/suggestion, it will be counted as 2 questions
17 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao Examinations Three midterms, no final exam The exams are closed book and closed notes, except that you are allowed to bring with you a one-page hand-written cheat sheet no larger than the US letter size (double-sided allowed) No makeup exams!
18 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao Grading Class participation: 10% Midterms: 45% (15% each) Labs: 20% Course project: 25% –Proposal 2% –Progress report 3% –Presentation 5% –Report 15% –If you are caught cheating in any of the steps, you will lose all credit for the project Grading Scale –A: 90-100% –A-: 85-89% –B+: 75-84% –B: 65-74% –B-: 60-64% –C: 50-59% –F: < 50%
19 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao Do not cheat! Do not copy other student ’ s lab report, exams or projects Do not copy someone else ’ s work found on the Internet –Including project implementation and report –You can quote a sentence or two, but put those in quote and give reference –You can build your projects on top of open source libraries, but again, you need to explicitly give acknowledgement and state clearly which parts are implemented by you
20 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao Do not cheat! Do not try to ride on a team without contributing to the project –During presentation, I will ask you questions to determine if you know what you are talking about –I may also ask you to demo your program and walk me through your code
21 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao Consequences for Cheating You get 0 credit for the task that you have cheated If the task is worth more than 25% of the course, it is considered a major infraction Otherwise, it is considered a minor infraction For major infraction and repeated minor infractions –You will get an F grade, and –You may be suspended or repulsed from CSU CSU Code of Conduct – ct.pdf ct.pdf
22 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao Reference Texts Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Marten van Steen: – “Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms” Prentice-Hall, 2002 George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore and Tim Kindberg: –“Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design” 4th Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2005 Sape J. Mullender: –“Distributed Systems” 2nd Edition, ACM Press, 1993
23 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao Instructor Information Instructor: Dr. Wenbing Zhao –Email: –Lecture hours: M W 6:00-7:50pm –Office hours: M W 2:00-4:00pm and by appointment Anonymous email: – –Password: –if you are not happy, please do let me know Course Web site: – EEC681-F08/eec681.htm EEC681-F08/eec681.htm
24 Fall Semester 2008EEC-681: Distributed Computing SystemsWenbing Zhao DCS Lab The lab consists of about 20 nodes running Suse 10.2 Linux Accessible from the Internet through the server –Externally visible domain name: The lab itself runs many distributed systems, e.g., –NFS (networked file systems) –NIS (network information service)
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