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1 What is the CSF Tracker? Calculated Salary Foundation.

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Presentation on theme: "1 What is the CSF Tracker? Calculated Salary Foundation."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 What is the CSF Tracker? Calculated Salary Foundation

2 2 Tell Me More! The CSF Program was written by and is currently maintained by UBO. Rewritten to interface with HRMS. CSF Tracker is used system wide.

3 3 What is the criteria for salaries to be recorded in the CSF Tracker? Status of the position must be Approved. Position must be flagged YES for budget. Position must be REG Object code should be 2000, 2400, 2500 CSF Tracker box should be checked Yes on E-docs.

4 4 What happens if I check Yes? You are indicating that the action you are taking is long term and should be included in the Budget Construction process. The annual salary (base) will be recorded in the Tracker according to the funding distribution you list on the e-doc.

5 5 When should I say No? Not all appointments or funding changes need to be recorded in the CSF Tracker.

6 6 Scenarios of when to say NO. When adding cost share accounts. If the individual was appointed 100% on a general fund account and you split their salary (wholly or partially) on to a grant. They have a limited term appointment on another account (current year agreement). They are appointed to a Temporary Position.

7 7 How do I review the CSF Tracker? FIS, Inquires, Labor Distribution, CSF Tracker IUIE, Master Catalog, Financial, Labor, CSF Tracker FDRS, Data Direct, Labor Financial, BL/BA CSF Tracker or Non-BL/BA CSF Tracker

8 8 Why is the CSF Tracker important? Salary information is loaded into Budget Construction from CSF Tracker data. Used to monitor base variances. Data is used in institutional reporting Meeting salary guidelines and targets are much easier the more accurate the Tracker information.

9 9 What if I’m unsure? Talk to your Fiscal Officer. Call Patti Quimby @ 855-1252

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