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Intro 1 Intro Intro 2 Counter Hack Chapters 1. Introduction --- explains why emphasis is on tools and techniques 2. Networking Overview --- we will cover.

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2 Intro 1 Intro

3 Intro 2 Counter Hack Chapters 1. Introduction --- explains why emphasis is on tools and techniques 2. Networking Overview --- we will cover most of this 3. Linux and Unix Overview --- briefly 4. Windows Overview --- briefly

4 Intro 3 Counter Hack Chapters 5. Reconnaissance --- low-tech, Web search (or “Google hacking”), Whois database, DNS, tools, defenses 6. Scanning --- War driving, war dialing, network mapping, port scanning, vulnerability scanning, IDS and IPS 7. Gaining Access Using Application and OS Attacks --- buffer overflow, pwd attacks, Web-based attacks, browser flaws

5 Intro 4 Counter Hack Chapters 8. Gaining Access via Network Attacks --- sniffing, IP address spoofing, session hijacking, Netcat, defenses 9. DoS Attacks --- locally/remotely stop services/exhaust resources, DDoS 10. Maintaining Access --- trojans, backdoors, bots, rootkits, defenses

6 Intro 5 Counter Hack Chapters 11. Covering Tracks and Hiding --- log and accounting attacks, hard-to-find files, covert channels, defenses 12. Putting it All Together: Anatomy of an Attack --- gives 3 scenarios 13. The Future, References, and Conclusions

7 Intro 6 Preface  Preface for new edition and old o First edition --- somebody’s Web pages got messed up by a “hacker” o New edition --- info on more than 1 million credit cards stolen  Common theme in security today o Attacks are now more “sinister”, mafia, etc. o In the past attacks were just fun and games  Aside: Then why did we bothered to worry about security in the past???

8 Intro 7 Intro  Attacks happen o Bad guys constantly probing  Attacks range from… o Simple scanning to o Truly sophisticated attacks  Lots of anecdotal info of real attacks o But “hard” numbers hard to come by

9 Intro 8 Golden Age of Hacking  15 years ago, Internet was only of academic interest (literally)  Today, we are highly dependent on computers and networks o Medical info, guiding aircraft, financial transactions, etc., etc.  This dependence rapidly increasing o Cell phones, RFID, toasters, etc., etc.

10 Intro 9 Golden Age of Hacking  Networking/computing infrastructure full of fundamental security flaws o Example: TCP/IP designed for friendly academic environment, no thought of security o Difficult to retrofit security  The world is “inherently hackable” o New flaws discovered on a daily basis o Hackers are reasonably well-organized o Any 15 year-old can be a hacker

11 Intro 10 Golden Age of Hacking  New technologies  new hacking opportunities o Personal Video Recorder (PVR) o Heart pacemaker o Smart cars (download maps, email, online troubleshooting, etc.) --- “carhacking”  New applications are built on top of security-flawed architecture

12 Intro 11 Golden Age of Hacking  History lesson…  WWII was Golden Age of Cryptanalysis o All major Axis ciphers were broken o Several Allied ciphers weak/broken  This situation eventually changed o Soon after WWII classified ciphers stronger o More recently commercial ciphers strong  Many many secure modern ciphers  Similar (optimistic) future for hacking???

13 Intro 12 Hacking vs Cryptanalysis  Crypto o Can be viewed as stand-alone technical problem o Amenable to mathematical techniques o Crypto is scientific/academic discipline o Nevertheless, new crypto attacks do occur  Hacking o A holistic problem o “Human factor” integral part of the problem o Anti-hacking “science” is in its infancy o Architectural issues can be addressed, but…

14 Intro 13 Why this Book?  Good guys must know how bad guys work o Today, this is generally accepted as OK  Why these specific tools/techniques? o Most common/best/representative tools o Analyze relatively few in more detail o For example, lots of rootkits --- this book looks at a few of them in detail

15 Intro 14 How this Book Differs  Encyclopedia, not a dictionary o Doesn’t cover everything, lots of detail  Phased view of attacks o All steps in the attack process  How tools are used together o Simple tools combined, creative attacks  Corny analogies

16 Intro 15 The Threat  Who are the attackers?  The proverbial antisocial teenager in his parent’s basement? o Yes, could be o May be highly skilled, regardless of age  Do not underestimate attackers

17 Intro 16 Outsider Threats  The proverbial teenager  Organized Crime o Credit card info, identity theft, etc. (money!) o Relatively “safe” type of crime  Terrorists o Perhaps in conjunction with physical attack  Governments o Many governments monitor own citizens o Certainly they monitor foreign citizens, other governments, organization, businesses, etc.

18 Intro 17 Outsider Threats  The competition o May want to learn trade secrets o DoS to drive customers to their site, etc.  Hacktivists o Politically motivated attacks o Could also be focused on companies  “Hired guns” o Hired by any of the above

19 Intro 18 Insider Threats  Estimate: 80% of all attacks are insiders  Disgruntled employee o Maybe biggest threat --- know how things work  Clueless employee o Also a big problem --- disable antivirus, click on anything, install rogue access point, etc., etc.  Customers o May want to know “inside” info  Suppliers o E.g., malicious employee at customer site

20 Intro 19 Insider Threats  Vendors o May have lots of access o Software can do just about anything for you (or to you) --- virtually impossible to check o Outsourcing only makes this worse…  Business partners o Networks may be closely linked o Security is only as strong as weakest link  Contractors, temps, consultants o Often not vetted properly, lots of access, etc.

21 Intro 20 The Threat  Do not overestimate attackers  Gold-plated security may not be wise o No point to expensive security alarm on my car o But I still lock my doors most of the time  Security should be “commensurate with” threat to/value of your system and info  Easier said than done! o Threat is extremely hard to model o Security costs notoriously difficult to estimate

22 Intro 21 Skill Levels  “Script kiddies” o Low/no skill, unsophisticated attackers (e.g., email attachment sent to millions) o Usually pre-packaged/slightly modified attacks  Example: metamorphic viruses/worms o These viruses are hard to detect o Many metamorphic “kits” available o Very easy to recycle old viruses in a new form

23 Intro 22 Skill Levels  Moderately skilled attackers o May produce tools for script kiddies o Tools released in public website… o …or may be more secretive o Tools may include nice GUIs o Make sophisticated attacks easy to launch  “End user” does not need to understand anything about the vulnerability

24 Intro 23 Skill Levels  Evil elite attackers o Highly skilled o Secretive, do not share their work o Work long on customized attack o Use specialized tools o Discover new vulnerabilities  Noble elite “attackers” o High skill, but use it for good o May become security experts, consultants, etc.

25 Intro 24 Terminology  Hacker, cracker, etc., have different meaning to different people  Book uses “good guys” (Alice and Bob) and “bad guys” (attacker or Eve) o Not necessarily human, e.g., “bad guy” could be malicious software  “White hat” == good guy  “Black hat” == bad guy

26 Intro 25 These Tools Can Hurt You!  Use tools at your own risk  Most have some malicious capability  Some could act as trojans  Use tools in controlled environment o Set up a lab (next slide) or o VMware (can probably get this for free)

27 Intro 26 Author’s Suggested Lab

28 Intro 27 More Concerns  Be careful surfing some of the sites  Be careful when you download tools  Don’t do anything stupid o You could lose your job, go to jail, etc.  Legal disclaimers…

29 Intro 28 Summary  Attacks are prevalent and damaging o Increasing in number and scope  This is the Golden Age of Hacking  Never underestimate adversary o But don’t overestimate them either  Terminology: attacker, bad guy, good guy, white hat, black hat, Alice, Bob, Eve, etc.  Be careful experimenting with the tools

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