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Final Storyboard for Orange Light Theresa Chen Wei-Ting Du David Kjos, Jr. Elizabeth Liu Lindsey Snider.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Storyboard for Orange Light Theresa Chen Wei-Ting Du David Kjos, Jr. Elizabeth Liu Lindsey Snider."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Storyboard for Orange Light Theresa Chen Wei-Ting Du David Kjos, Jr. Elizabeth Liu Lindsey Snider

2 Opening shot is a wide view of girl walking down an urban, grimy city street No cars, no people. Sounds of rustling trash and debris. 00:00:0000

3 “ Cut to front view, girl walking toward camera 00:03:0500

4 More walking 00:05:0500

5 As she approaches the viewer, we see a light shining on the left, in an alleyway. Her necklace glows with the light. 00:07:0500

6 She quickly turns to look at the light 00:08:0500

7 Cut to a view from behind. We see the light in the alleyway, the girl is silhouetted against the bright light. The surrounding city street becomes dark in contrast. 00:10:0000

8 The girl runs down the alleyway, following the light. 00:12:0500

9 She chases after the light. The alleyway has become a vast, dark space 00:14:0000

10 Cut to a closer shot of the girl running. She chases after the light, but where has it gone? At end of shot, we see her briefly slowing down, then in the next cut… 00:16:0000

11 … she comes to a full stop. Cut to a close-up of the girl. She stops and looks around, worried and confused. There’s no sign of the light. 00:17:0700

12 As she turns and looks around, stars begin to fade in from the background 00:19:0700

13 The stars become even brighter. She turns and looks around, amazed. Character animation will be important to this scene in order to convey a sense of wonder through movement 00:21:0700

14 Cut to a zoomed-out shot of the girl from behind. We see she’s in a vast space, surrounded by nothing except stars 00:23:0700

15 As the scene continues, we start to see something fading in from the background Girl should probably be moving during this time? 00:25:0700

16 We see a scene of warehouse rooftops fade in, and the girl is standing atop one of the roofs. The stars are fading out. 00:27:0700

17 We see the girl standing atop a warehouse rooftop. 00:29:0700

18 Cut to a shot of her feet slipping, to emphasize the change of environment 00:31:0700

19 Cut to a shot of the girl above to show her regaining her balance. The light appears near her. 00:32:0200

20 Cut to a shot of the girl running across the warehouse rooftop, chasing the light 00:33:0200

21 Cut to an overview shot. We see the girl running over one of the rooftops, chasing the light. 00:35:0200

22 The girl runs to one of the rooftops, and knees down, appearing to be watching something 00:38:0200

23 Cut to her sneaking a peek at whatever she’s looking at 00:41:0200

24 Cut to her from behind so we can see what she’s looking at. There’s nothing except for the light. 00:43:0200

25 As she watches, she sees the silhouette of a figure fade in, caused by the light No detail, just a pale, light silhouette, a white translucent shadow. The figure moves in slow, lethargic motions. Side-shifting from side to side, very slow 00:46:0200

26 She continues to see the figure fade in (Next slide is a diff. view; keep this view or switch to that one?) 00:48:0200

27 As the first figure is slowly moving, it stands more upright and becomes slightly more solid. As he does so, another figure emerges from where the first figure stood, moving in the same slow motions and more translucent 00:50:0200

28 Continued slow, lethargic movements, hypnotic. More figures. First figure becomes more solid, second one more solid, etc. Girl continues to watched, transfixed. 00:53:0200

29 Cut to close up of girl’s face Show reflections in eyes? Cut to a close-up of the girls eyes, transfixed, with the light-figures reflecting in her irises 00:56:0200

30 The combined movements of the now-four figures will have a very hypnotic, mesmerizing effect. Transparency effects will occur as the figures overlap each other. 00:58:0200

31 Slowly, but deliberately, all four figures stand erect in unison. 01:01:0200

32 Cut to close up of girl’s face Show reflections in eyes? Cut to a close-up of the girl again, she stares on in amazement 01:03:0200

33 One by one, the figures begin to disappear, starting from the most solid/opaque figure. 01:05:0200

34 Only one figure is left, and, already translucent, he begins to fade out even more. 01:09:0200

35 The figure can only be vaguely seen, but the orange light appears again and glows by his head. 01:11:0200

36 Cut to a close-up of the figure. We see part of the outline of the figure illuminated. The shape of the figure is invisible except for the part where the light traces his outline. 01:13:0200

37 The light moves downward - tracing his outline - and as it does so we see the figure become more solid and less transparent. 01:15:0200

38 Light moves down his outline again, figure becomes more solidified. 01:17:0200

39 Light moves down outline again, figure becomes less solid. He fades in and out as the light traces his outline. 01:19:0200

40 Light moves up again, figure becomes more solid. 01:21:0200

41 Finally, light extends to his back, and the figure becomes more solid than before, and illuminated by the light. 01:23:0600

42 Girl is intrigued, and rises up slightly to get a better view. 01:26:0600

43 At first, figure doesn’t respond 01:29:0600

44 Figure turns his head towards girl. As he does so, the light moves to illuminate his face. We see no eyes, but a pendant around his neck glows in response to the light. The pendant is the same as the girl’s that we saw in the beginning of the animation. 01:31:0600

45 Close-up of a scary image of the girls face. She gasps, surprised and wide-eyed, when the figure turns to her. 01:33:0600

46 Cut to a farther away shot where the figure and the girl are on opposite sides of the screen. The figure is fixed to the spot, the girl has risen or is rising slightly. 01:35:0600

47 Cut to a shot of the girl’s feet stepping up onto the ledge of that rooftop, towards the figure 01:38:0600

48 She runs toward him, arms extended. The background is warmer in color. The light and his pendant, as well as her necklace (not shown in this frame), are all glowing 01:39:0600

49 She embraces him, the light moves out of her way, and he raises a timid arm around her. 01:41:0100

50 Close-up of the boy’s featureless face 01:43:0100

51 He turns his head down 01:44:0600

52 Cut back to the scene from before, only now the boy has his arm around her 01:46:0600

53 As they embrace, stars begin to appear once again 01:48:0600

54 As the stars become more solid, our two figures start to fade away 01:50:0600

55 They fade out even more, the stars become brighter 01:52:0600

56 They disappear completely. Nothing’s left but the stars. The screen fades out to black, and the credits appear. End. 01:54:0600

57 01:57:0600

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