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New Zealand Indistinguishable from Australian to British and Americans; and many Australians hear it as simply another type of Aus.

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Presentation on theme: "New Zealand Indistinguishable from Australian to British and Americans; and many Australians hear it as simply another type of Aus."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Zealand Indistinguishable from Australian to British and Americans; and many Australians hear it as simply another type of Aus.

2 New Zealand Differences from Australian English

3 Front Vowel Raising: KIT Raising NZ: KIT Centring

4 New Zealand Differences from Australian English HappY is fully tensed.

5 New Zealand Differences from Australian English Other vowels: Front vowel raising easier, since i has gone; DRESS is more clearly [í].

6 New Zealand Differences from Australian English Other vowels: NURSE is rounded and forwarded to ø: E øœøœ


8 New Zealand Differences from Australian English Other vowels: NEAR & SQUARE Monophthonging: (NB raised first mora.) Tendency towards NEAR-SQUARE Merger

9 New Zealand Differences from Australian English Consonants: Occasional retention of w (no GCR) wail-whale: weil-Weil. Reportedly a small rhotic area in the South, Scottish settlement. L-vocalisation reported by Hawkins, Wells 609°. !!!!!!! o

10 New Zealand Differences from Australian English Dark ∑ blocks GOOSE and GOAT Fronting: tool tU∑, goal gou∑.

11 GOOSE and GOAT Fronting GOAT

12 GOOSE and GOAT Fronting GOOSE

13 New Zealand Differences from Australian English


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