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Math Process Session Developing a Plan to Deliver Professional Development for Common Core Mathematics September 13, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Math Process Session Developing a Plan to Deliver Professional Development for Common Core Mathematics September 13, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math Process Session Developing a Plan to Deliver Professional Development for Common Core Mathematics September 13, 2011

2 Welcome Agenda Big Ideas: Get one, share one!

3 Purpose To collaborate in order to develop tools, activities, processes, and templates to use in professional development opportunities with math teachers in each LEA/Charter

4 Outcomes Collaborate with colleagues to apply content knowledge in order to develop tools, activities, processes, and templates to use in professional development or content-area support for teachers Post at least one tool, activity, process, or template on the rt3region7 wiki for use throughout our region

5 Today’s Meet

6 Accessing the Back Channel

7 How We Communicate Region 7 wiki: Region 7 blog: www.mullinshe.wordpress.comwww.mullinshe.wordpress.comwaterlovers3kim.simmons222

8 Module Release Updates August 9: NC Professional Teaching StandardsAugust 26: Understanding the StandardsUnderstanding the Standards September 30: Developing Local Curricula for the 21st Century Learner October 21: Revised Bloom's Taxonomy

9 Math Updates from the Northwest RESA Dee Hanlin

10 Break Out Work Sessions Menu of Options Wiki Tools Activities Templates Presentations Ideas Math Process Support & Math Common Core Collaboration

11 Lunch Break

12 LEA/Charter Work Session Share Break Out Big Ideas Preparing for Delivery Design/Refine your plan Prepare tools, activities, presentations, content Collaborate Within your LEA or with others

13 Spring Support Math Content and Process Support May 3-4, 2011

14 Reflecting on the Day The best thing about today was… One resource I will definitely use is… One person I met who was really helpful was… Math teachers rock because… One concern I still have is… My contribution to the wiki today was…


16 Wrapping Up Capture your Thoughts

17 Contact Information Heather Mullins, Region 7 828.244.8759 waterlovers3 Kimberly Simmons, Region 7 828.406.9237 kim.simmons222

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